Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday Monday


You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

1 John 4: 4 NKJV 

I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but this is Sunday and the weekend is almost over.  Tomorrow marks another day where many of you, including myself, will be back at work for the beginning of another week.  There are those who carry with the start of the new week a sense of dread, as if the very end of the world is arriving at any moment.  I get it.  I've been there far too may times.  Many times over I have had a case of the Mondays, where everything just seems to go haywire.  Whether you're a frat kid returning to class or a office worker marching back to your cubicle, Monday means only one thing, back to the real world.  Now, I need to be careful here that I do not present too much of a sense of gloom as I set up these thoughts.  For if too many people read this and decide to call in sick on Monday I could suddenly become the enemy of corporate America.  So, I will pose the question, how many of you out there have faced one too many of those dreaded Mondays?  How many of you have marched off to work on Monday morning knowing that you needed a vacation soon?  I've been there...just last week in fact.  So what will my thoughts be tomorrow morning as I face another Monday?  This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it{Psalm 118:24}.  Indeed, that day which far too many of us have dreaded should not be seen as the drudgery of a new work week, but as another opportunity for us to see what the Lord will reveal in us.  I realize that may be a difficult task for some, but know this, there would be NO work week without the creation of the Lord.  We cannot look anywhere in this world we live in without seeing the undisputable evidence that something mighty and miraculous came upon this world long ago.  If you're a believer you may very well see this as Gods creation.  However, if you are more scientifically minded you may believe that some astrological explosion somehow created all which we see.  As for me, I see the world around me as evidence of He who is in me {Galatians 2:20}.   

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.  Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

Genesis 1: 1 - 3 NKJV 

Can it be that hard to believe that the spoken word of the Lord resulted in the creation of all we see around us?  Yes, even Mondays?  I believe this to be true.  Almost a year ago, in the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I remember standing beside the freeway while at work one Monday morning when I suddenly noticed something odd.  There was very little traffic.  I was used to seeing bumper to bumper traffic on the freeways of Portland that early in the morning, yet this morning, this Monday was different.  As I stood there the revelation came to me, each one of those cars not on the freeway was someone at home wondering when they would ever return to work.  To these people, this Monday wasn't a chore to be faced, but a reminder of life interrupted.  My prayer that day was one I would pray all too often in the coming months, 'Lord, please reveal your mercy and allow your children to once again return to work.'  Ever since that morning, I haven't looked at Mondays in the same way as I used to.  What used to be a grim march to the time clock each Monday morning is now a reminder of the goodness and provision of the Lord in my own life.  For without Him there would definitely be no more Mondays.  

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1: 1 NKJV 


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