Monday, September 6, 2021

I Know Not


For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29: 11 - 12 NKJV 

I was thinking the other day that far too few people, myself included, know what it is that God is doing with our lives.  We can give some cookie cutter answer such as working His will, but do we really know what God is up to?  Honestly, how many of us have that deep relationship with the Lord where we can speak to Him about what it is He is doing?  Sure, a lot of our prayers revolve around what God can do for us, but what about what He is doing in the world around us?  This conversation came to life for me this week as we discussed the current political environment in our nation surrounding the covid/flu virus.  The fears are real, from loss of employment to the fear of a government endorsed vaccine.  I get it.  People are indeed anxious, and all of the negative media coverage and conspiracy theories only seem to add to this chaos.  Yet, where is God in all of this?  Well, He's in the same place He's always been, in us.  Whenever God seems far away, it's never He who has moved.  All too often, it is we ourselves who move further away from God.  I don't claim to know all that God is doing in our lives, but I do know that whatever He does He does it with us in mind.  I know that it has never been Gods intent to visit evil upon His children.  Does He allow certain circumstances to occur in our lives?  Absolutely.  It is here where we dive into the weeds of what it is the Lord is attempting to show us through all of the current events in this nation.  That should be our first question.  What are You doing through this, God?  Ask of Him this question and we may be amazed at His answer.  Honestly, I haven't yet spoken that question to Him.  But I know that He's waiting for me to.  Indeed, I know nothing of what my Father is doing in my life until I ask Him.  

For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father but is of the world.  And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 

1 John 2: 16 - 17 NKJV 

I realize that far too many people are wrapped up in the events surrounding the covid scare, but I have a question.  Do you really know when the days will end?  I hear far too many people talking about the end of the world and of different prophesies said to validate your predictions.  In all honesty, if you were a used car salesman I'd never buy a car from you.  For do you know when the days will end?  Has God enlightened you with such knowledge?  We're told that nobody knows when time will end {Matthew 24:36}.  Only the Father knows when the days will end, so don't come to me talking about your conspiracy theories please.  It is not our duty as Christians to put ourselves in the seat of the Lord and decide when events will occur.  That's His domain.  Again, one of the best things we can ask of Him is what is He doing through all of this.  If we are listening and if the Lord desires, He will speak to us His desires.  It doesn't work too well the other way around, with us telling God what will happen.  I am comfortable with not knowing what's going on.  Because I know that the One who does know has my own best interests on His heart.  My challenge to believers and non believers alike is to disregard all of the negative media coverage.  Put aside those conspiracy theories which you so freely embrace.  In their place rest in the peace of our heavenly Father who knows the desires which He has for you.  Rest in knowing that God ultimately will bring all things to pass according to His desires.  We cannot change any of that.  Or, you can wallow in the anxieties of the world and flop around like a fish on a dock.  


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