Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Ways Of The Creator

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways" says the Lord.  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55: 8-9 NKJV

It's an age old question we've pondered in the wake of tragedy and strife.  "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  If I knew the answer to all of the ways of my creator, well I guess I just might not need his guidance any more.  In talking with my friend Dennis, who has been tasked at times in his career of counseling those affected by tragedy, I've learned it's not an easy nor an enviable job for anyone.  What do you tell a family who has just lost a young child about the goodness and mercy of God?  It's easy for us to rejoice when God provides justice upon those people who we feel "deserve it."  However, when we ourselves or someone close to us are afflicted with tragedy, we often question Gods motives.  How could a loving God allow a tragedy and heartbreak such as a death to a christian family?  Has God suddenly lost his mercy and compassion?  Well, since the bible assures us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, I'd say this isn't the case at all.  For those of us who are unwilling to give up control of our lives, admitting that God is ultimately in charge of everything that happens in this world can be a hard truth to believe.
After my mom was stricken with cancer in 2009,  I had A LOT of complaints against my Lord!  My mother was a devout christian woman, couldn't God see that?  She was, after all, his servant, so why was God  punishing her?  But, wait, was God indeed punishing my mom?  For a time, I believed he was.  I became pretty bitter towards God.  Was my anger misplaced?  As I look back now I can see that it was indeed.  So, what was Gods purpose in allowing my mothers illness?  Well, as Isaiah 55 claims, Gods ways are well above our own understanding.  We can look to Gods word to draw some bit of solace in these times.  Why did God afflict his servant Job?  Why did God allow the people of Isreal, his chosen people, to languish in Egypt for so many years?  Why did God allow Paul, one of the greatest defenders  of the faith of all time, to die in a Roman prison?  These are all questions we can only attempt to speculate on.  The truth will only be revealed to us in the fullness of time, if God so chooses.
Now, if I may toss another monkey wrench into this discussion, what if God already knew beforehand everything that he would accomplish?  We all know that our Lord God is all knowing and omniscient, so is it that far of a stretch to make the claim that he pre ordains EVERYTHING that he does?  I truly believe that everything is created by God for his purposes.  Yes, I said created, God planned this all out ahead of time.  How can we sit there and believe in our hearts that God pre ordained the coming of Christ for our salvation, yet refuse to believe that he created the tragedies in our world as well?  There's ample evidence of tragedy in the lives of people in the bible, are we immune from such things?  We can question Gods motives all we want, but in the end, everything that he has planned from the very begining will still come to pass.  One thing that we can be assured of, however, is that Gods intentions are always for our well being because he loves his children.  That never changes.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29: 11 NKJV


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