Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Let Them Hear


"He who has ears, let him hear!"

Matthews Account 13: 9, Concordant New Testament

I've often wondered why it is that I came to see the truth of my union in the Father while others have not.  I believe that it is the Fathers desire that all will be saved, so why have not those around me come to the same realization that I have?  Jesus proclaimed in His ministry that he who has ears, "Let him hear" {Matthews Account 13:9}.  Obviously, Jesus was aware that there would be those who would refuse to hear His message.  Jesus was also aware that there would be those who would reject Him.  When I look at the church today, I see many who have either known the truth of Christ Jesus or are so immersed in the church ideology that their ears are indeed closed.  I thank the Father for His revelation in my own life.  For if it were by the Fathers revelation that I came to truly know Jesus, will it not be by the Fathers own revelation that others will follow?  The apostle Paul, in his description of that infamous day on the road to Damascus, reveals how it is that he came to know Jesus.  Paul reveals that it is only "When it pleased God" that Christ Jesus was revealed in him {Paul to the Galatians 1:15-16}.  How can it be that one can hear the message and not know the truth of Christ Jesus?  Well, that was my life for a good number of years.  Growing up in the church, I accepted what I was taught for the most part.  It's not that I didn't believe in Jesus, it was just a different narrative of Christ.  In my mind, I believed that I knew Him.  Yet, in my heart, I wanted something more.  I wanted to know the Jesus who walked each day with His disciples.  I desired to know the Jesus His followers knew.  This is the true Jesus I was looking for.  It was also the Christ I would never find while in the mainstream church.  Indeed, it was not until I began to refrain from attending church that the Fathers revelation began to take hold and I began to hear.  

For the era will be when they will not tolerate sound teaching, but, their hearing being tickled, they will heap up for themselves teachers in accord with their own desires, and, indeed, they will be turning their hearing away from the truth, yet will be turned aside to myths. 

Paul to Timothy (2) 4:3-4, Concordant New Testament 

I remember the words of my friend Dennis when he began to speak to me about this new Jesus.  How I struggled with the possibility that Christ could ever reside in me, a sinner.  As the words of Paul were introduced to me, I began to see that reality {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  It all seemed logical, that Jesus had given Himself for me on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.  This is one of the foundational beliefs of Christianity.  How is it, then, that we continue to consider the false teachings that sin remains an obstacle in our lives?  Paul reminds us that Christ died for us ONCE for all time {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Because of the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross, my sins past, present and future are no more.  In essence, I was no longer one of those who had ears but could not hear.  Through the Fathers revelation, my eyes and ears had been opened to the truth of His Son in me.  Yet I continue to wonder, if my ears have been opened, why do so many continue to not hear the truth of Jesus?  Of course, that is the Fathers realm.  If it is His desire that to use me to open the ears of another as mine were, then that is what will be done.  The world will come to see the Father through those who have known him.  


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