Friday, September 24, 2021

Command Decisions

 "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Luke 14: 11 NKJV 

Some decisions aren't popular by any means.  Think former president George Bush and his decision to unveil new taxes after soundly proclaiming, "No new taxes!"  The decisions we make today carry with them the possibility of ridicule and mockery from others tomorrow.  Now, if indeed we care about such things, this might prevent us from ever making those difficult command decisions.  However, if we trust in ourselves and Christ Jesus who is in us, then we will stand by each and every decision we make.  Ever wonder why they are referred to as command decisions?  It's a military term for decisions made by those in command.  Of course, we can defer this definition to almost every decision we will ever be associated with.  I work for a company whose command decisions have led to the waste of millions of dollars.  I'm sure that there are stories many of us could tell of failed command decisions they have witnessed.  One of the latest command decisions in my life saw me abandoning my apartment for hotel living as I dealt with issues in my living space.  That was my decision.  I cannot take it back nor can I ignore it.  Yet, there are those in my circle who have been openly critical of the decision I made.  "I wouldn't have done it the way YOU did."  That's fine, dude, you do you.  As I pondered this writing, I wondered what it is that goes into a good decision.  Then it hit me, a good command decision is one where our thoughts are not simply on what our own situation might be, but on how it might affect others as well.  I've heard many armchair pastors wonder out loud how different things might have been had Jesus used His Devine powers to strike down those who were scourging Him before His death on the cross.  What if Jesus had, as one of the men on the cross next to Him suggested, "He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God" {Luke 24:35}.  What if Jesus had, in that moment, decided to strike down the Roman soldiers who mocked Him?  Would these have been good command decisions on Jesus' part?  

Le this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Philippians 2: 5 - 8 NKJV 

It does not take a Pharisee school graduate to predict what would happen had Jesus taken it upon Himself to take revenge upon those who mocked and persecuted Him.  For had Jesus suddenly acted upon His own pride, all we know would have instantly changed.  Gone would be the free gift which Christ Himself offers we who believe in Him.  Who would our advocate for salvation be without Jesus?  I would suggest that Jesus made the proper command decision, for He considered not only Himself, but us as well.  As I mentioned, this is the basis of a sound command decision.  For if we make decisions simply based on our own needs and desires, we have no business being in command.  Unfortunately, far too few people will ever adhere to the rules of making good command decisions.  Former president Barak Obama was often quoted as saying, "I'm everybody's president."  But was he Really?  Is America that far left leaning?  I think not.  I recall a story of the late Abraham Lincoln on the eve of the battle of Gettysburg.  Not sleeping at all, Lincoln wandered the White House grounds as He wondered how his decisions would affect not only the Union, but the south as well.  There are those who might disagree, but I feel Lincoln made a sound command decision.  Perhaps this is why the Lord instructs us to not only think of ourselves...but of others as well.  

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  

Philippians 2: 3 NKJV 


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