Friday, July 26, 2024

Being Known


Yet hallow the Lord Christ in your hearts, ever ready with a defense for everyone who is demanding from you an account concerning the expectation in you, but with meekness and fear.

Peter to the Dispersion 3: 15, Concordant New Testament 

The other day I had a friend tell me that he had noticed something different about me since he we had met.  Now, for my part, I have never seen myself as special, simply another normal person.  But this man insisted that there was indeed something different which he had noticed.  Then he laid it out for me.  When he had injured himself on his contracting job, I took the time to check in on him.  When he needed someone to listen, he knew that he could speak to me.  It's funny how those around us can see things in us that we ourselves fail to recognize.  I don't apologize for these things which my friend noticed in me, for I have no need to.  I feel that I am the same way with everyone that I meet.  This is how I am known.  It is Jesus who speaks to those who will be known by their fruits {Matthews Account 7:20}.  Although in this passage Jesus is referring to the many false prophets that will come into the world, I believe that it applies to those who know the Lord as well.  For if we ourselves bear good fruit, others will notice.  In a world where we all too often find resentment and hostility, those who walk in the Lord can be a refreshing change to the hostility around us.  I think of the hostility which Jesus Himself faced in His life, and how He responded to the hostility from those around Him.  His gentleness and compassion is something which we seek to model ourselves by today.  But I don't believe that we need to simply "Be like" Jesus and model ourselves after Him.  No, I believe that we live each and every day in union with Jesus and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  And if we live in union with the Father, then we have His attributes as well.  The love and compassion which the Lord Jesus has displayed to others is definitely a part of who we are.  By this, Jesus proclaims, we will be known {Johns Account 13:35}.  

Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house.  Thus let your light shine in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father Who is in the heavens. 

Matthews Account 5: 15-16, Concordant New Testament 

Those who have been readers of this page may know that I am a regular visitor to my local gym.  There have been times where I have considered this as a hobby.  Through my time going to the gym, I have come to develop more than a few friendships with some of the regulars who I would usually see there.  My friend the contractor happens to be one of these brothers.  Over time, I began to refer to this group of friends as the Gym Rats.  A gym rat being a term people use for those who are constantly at the gym.  The name stuck.  The gym rats are a mixed bag of society.  We have professionals, contractors and students.  The truth is, if I have met you at the gym you would most likely be known as a gym rat in our group.  I've often thought that this group of friends could be a close replica of the disciples of Jesus.  That is, if they were all believers.  So, I guess that's where I come in.  My friend the contractor is not a believer in Jesus, yet he knows that I am.  The funny thing is, even the most worldly of our gym rats will suddenly watch their language and behavior whenever I approach them.  Why is that?  I'd like to think that I have been having a good influence upon those around me.  Maybe it's because they just don't want to offend me.  Whatever the case, these gym rats know where I stand.  It's how I'm known. 


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