Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Believing The Unbelievble

Yoda ~ "Always with you it cannot be done, hear you nothing that I say?  You must unlearn what you have learned"

Luke ~ "Alright, I'll give it a try"

Yoda ~ NO!  Try not!  Do...or do not...there IS NO try!"

Once again the old Jedi master had taken Luke Skywalker to school, which was his job.  His apprentice grimaces at the prospect of trying to raise his starfighter from the waters of that Dagoba swamp.  To Luke this seems impossible, so he responds the only way he knows, with his human mind.  He does not see what his master sees, and he seems unwilling to accept it.  That is, until the 900 year old jedi master takes his apprentice to school once again.  In many ways, we can learn alot from the old master regarding our understanding of the truth of Christ Jesus found in Galations 2:20.  For as the jedi master instructs his young apprentice, "You must unlearn what you have learned."  One of the struggles for me in coming to the realization of the truth of Jesus was just that, I believed all which I had learned from one pulpit pounder or another.  What I had learned from one pastor after another was that there was a seperation between Jesus and myself.  Sure Christ had forgiven my sins through His death on the cross and had defeated death by rising three days later, but upon His resurection He had ascended into heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.  Jesus was in heaven and I was on my own here in this sinful world.  No teaching had revealed to me the truth that not only had Jesus risen from the grave, but that we live AS JESUS today.  The apostle Paul makes this clear in Galations 2:20 by claiming. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."  Our old man, our old sin nature, was crucified and put to death with Christ Jesus on the cross.  We are not sinners saved by Gods grace, but entirely new creations in Christ Jesus.

20“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galations 2:20 NKJV

It almost seems like a uphill struggle as we attempt to "unlearn" all which we have learned about Jesus.  However, in the end we are blessed with a deeper connection with Him.  This is the connection which Gods children had with Him at the begining, but which was abolished when Adam and Eve chose instead to follow the lie of satan.  This was the lie in which satan claimed that Eve could and indeed would be "Like God" if she would only eat from the tree which God had instructed her not to.  This lie, that they could be truly independent, was the same lie for which satan had himself believed when he believed that he could be more exalted than God.  For this he was expelled from heaven along with those who had rebelled with him.  For partaking in the very same lie, Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden to work the ground from which they came.  Instead of having intimate fellowship with God, they were now on the outside looking in.  It is the truth of Christ Jesus that restores our relationship with our heavenly Father that was damaged by satans lie of self independence.  The life which we live, we live in Christ Jesus.

Luke ~ "I don't believe it!"

Yoda ~ "THAT...is why you fail."


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