Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Jesus Bath

 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything, but a new creation. 

Paul to the Galatians 6: 15, Concordant New Testament 

Have you been washed?  You know, washed in the bath of Jesus?  I personally have been baptized three times in my lifetime.  Once after I was born and then two more times as the spirit led me.  Each time I had the temporary feeling that I was indeed closer to God.  I had proven myself to him.  But then the teachings of all have sinned came knocking once again and I felt guilty all over again.  It has been said that baptism is but a public testament to our faith in the Lord.  I guess I could agree with that, but is that really what God is looking for?  The apostle Paul tells us that the Father is not interested in ritual, but in our own realization that we are a new creation in Christ {Paul to the Galatians 6:15}.  I can honestly say that rituals cannot bring about that revelation within us, I am living proof of that.  Each and every time that I was baptized I felt a brief sense of being close to Him, but that was a passing feeling.  You could say that baptism is a band aid to the ages old problem of sin in our lives.  We take the Jesus bath expecting to be complete in Him, that our lives will suddenly turn in the right direction.  It doesn't work that way.  When we are baptized, we are confirming our faith in God.  But again, do we really need a ritual for that?  Can't I simply proclaim my faith and union in the Father as I do these days?  Well, when we're dealing with the mainstream church, there's always a ritual for most everything.  We have rituals for how we give, for how we pray and for how we worship the Lord.  Again I ask, is this really needed?  I would say no.  Paul proclaims that Christ has removed these requirements from our lives once and for all {Paul to the Colossians 2:14}.  What good is the free gift of God if we need to prove ourselves to Him?  

Erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst, nailing it to the cross. 

Paul to the Colossians 2: 14, Concordant New Testament 

It has never been Gods intention that we should prove ourselves to Him.  That we should be proving ourselves worthy of His love and grace.  Jesus took care of all of that at the cross.  But wait, wasn't Jesus Himself baptized by John the Baptist?  Yes, but there was a purpose for this.  That purpose was, as Jesus said, "For us to fulfill all righteousness" {Matthews Account 3:15}.  Jesus certainly didn't need to publicly proclaim His faith, yet being fully human as well, the Father allowed John this ritual.  We must realize that the Jesus bath has never been about a transformation of our lives.  That comes only from our realization of the indwelling Christ in us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  The church did not open my eyes to a life in Christ through baptism.  This was revealed in me years later through the encouragement of a good friend and the truth of the writings of Paul the apostle.  Paul spoke to the reality of Christ Jesus being our life {Colossians 3:4}.  We live now in union with Jesus and the Father {John 14:20}.  Again, this realization did not come from the ritual of baptism, but the revelation of the Father in me.  I do not need to prove myself worthy, only to realize the free gift which He has given me.  


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