Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Come And See


Now Jesus, being turned and gazing at them following, is saying to them, "What are you seeking?"  Yet they said to Him, "Rabbi (which, being construed, is termed "Teacher"), "Where art Thou remaining?"  He is saying to them, "Come and see."  They came, then, and perceived where He is remaining, and they remain with Him that day.  It was about the tenth hour. 

Johns Account 1: 38-39, Concordant New Testament 

I read an article recently which talked of a trend among some college age students who were getting themselves baptized in the back of a pickup truck.  Now, having been baptized twice myself, I can say that the decision to be baptized is not one that is taken lightly.  For baptism is a public testament to ones faith in the Lord.  I sort of relate this to the people I see at the gym I frequent who show up in an array of Christian themed shirts, proudly proclaiming that they believe.  As I told a dear friend recently, I believe in the Lord, and I don't need a shirt to tell that to the world.  As Jesus has proclaimed, "They shall know you by your fruits" {Matthews Account 7:15-20}.  What was Jesus referring to?  Well, I believe that He was referring to the way in which some people conduct themselves.  He begins His lesson by warning those listening to beware of false prophets, of those who come looking like sheep but inside their intentions are as rapacious as wolves {Matthews Account 7:15}.  If you've ever wondered the origins of the phrase a "Wolf in sheep's clothing." this is it.  Why do I mention this passage when speaking to baptism?  For the simple fact that recent years have seen a resurgence in those seeking to know more of the Lord.  Yes, the mainstream church has seen its share of vacant pews as well, but I am encouraged that those seeking to know the Lord is once again on the rise.  As we look back on that passage where Jesus spoke to the fishermen on the shore we get a glimpse into how Jesus would have handled someone seeking to know more of the Lord.  Jesus' response?  "Come and see."  Come and see He whom you are curious of.  Come and see where I am residing.  This is Jesus inviting these fishermen into His inner circle.  When was the last time you entered a brick and mortar church and the head pastor immediately guided you to a seat in the front row?  That never happens.  Those seats are typically reserved for the church elite.  Yet here was Jesus inviting these men to come and see where He stayed.  As most everyone knows, Jesus was no wolf in sheep's clothes. 

"Let not your heart be disturbed.  Believe in God, and believe in Me.  In My Fathers house are many abodes; yet if not I would have told you, for I am going to make a place ready for you.  And if I should be going and making a place for you, I am coming again and I will be taking you along to Myself, that where I am, you also may be." 

Johns Account 14: 1-3, Concordant New Testament 

What would I tell someone who was interested in knowing Jesus?  Well, I would start by telling them the very same thing which Jesus spoke...come and see.  Come and see the love which the Father has given.  Come and see He who takes away the sins of the world.  Despite my criticism of the modern day mainstream church, I believe that it is a good starting point for someone who is desiring to know the Lord.  I cannot speak to this myself, as going to church was just something which was expected of us growing up.  However, as I have grown in my faith, I have followed the words of Jesus to come and see.  When I desired to know more of Him, I came to see the truth of who He is.  When I was concerned if my sins would create a separation between myself and the Father, I came to see just what Jesus had accomplished by defeating sin on the cross {Paul To The Romans 6-11}.  A good friend made the comment recently that some in the mainstream church get stuck there.  That is, they stop growing in Christ.  I agree that the church is a good beginning point for someone looking to know more of the Father.  However, once the Father reveals Himself, I believe that no longer offers what they need to hear.  That being truth of the evangel of Christ.  That sin is no longer a barrier between ourselves and God.  That we ourselves reside in the Father through the work of Christ on the cross {Johns Account 14:20}.  These truths are not something which they will find spoken in the traditional church.  My own revelation of Christ in me came years after I had last stepped foot into a church.  It was then that Jesus once again invited me...come and see! 

In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 


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