Saturday, April 4, 2020

Thoughts About Home

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord
2 Corinthians 5: 8 NIV

Most of us, by now, have learned how it is to spend most of our daily time at home.  So much so, that many of us long for the days when we could simply go out and do that which we desired to do.  I know I do.  My entire daily schedule has been thrown out due to our current situation.  I'm guessing that I'm not alone when I say that.  Despite the current hardships we're facing, there are those who enjoy the opportunity to be at home among family.  I know more than a few people who are enjoying this time to connect and spend time with their families.  I'm not one of those.  Before all of this happened, I was one who enjoyed going out and talking to people throughout my day.  Don't get me wrong, I still do, just on a more limited basis.  I'm used to the heavy traffic, people everywhere and the hustle and bustle of daily life.  That's my thing.  I'm sure that once this shelter ban is lifted that perhaps I will long for a few moments of peace and quiet, but as for now I've had more than enough solitude.  For now, home is where we remain.  But, where is home, really?  All too many people associate home with that earthly we return to at the end of each day.  Yes, this indeed is our home.  However, I also hear those speak of home in a different way.  I've heard many a Christian speak of that time when the Lord calls us home.  I would point out that it is this home that should be our true desire.  some will say that, at some point, that we believers will be "home with the Lord."  We do well to think in this way, but we're also missing that which is right in front of us.  We need not wait until the Lord calls us home in order to be in His presence.  The apostle Paul speaks of this in Galatians.  Paul knew that it was indeed Christ Jesus who lived through him {Galatians 2:20}.  He also knew that it was better to abandon his earthly body for the opportunity to be "home" with the Lord {2 Corinthians 5:8}.  When Paul talked of focusing upon things above, this is what he was referring to {Colossians 3:1-2}.  We see out true home as that of our eternal dwelling.  That place where we will slip the bonds of our earthly life to be with Christ.  In the meantime, we are but visitors in a foreign land.  We may refer to this land as home, but I know where my home truly is.

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things of God, not on things of the earth.
Colossians 3: 1 - 2 NKJV

I recall my mother, before her passing, spoke of going home.  Now, I believed at the time that she was referring to her earthly home.  However, my mom was a God fearing lady, and I believe that in her final days she was longing for her life in the Lords presence (mom was on the fence about the whole Christ in us thing).  She knew what awaited her and, in her mind, it was much better than what she was facing here among the living.  When I think of her words, I think of Paul, who spoke of being at "home" with his Lord.  We think of home as being our earthly dwelling because that is what we know.  That is what we experience each day.  I have a home, that is where I've been sequestered during this unconstitutional government shutdown.  However, this is not the home I await so eagerly.  My true home will be free of hurt, pain and meddling government authorities.  My true home will be that place where I will be with God and my mother and I will be reunited once again.  That is what I wait for.  When our minds are focused upon things above, we see that our one true home is not that shack with a two car garage and fireplace.  No, our true home is one where we will reside with Christ Jesus and those who believed in Him.  How happy must the Father be to have His children home?  Too many people view our passing into the end of our lives in a painful, negative way.  We should be celebrating our new journey!  Remember, Christ has overcome death once and for all {Romans 6:9}.  This is setting our minds upon things above.  As we live as visitors in this land, we eagerly await the day when we will...go home.

For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.
Philippians 1: 23 NKJV


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