Monday, August 31, 2015

Strange Bedfellows

Adulterers and adulteresses!  Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?  Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
James 4: 4 NKJV

How bad do you want to fit in?  Almost every place we go these days we have cliques of people around us.  Be it at work, school or even church, we see groups of people seperating themselves from others.  I don't like to say that some of these groups exalt themselves above other people, but sometimes this is the case.  This is most prevalent in our school systems, where kids and teens who don't "fit in" are often harassed, teased and abused all because they are different from the "In" people.  Think this only happens in schools?  Well, I've seen it happen in the workplace and in church as well.  What makes people behave this way?  I believe it's a desire to hold ourselves above others, to be accepted.  So, what is someone of the christian faith to do when faced with this situation?  When we desire friendship, will we compromise our faith to achieve it?  The book of James makes it clear, if we desire friendship with the world, we will have enmity with God.  The word Enmity can be described as a "Deep rooted hatred."  So, taken literaly, if we have friendship with the world then we have a "Deep rooted hatred for God."  Think this is harsh language?  Well, I believe that the bible is the word of God, and no amount of political correctness is needed to interpret it.  So, what are we to do if our desire to fit in collides with our religious faith?  First, I believe that fitting in with whatever clique of people if out there is in no way worth compromising our beliefs and morals.  That being said, there have been times when I have chosen to be a part of the "In" crowd, but I've managed to keep my integrity thankfully.  Most of the time it was using bad language simply because some others around me were doing the same.  Did I participate in any Hazings or abusive behavior?  No, but what I did was still wrong.  Hard to believe from such a loveable sort as myself huh?  Also, alot has been said recently about bullying in our schools.  This is the very same behavior the book of James is speaking of.  If your kids are engaged in this behavior, PLEASE have a talk with them.  It never feels good to be on the outside looking in, a stranger among other people.  We don't need to compromise our faith when confronted with rejection by others.  In fact, God may be working through us to bring another person to Jesus.

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