Sunday, March 1, 2020

Another Jesus Opportunity

Son I'd rather take ten seconds in the saddle
Than a lifetime of watching from the stands
~Chris Ledoux~

There was a time a few years back when I wasn't as confident as I am today.  I know that it's hard to believe, but I once shunned almost every opportunity which might have required taking a risk.  Then came the day where I was abruptly reminded by a friend of mine that taking risks is a vital part of a life in Christ Jesus.  To illustrate his point, he pointed to a song about a old cowboy lamenting his days in the rodeo.  Knowing that he would never be satisfied with never having tried, the old cowboy claims he would have rather rode than watched from the stands.  That song changed my life in a way.  Not only that, but the message from my friend changed the way I began to see myself.  Before that day, I saw myself not as a doer and risk taker but as someone who went along with the crowd.  Now, that might work for someone who lives a life void of contact with others, but I began to see that it wasn't a life I wanted.  I was done watching from the stands.  Granted, a lot of my attitude came from a low perception of my own self worth, but that began to change as well.  I will be the first one to admit that my transformation was nothing like turning on a switch, it took some time.  However, slowly the real Scott began to come through.  Another chance for a Jesus opportunity.  For those Christians who are not familiar, a Jesus opportunity is the chance to show those around us who it is that we really are.  The apostle Paul reveals our true identity in Galatians.  He recognizes that it is "no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" {Galatians 2:20}.  It is this truth that is at the heart of our Jesus opportunity.  We are told that no one has ever seen God {1 John 4:12}.  So, how is it that Jesus was able to interact with people of His time?  He became as we are.  He became flesh.  This was the only way that He would be seen by those around Him.  Yes, this is still true today.  The Jesus opportunity is Christ revealing Himself through us.  I have no doubt in my mind that Jesus revealed Himself through my friend whose wisdom helped me see myself as I really am.  Another Jesus opportunity.  Think of it, how else can Christ reveal Himself to the world today if not through Gods children who He lives through?  Our own Jesus opportunities are a big part of our life.

Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us."  Jesus said to him, "have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known me, Philip?  He who has seen me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'show us the Father?'
John 14: 8 - 9 NKJV

I saw a Facebook post the other day from a friend who was talking of the "mighty power of God demonstrated through the wind in the trees."  While that may be true.  It believe that it pales in comparison to our Jesus opportunities.  Like a lot of Christians, my early days in the faith were filled with a doubt that I could not possibly believe in one whom I could not see.  Has anyone ever had this Philip experience?  Jesus, just show me the Father and I'll believe!  Well, the truth is, we're shown the Father each and every day.  We're told that God is indeed all in all {1 Corinthians 15:28}.  We see the Father in all that we are.  We see the Father in those around us.  Yes, we even see the Father in the wind in the trees.  Nothing we will ever experience is without the Fathers fingerprints upon it.  It is the Father who has breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  Consider that verse for a minute.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Genesis 2: 7 NKJV

It is through the Father that I live.  It is through the Father that WE live.  It is the Father who breathed life into us.  As Jesus said, "How can you say show us the Father?"  What is it that you think the desire of Jesus is today?  Well, if you were Him wouldn't you want to be seen by Gods children?  Wouldn't you want to be a visible part of their lives?  Well, another Jesus opportunity in the making.  It is possible for the Fathers creation to see Jesus...through us.  Indeed He lives through us today, but He also reveals Himself to others through us as well. our Jesus opportunity.

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2: 20 NKJV


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