Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hath No Fear


Fear is not in love, but perfect love is casting out fear, for fear has chastening.  Now he who is fearing is not perfected in love. 

First Epistle of John 4: 18, Concordant New Testament 

That which we don't know can be a scary thing.  All too often some of our own worst fears involve that which we cannot yet see.  I was reminded of this week as I prepared for a new chapter in my life.  I don't know what this will entail, which was the cause of most of my anxiety these past few days.  Fortunately, I was able to connect with a few brothers who were able to reassure me that this was simply another opportunity in the Lord.  Now, seeking the counsel of others is not something new, but it can definitely lead us to a fresh perspective of what it is that we are about to face.  This is the very reason that those in important positions surround themselves with wise counsel.  Yet all of the wise counsel in the world cannot take away from the fact that the Lord is in control of what we ourselves cannot yet see.  As our creator, God knows every twist and turn that our lives will take even before we're even aware of them.  God has declared through His prophet Jeremiah that He knows the plans which He has for us {Jeremiah 29:11}.  We can rest assured that whatever it is that we will be going through, will be in accordance of the plans which the Father has laid out from the beginning.  Facing the unknown can be a pretty scary thought, but we 're not going through it alone by any means.  It may be of comfort us that we live now in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Whatever it is that we are going through, we experience in Him.  God Himself is bringing us through this life journey with Him.  Knowing this, what do we have to fear?  In His sermon on the temple mount, Jesus spoke to the follies of our worries {Matthews Account 6:25}.  Jesus also has proclaimed that we need not worry about tomorrow {Matthews Account 6:34}.  These are not simply words in scripture to be glanced at in times of our trials, but are meant to remind us of what is most important.  

For I Myself know the designs that I am designing for you, averring is Yahweh, designs for your well-being and not for evil, to give you a hereafter and an expectation.  

Jeremiah 28: 11, Concordant Old Testament 

In my recent struggles, I once again turned to the words of Jeremiah.  It is he who reminds us that the designs which the Father has in store for us are not intended for evil, but for our well-being.  It is fear which brings us into those dark places of the unknown.  Yet we are reminded that in God there is no fear {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  God does not bring us through difficult situations to frighten us, but to enlighten us.  We can rest assured that NOTHING God does is ever done out of evil intent.  That's not who He is.  We're also reminded that the Father may bring us into situations in order to grow us.  The apostle Paul faced His own dark moments many times in his ministry.  Paul proclaims that we should be glorying in our afflictions, that doing so produces endurance {Paul to the Romans 5:3}.  It's common knowledge that we learn more from the valleys of our experiences than we do from standing on the top of the mountains.  These experiences shape and define us.  Why should I fear something which the Lord seeks to grow in me?  There are two things which we can definitely be certain of.  We will continue to walk through life's difficult situations in union with the Father, and that we will come through them stronger than we were.  


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