Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is This Really Me?

So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them 

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament 

What is the real you?  Do we know?  Too many times I've heard someone proclaim that they "Weren't acting like themselves."  How would they even know?  We humans are possessed with many differing moods for different occasions.  At times our emotions run high and those around us wonder if this is who we really are inside.  As usual, I'll be looking into this from the spiritual perspective of my belief in Christ Jesus.  Our group has often discussed that God is in us no matter what, and on this I agree.  But, is God a part of our positive and negative emotions as well?  I would say yes, and here's why.  From the beginning, the Lord has been a permanent part of who we are.  He created us in His very image {Genesis 1:27}.  Of course, this image in which we were created is not the one I grew up believing.  For we were created in the spirit image of God, that is who we truly are {Paul to the Romans 8:9}.  Just as God is in the spirit, so is our one true identity in Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  Most Christians have never known of the second creation.  This is something which I have known for some time from scripture, yet never considered it a second part of our creation until now.  This second creation occurred when God formed from the dust of the ground the flesh image which we often perceive as who we are {Genesis 2:7}.  So it is that our spirit image is encased in the flesh, yet still a part of the Lords creation.  Many Christian pastors rail against the wickedness of the flesh for its part in our wrong behaviors.  But I would point out that each and every wrong behavior we have ever participated in began in the mind.  Before the wicked action even took place, the thought to do so registered within us.  But where is God in all of this?  Right where He has always been, in union with us.  Remember, God DOES NOT change {Malachi 3:6, To the Hebrews 13:8}.  God began in us, and that is where He has remained.  

That which is begotten by the flesh is flesh, and that which is begotten by the spirit is spirit. 

Johns Account 3: 6, Concordant New Testament 

Knowing this, what can be said of our true identity?  Who is it that we really are?  Are we simply just a mix of flesh and cells which will turn once again to dust when our days are complete?  If this were indeed true the Lord would have told us so.  But that is not our true identity.  That is not who we really are.  Paul spoke to this truth of the indwelling Christ in Galatians {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Paul understood that he no longer lived, but that he was living in Christ Jesus.  Yes, his flesh resembled the man Paul, but his one true identity was in Christ Jesus.  But wait, where was God when Paul was persecuting the early church?  The same place He always had been, in Paul.  This is the issue which prevents too many believers from seeing themselves to be in union with the Lord, the works of the flesh.  How could God be in the presence of such deviant behavior?  I have a better question for you, how could we forget who we really are?  Of course, to forget who we truly are we first need to understand who it is we truly are.  Sadly, many believers are not aware of this truth.  Instead, we follow mainstream church backed teachings which tell us that God cannot be in the presence of sin.  We mistakenly believe that we are still sinners, and that we are separated from God because of this.  Remember, God never changes.  If He was with us from the beginning, He is with us now.  It is we who have forgotten not only our true identity, but our union with the Father.  


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