Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Gym Rats


As Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. 

Proverbs 27: 17 NKJV 

Casey works for a "global company," keeps odd hours and is pretty religious about his gym time.  Vic is a army vet who, despite being retired, still dabbles in concrete work.  Dennis is a retired Union Pacific guy who likes his whiskey.  Together we've come to be known to a few of the afternoon gym patrons as the "gym rats."  I don't mind too much as I'm not there for a popularity contest.  However, it is good to know that this small group of guys could come together in a environment that is not normally conducive to relationships.  The typical gym goer goes to the gym, does their thing and leaves.  I have noticed a few that linger to chat, but they are few and far between.  These gym rats are the exception.  I was thinking the other day about the success and failures of the men's relationship movements and how they pertain to what I have with my gym compadres.  Organizations such as Bill McCartney's  Promise Keepers were organized to bring men together in the name of the Lord.  I have been involved in more than a few men's conferences and enjoyed the experience.  If there is one criticism I would have of these drive by men's evangelistic meetings it's that the aftermath did not match the excitement of the event.  Indeed, once the Promise Keeper tents were torn down and left town, many a man was left behind with empty promises of brotherhood and relationship.  Granted, most guys are not into the entire relationship thing, but I've found that if we are in a solid group environment, relationships tend to prosper.  Think of guys who have their core group of friends who hunt.  Guys who have their motorcycle riding buddies.  Think of the gym rats.  For me, it has been proven that guys can and will find their own way into friendship with others they spend time with.  Unfortunately, this is exactly what Promise Keepers lacked.  

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.  For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.  Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.  And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 NKJV 

I recall being involved in more than a few Promise Keepers events where the plan was for men who connected during the conference would be followed up with after the tents were torn down.  To my knowledge, this rarely happened.  Granted, there were a few guys who remained connected with their Promise Keeper group, but it was not the norm.  As for me, I had a pretty solid group of church guys I was already connected with so it was never an issue.  I have talked with more than a few guys who have attended Promise Keepers in the past, however, and they regret not having contact with at least a few of the guys they met there.  Now, as I stated, much of this speaks to how we as guys approach friendships and relationships with others.  Say the word relationship to a man and he immediately starts thinking that it is one of comedian George Carlins seven dirty words.  Although we might not see it as relationship, we guys are involved in our share.  The gym rats didn't start out as a relationship, but came together over time as four guys who began to notice one another in the same place every day.  In the end, that's how this works.  The idea that a men's conference could toss a few men together, mix them like a salad and then call it relationship after only two days is ridiculous.  One of the few fundamental differences between men and women is that women are more relational, they seek out relationship with other women.  Guys...not so much.  So where does this leave men when it comes to ministry?  The same place we've always been.  We might not convince others of our own realization of the indwelling Christ {Galatians 2:20}, but this by no means should be seen as a friendship killer.  I have friendships with many who don't adhere to what I believe to be true.  We do well to remember that if the seed of Christ Jesus is to be planted, it needs the fertile ground of another who will hear it.   Meet people where they are.  The gym rats do that every day.  

For where two or three are, gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them. 

Matthew 18: 20, Concordant New Testament


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