Sunday, October 23, 2022

Killing Jesus


In Whom we are having the deliverance through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses in accord with the riches of His grace.

Ephesians 1: 7, Concordant New Testament 

I haven't stepped into a church for a Sunday service for some time.  I'm not an unbeliever by any means.  I simply got tired of what the mainstream church was selling.  It seems that I'm not alone, as hordes of Christians each year walk away from regular church attendance.  Some are looking for something more.  Others, like myself, know the truth in their hearts and wonder why it is that the church will not speak to it.  The truth is that Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross that I would be absolved of sin.  My slate would be wiped clean.  Jesus BECAME sin that we would not face its penalty {2 Corinthians 5:21}.  Yet I remember that Sunday morning like it was yesterday.  It was Easter Sunday, and I was in my usual spot in church, doing what I had always done.  Then it happened.  After the pastor had just finished preaching the resurrection story of how Jesus had died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, he stood before the congregation and asked anyone who had unresolved sin issues to come forward for prayer.  I was dumbfounded.  Unresolved sin issues?  Here I had just sat through a sermon celebrating the fact that Jesus had defeated sin at the cross.  Had He missed a few along the way?  Was God lying to me by telling me that I was forgiven when I wasn't?  In my heart I knew the truth, but that was the last time I sat in a church.  It turns out that my decision to leave the church led me to one of the most important discoveries of my life.  That being the revelation of Christ Jesus in me.  Through various conversations with a well known friend who continues to remain nameless, I began to come to a deeper relationship with Jesus than I had ever achieved in all of my years attending church.  When I left the church I didn't abandon Jesus...I GAINED Jesus.  Traditionally, people who have left the church have been looked down upon.  Indeed, I have ran into more than a few of my former church friends in recent years and the question is usually, "Why did you fall away?"  Fall away?  No, bro, I didn't give up much of anything when I left.  The one thing that I did lose out on is the fellowship I once had with those in the church.  However, I've managed to keep a few connections with a few good friends as well.  

For this is the blood of the new covenant, that is shed for many for the pardon of sins. 

Matthew 26: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Let's consider the words of Jesus as He dined with His disciples just before His death on the cross.  The church has come to see this as the communion ritual, something we must partake of if we expect our sins to be forgiven.  Yet, for Jesus and His followers that day, it was a simple meal with friends as they had done so many times over during their travels with Jesus.  It was here that Jesus presented His disciples with the example of His coming death.  As they partook of the bread before them, Jesus proclaimed, "Take, eat; this is My body" {Matthew 26:26}.  Then, as they drank of the cup of wine, Jesus said to them, "Drink from it, all of you, for this is the blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" {Matthew 26:27-28}.  Jesus Himself proclaims that His blood will be shed for the sins of the world.  So, each time I hear some radio pulpit pounder ask what sins I have left unrevealed, I think of Jesus and what He has accomplished for my sake.  Here is my question, when will we stop killing Jesus?  How many times must Jesus be crucified for the seemingly forgotten sins of Gods children?  For if there is sin left over counted against us, then is Jesus not a liar?  Jesus proclaims that His blood is shed for the pardon of sins {Matthew 26:28}.  Let's take this one step further shall we?  Is God indeed satisfied with the sacrifice endured by His Son, or is there something more?  If there is something more, one would think that God would have revealed that to us.  The apostle Paul tells us that Jesus was crucified "Once for all" {Romans 6:10}.  One sacrifice...for all mankind.  We need not continue to kill Jesus for what we feel is unresolved sin.  Jesus has defeated sin once and for all {Romans 6:11}.  

For in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.

Romans 6: 10, Concordant New Testament 


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