Saturday, September 4, 2021

Stand For Something


Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5: 1 NKJV 

There is a dissent rising in this nation.  A rumbling born out of hundreds of years of oppression.  I have personally seen it in the lives of my friends.  I have felt it in my own beliefs as well.  Not so long ago, in the midst of our so called pandemic, the vaccines which then president Donald Trump jump started began to arrive on the scene.  I was skeptical at first, but when Joe Biden made his infamous quote of 'It's vaxed, or masked' I was all in.  I'll admit that I was tired of the face mask mandates and wanted more than anything to be rid of that ball and chain.  So I took the shot.  Well, to nobody's surprise it turned out that Joe Biden lied to us all.  Now, with covid cases spiking across the nation, national and state governments are stopping at nothing to mandate mandatory vaccines for everyone in a effort to stop the virus.  Now, whatever side of the fence you're on is fine.  All I know is that I was lied to.  Therefore, I have zero trust for Joe Biden or state government for that matter.  And here is where the dissent is coming from.  From the millions of Americans who, for reasons of their own, have decided to tap the brakes on accepting the vaccine until they can make a informed decision.  I get it.  Yet, the might of both federal and state governments are now fully engaged in forcing their citizens into taking the poke.  What is a freedom loving American to do?  What is a Christian to do?  A question I get all too often lately is, where does God stand in the midst of this storm?  Is He for a vaccine for all?  Or, is God for the freedom loving ideals of His children?  Well, I'd say both.  See, we cannot accept one sides grievances without also accepting that Gods children are on both sides of this issue.  God is with the elderly man at risk of the virus who chooses to take the vaccine.  He is also with the freedom loving father who refuses to let his children be vaccinated with a vaccine that we don't know enough about.  God doesn't choose sides, He simply loved His children.  The bigger question we need to be asking is...where is God in all of this?  

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us. 

1 John 4: 18 - 19 NKJV 

If there is one thing I have noticed on both sides of the fence of this issue is fear.  Fear of a over reaching government.  Fear of a out of control virus.  No matter where you stand on this issue, you may have experienced the fear at one time or another.  I have.  So, where is God through all of this?  Right where He has always been.  I noticed a clever sign outside a church on the drive home the other day.  The sign read, "If you feel that God is far away...who moved?"  This is the remedy for part of our issues.  I've stood there more than a few times wondering why God seemed so far off.  Did He move?  No.  However, my perception of Him allowed me to think that He had.  This is the wrong viewpoint to have of God.  For God has never left us from the beginning.  The apostle Paul assures us of this as he writes of Christ Jesus in him {Galatians 2:20}.  We cannot wonder if God is far off when we have the realization that Christ is in us.  To understand where God is in all of this turmoil we must first toss aside all of the fear and fear based politics that prevent us from seeing Him.  Yes, I was lied to, but I also  understand that God, who is all in all, has also created this virus for His purpose.  The words came to me the other night...Your will be done.  Despite the turmoil of the so called pandemic.  Despite the fear of a out of control government.  One thing remains certain.  His will be done.

That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

1 Corinthians 2: 5 NKJV 


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