Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Great Divide

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
~John F Kennedy~

I've been following with slight interest the antics of the 2016 United States presidential campaign.  At times it seems like a sick reality TV show while at others it reminds me of a twisted comedy.  Here we have a former government official under investigation for misconduct, a senator who didn't earn his first legitimate paycheck until age 40, a candadite with interesting connections to the Bush family and a successful tycoon all bidding to become our nations chief executive.  In my own mind, each has their own flaws.  However, as a christian and a conservative I choose the businessman for a few reasons.  First and foremost, Donald Trump is FAR above the talent and leadership level of Barack Obama!  Second, Mr. Trump, as everyone knows, has amassed a large fortune.  The lobbyists and special interests that have plagued our system for years may not find a hospitable welcome in a Trump white house.  He has, in fact, recently vowed to avoid them.  You don't trust him?  Do you trust the man who claimed that if you liked your doctor that you could keep him?  Do you trust a group of cronies who slept while four Americans were killed in Benghazi?  I've noticed recently that the political rallies of Donald trump have been interupted by certain protestors.  Immediately my mind flashed back to the lazy hippie protestor of the Vietnam era.  Lord forbid we should lend these sloths any time.  However, I learned long ago that any conservative political candadite running for president would not only face off against their political opponent, but the national media as well.  See, the deck is pretty much stacked against such a candadate before he even declares his intentions!  Almost daily I hear of yet another hack anchor at CNN, MSNBC or some other broadcast media joke of a network attacking Donald Trump while turning a blind eye to Hillary Clinton and her democrat posse.  I recently heard that Hillary was "pained" that the American public had finaly woken up and no longer trusted in her.  Pained?  Really?  Was it because she was fired by the Watergate comission for dishonesty?  Wait, was it because of her dealings with the Rose Law firm in Arkansas and the destruction of vital records?  Anyone recall Vince Foster?  Hillary is pained?  What about the rest of us?
The fact remains that I have never seen a time in our nations history where we are so politicaly divided.  In a nation where different opinions and beliefs are celebrated as individual rights, many have resorted to insulting those who do not share the same political views as they do.  The same people who talk of diversity and free speech are the same people who attempt to silence that of others.  We are not a nation of one common belief, but of different points of view.  This is part of what makes our nation a shining light of freedom seen around the world.  Most of  us who are old enough recall the tyrany of Warsaw, the killing fields of Cambodia and Tienneman Square.  Our nation has always been the last refuge of freedom.  The brutal tactics of political persecution are something that we are a refuge from, not a hotbed for!  However this turns out, be assured the world is watching.


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