Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Light


"You are the light of the world.  A city located on a mountain can not be hid.  Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house.  Thus let shine your light in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father who is in the heavens." 

Matthew 5: 14-16, Concordant New Testament 

I was thinking this week of something most people probably do not consider through the course of their daily lives.  For in order to think in the way I had, one would need to know the truth of Jesus that I have come to know.  Have you ever asked yourself where you walked in Jesus on any given day?  I would assume that most people have never considered this.  They can comprehend walking beside Jesus.  Of being led by Jesus.  But walking in Jesus?  Is that even possible?  What heresy is this?  Back in the day, the Jewish Pharisees were in an uproar that Jesus would even dare to consider Himself equal to God {John 5:17-18}.  Imagine a pastors reaction if someone were to mention that one could be "In" Christ.  Of course, this fly's in the face of everything we have been taught about Jesus.  Jesus isn't with us, He's in heaven with the Father watching over us.  Most Christians buy into this simply because it is the common theology and has been for centuries.  I recall having questions about meeting Jesus, of knowing the man Jesus.  The answers I got from the pastors all too often followed the church narrative.  So I followed it too.  I knew nothing about having a personal relationship with Christ until I was introduced to the revelation a good friend of mine had himself received.  A man who himself had started off with questions about knowing the man Jesus.  He was eventually led to the words of the apostle Paul, who speaks directly to the truth of  Christ Jesus in Galatians.  Paul tells us that it is Christ who now dwells in us {Galatians 2:20}.  Paul knew that, as a individual, he had been put to death at the cross of Christ.  All which remained now is Christ.  This is the often overlooked truth of Jesus.  This is the Jesus we walk IN each and every day.  So, where have you walked in Christ today?  

In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God and God was the word.  This was in the beginning toward God.  All came into being through it, and apart from it not even one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light is appearing in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not.  

John 1: 1-5, Concordant New Testament 

As I pondered my question this week, I was struck by the reference to the word light.  Light is something that Jesus is often referred to.  Jesus tells us to let our own "Light" shine in front of men {Matthew 5:16}.  Once we come to see the revelation Paul describes to us in Galatians, I believe that we will indeed let our own light of Jesus shine before others.  This is walking in Jesus.  I was pondering this during the week as I went to and from my local gym.  How is my own light being perceived by those around me?  Is Christ visible through all I do?  I believe strongly that Christ Jesus will only be seen in the world through those who walk in Him.  That's those who have the revelation of Christ in them.  I can no longer have the belief that people see only me when they look upon this man.  That would require being separate from God, and that is just not possible.  So, I remain one in Christ.  Where I go, Jesus goes as well.  What I experience, Jesus experiences.  I walk in Christ.  It is the light of Christ Jesus within me that others will see.  It is the light of Christ Jesus which I saw in my friend as he told me of the truth of Christ in me.  As I move forward, it is the light all will see in me.  

"That they may all be one, according as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world should be believing that Thou dost commission Me."

Matthew 17: 21, Concordant New Testament 


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