Friday, November 3, 2023


 The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

~Adolf Hitler~ 

It began with the posting of signs upon businesses.  Innocent enough for the local population to contemplate being implicit in the hatred.  On every street the signs declared "Der Jude."  The signs of antisemitism were everywhere, yet precious few of the German locals did nothing to stand against it.  It was, however, the Jew who ultimately stood alone against the ideas of a lone madman.  I recall watching World War two programs while growing up and seeing the crowds of undesirables herded onto railway cars.  I recall seeing the shock on the faces of the allied soldiers as they liberated the death camps.  I remember.  Yet, it seems that those who have preserved the memory of the holocaust and German persecution of the Jewish people grow fewer with each passing year.  So much so that when modern day antisemites such as Minnesota Representative Rashida Tliab rail against Israel and the Jewish people few question her rhetoric.  When hundreds of protestors gather in the streets to burn Israeli flags and chant anti Israel slogans I don't see them.  Instead, what I do see are crowds of Nazi stormtroopers doing the bidding of one who chose the Jewish people as his convenient scapegoat.  The similarities are haunting.  As the German economy tanked, Adolf Hitler drew attention away from his domestic problems by blaming the Jewish people.  Not to be outdone, as Joe Bidens economy tumbles into oblivion, democrats swarm to draw attention away from the freefall by pointing fingers at Israel.  See, Israel is the enemy.  Israel is the oppressor.  Forget the fact that for over sixty years the Arab world has tried and tried again to wipe the Jewish state off the map.  One could make the argument that Israel was born into war.  From its inception in 1948, the nation has been at a constant state of military readiness out of necessity.  To not be prepared to fight is to invite the destruction of their nation.  Therefore, on August 7th as Hamas terrorists attacked, Israel immediately responded.  As I write this, Israeli forces are pushing deep inside the Gaza strip to eliminate those who would use hate to defeat them.  Our president has called for a cease fire in this conflict which Israel did not choose.  Around the world Israel is condemned for defending itself once again.  Are we that far removed from the Nazi hatred?  

In whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus. 

Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament 

There is little doubt that the Jewish people and state share a long history with the Lord.  Her enemies often refer to her as Zionists.  There are those who would point out that Israel has been anointed as the Lords chosen people.  If this were true, then only the Jewish people would benefit greatly from the mercy and grace of the Father.  However, as the apostle Paul points out in Galatians, in the Fathers eyes there is no Jew.  Not only that, there is no Greek, Arab or American either.  God does not identify His children by nationality.  God does not identify His children by region.  What the Father has declared is that all of His creation are one in His Son Christ Jesus {Galatians 3:28}.  For it is God who has scattered the population of the earth that we would inhabit different regions {Genesis 11:8}.  It is God who has confused the languages of His creation so that not one is alike {Genesis 11:9}.  As I mentioned, it has never been our nationality which has defined us.  Nationality is something world leaders use to drum up support for conflict.  Our one true identity lies in Christ Jesus{Galatians 2:20}.  So it is that those who practice hate are not attacking their enemies, but Jesus Himself.  Of course, the majority of the human world is unaware of this truth found in Christ.  Hate is easy, realizing that all are one in the Father is hard.   Who would God tell you to kill? 

If anyone should be saying that "I am loving God," and should be hating his brother, he is a liar; for he who is not loving his brother whom he has seen can not be loving God whom he has not seen.  

1 John 4: 20, Concordant New Testament 


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