Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Jesus, Mary and Joseph

But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.  "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins."
Matthew 1: 20 - 21 NKJV 

Can anyone relate with what Joseph was told by the angel?  Here he was, a typical young Jewish man about to be married to the woman who had been chosen for him (Yes, they still did that back then).  Josephs thoughts, for all intents and purposes, should have been on his upcoming wedding.  However, here he was burdened with thoughts already of a unfaithful mate?  Granted, back in Josephs day, were a woman found to be accused of bearing a child before marriage, she was subject to being "put away" by her husband to be.  Of course, this would have been a shameful thing for Mary.  We're told that Joseph wished to deal with this privately, so as to spare his bride the shame {Matthew 1:19}.  These were the thoughts of a young Joseph on the eve of his marriage.  Of course, the angel of the Lord had some good news for him.  Well, for all of us.  Indeed, the child Mary was carrying inside her was born of God, the promised Messiah of His people.  Unfortunately, not everyone who had heard the prophesies actually believed them.  Indeed, the prophesy of the coming King had been spoken for hundreds of years.  I am of the opinion that the scriptures we hold so dear are simply a guide towards a relationship with the King, Christ Jesus.  Not simply a book of rights and wrongs and rules to be followed, but the story of the life of Jesus from the beginning.  So, we now know the thoughts of Joseph in this confusing time, but what about Mary?  What about she who will birth the coming King?  Well, we can be sure that Mary's thoughts may have been along the same line as her future husbands in some ways.   We can assume that were Joseph to know of the unborn child being carried by Mary, that she also was aware of these happenings.  Her thoughts, for sure, must have been on how her life would now change.  Then, as with Joseph, the angle of the Lord answered that question for her.  Mary's reaction to hearing of the special nature of her child is a good indication that she must have been as confused as Joseph.  "How can this be?" {Luke 1:34}  How indeed.  As one of my favorite 80's TV actors was fond of saying..."I love it when a plan comes together!"  I'm sure the Lord does as well.

Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?"  And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God."
Luke 1: 34 - 35 NKJV

Indeed, we love it when a plan comes together.  I will say that I have had many a Mary moment in my own life when I've realized just how the Lord is working.  How can this be?  I also realize that it is not up to me to rationalize His works, only to accept them knowing that it is He who lives in me {Galatians 2:20}.  So, we know of the reaction and thoughts of Joseph and Mary during this time, but what about the star of the show?  What, if any were the thoughts of Jesus the unborn child?  Now, before anyone starts going "medically impossible" on me, consider this...that Jesus was with us before His birth.  That's right, even before His birth, Jesus was in the picture and a integral part of each of us.  We're told that He "was in the beginning with God" {John 1:2}.  So, can we say with any certainty what the thoughts of Jesus were at this time as well?  I can.  How could the thoughts of Christ be any different than they are now?  Therefore, I believe that the thoughts of Jesus were...of us.  That's right, the thoughts of Jesus have always been with those He was destined to save from the grip of their own sins.  I believe that we can proclaim this with all confidence.  How could He not think of us?  From the very beginning, He has always been connected to us.  I will go one step further and say that Jesus was waiting anxiously for His opportunity.  Not only to do the will of the Father, but to bring us into union with Him {John 17:21}.  Some have called it the greatest story ever told.  While I agree, I would take the prophesy and life of Jesus one step further.  I would call it the greatest life which is still being lived...through us.

"That they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."
John 17: 21 NKJV


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