Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spirits Among Us


Yet you are not in flesh, but in spirit, if so be that God's spirit is making its home in you.  Now if anyone has not Christ's spirit, this one is not His. 

Paul To The Romans 8: 9, Concordant New Testament 

I've always had a interest in what others would refer to as the paranormal.  That is, those spirits around us.  Growing up, I devoured almost every book on ghost stories that I could find.  One of my favorite authors was the famous ghost hunter Hans Holzer.  Holzer has authored more than a few books on hauntings around the world.  As I grew into more knowledge of our true identity in the Lord, I began to see my interest in the paranormal in another light.  The apostle Paul speaks to this truth in Romans where he describes our identity as not in the flesh, but in spirit {Paul To The Romans 8:9}.  Indeed, our creation into the likeness of the Father is indeed our true spirit image {Genesis 1:27}.  It was not until later that the Lord formed our flesh from the dust of the ground and breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  So, how is it that this truth fits into the subject of the paranormal?  Simple, what if the ghosts, spirits, which others have testified to witnessing are indeed their own eyes being opened to something more?  Something which we usually have been blinded to.  The scriptures speak to those moments where our "Eyes are opened" {Numbers 22:31, Psalm 119:18, Lukes Account 24:31}.  What if these instances of our witnessing these spirit forms are none other than our eyes being opened to something which the Father desires us to see?  The author of Hebrews speaks to our being surrounded by a "Great cloud of witnesses" {To The Hebrews 12:1}.  Could this be in reference to those spirits around us?  I believe that it definitely is.  It is well known that we live in a dimension which we seldom see outside of.  That being the earth and all which surrounds us.  However, it is also well known scientifically that there exist other dimensions which we have not yet encountered.  The Father has closed our eyes to this.  Yet, just as the angels of the Lord appeared to people in scripture, these spirits which surround us are also made visible to our flesh eyes from time to time.  I would see this not as something evil, but as a revelation of the Father.  

Yet not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the first fruit of the spirit, we ourselves also, are groaning in ourselves, awaiting the sonship, the deliverance of our body. 

Paul To The Romans 8: 23, Concordant New Testament

In years past, I viewed the existence of the spirits around us as something to fear.  Not surprisingly, the countless books and movies on hauntings have a fear driven spin.  Ghosts, spirits, are something which are to be feared.  I get it.  The scriptures are filled with the reactions of fear which was felt when the Lord opened the eyes of His children to the angels.  Those seeing the empty tomb of Jesus that morning "Became afraid and inclined their faces to the earth" at the sight of the angel there{Lukes Account 24:5}.  This, of course, is a natural reaction to something which we do not understand.  Yet, the angel at the tomb of Jesus was not there to produce fear, but to share the wonderful news of the risen Christ.  His question was simple, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?"  What's so scary about that?  I have come to realize that there are indeed times in our lives when the Father chooses to open our eyes and/or ears to that which He desires for us to know.  I have experienced this revelation first hand some years ago following the death of my mother.  That revelation convinced me that she is not dead, but alive.  Alive in that spirit dimension which surrounds us.  That which includes the great cloud of witnesses.  This is something for us to fear, but to celebrate.  

Surely, in consequence, then, we also, having so vast a cloud of witnesses encompassing us, putting off every impediment and the popular sin, may be racing with endurance the contest lying before us. 

To The Hebrews 12: 1, Concordant New Testament 


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