Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Church On Every Corner

 For the era will be when they will not tolerate sound teaching, but, their hearing being tickled, they will heap up for themselves teachers in accord with their own desires. 

Paul to Timothy (2) 4: 3, Concordant New Testament 

People often wonder how it is that Christians solve disagreements within the church.  We're human, we have faults, how do we who are supposed to know better solve the internal disagreements within the church?  Well, one of the ways that we Christians often solve in house disagreements is to simply start another, different church.  I have been a part of a few churches in my time where an associate pastor was miffed at not receiving a lead pastor position and thereby left his church and started a new one in which he was the head pastor.  His desire was to lead a congregation, and that desire wasn't being realized in the church he was currently in.  I get it.  But when this man left that congregation, it was not just he that packed up and left.  No, following him was that portion of the congregation who enjoyed listening to this man and his teaching.  In the blink of an eye, a once large church congregation had been reduced to a small community church.  This is the model that is followed by many who become irritated with their current church.  Instead of resolving issues, they simply start a new church with leadership they agree with.  This is one main reason why it seems that there is a church on almost every corner in every town.  It seems that the days of one church per town are over, unless you live in a very small town.  I recall the church I used to attend and the rumblings and rumors which permeated the congregation from those who were not satisfied with the current leadership and teaching.  Of course, this not only takes a toll on the flock but also creates divisions within the church itself.  There will often be those who support the current pastor while others want a new pastor who they feel teaches better.  In the church I used to attend, people would often try to persuade me to accept one side or the other.  This was not what I came to church for.  

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual, but as to fleshy, as to minors in Christ.  Milk I give you to drink, not solid food, for not as yet were you able. Nay, still, not even now are you able, for you are still fleshly. For where there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly and walking according to man?  For whenever anyone may be saying, "I, indeed, am of Paul," yet another, "I, of Apollos," will he not be fleshly?

Paul to the Corinthians (1) 3: 1-4, Concordant New Testament 

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the church at Corinth, spoke of his concern for the church there.  At how quickly they had turned from the teachings of the evangel of Jesus.  These Corinthians had chosen instead to follow a teaching they desired more than the original gospel of Christ Jesus.  What happened to the church at Corinth is happening to churches around the world.  Hearing someone speak a different, more appealing message, many turn from that which they know to something new.  This is exactly why the apostle John called upon believers to "Test the spirits to see if they are of God" {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  How many of those who have become enthralled at the teachings of an up and coming young pastor have taken the time to test the spirits?  To seek out the Lord in prayer and honestly seek His guidance?  Those who leave long standing congregations claim that they have spent time in prayer over their decisions, but have they?  Or, desiring to be the centerpiece of a new up and coming church, are blinded by the attention which that brings to them?  Honestly, these are the questions I ask whenever I see an established pastor leave his congregation in order to start another.  Are you seeking to speak the evangel of Christ Jesus, or simply your version of it?  Keep in mind that whatever decision you make affects not only you, but those of the congregation that follow behind you.  But if it doesn't pan out, you can always start a new church.  

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are of God, for many false prophets have come out into the world. 

First Epistle of John 4: 1, Concordant New Testament 


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