Saturday, July 13, 2024

Freedom In The Truth


If ever, then, the Son should be making you free, you will be really free

Johns Account 8: 36, Concordant New Testament 

Many in Christianity are fond of the phrase "Freedom in Jesus."  I like to think that I have come to realize that freedom for myself.  However, the freedom in Christ which I have realized is different from the freedom in Jesus I first learned of growing up.  It's my belief that the Christian religion views freedom in Christ as somewhat of a finishing point of our belief.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He was raised from the dead three days later, end of story.  I've always felt that there was something of a finality to the death and resurrection of Jesus in the Christian religion.  Yes, Jesus was observed by many after He rose from the dead, but then we're told of His ascending into heaven, which is seen as somewhat of His final chapter {Lukes Account 24:51}.  From that point, Jesus was seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven where He remains {Marks Account 16:19}.  Of course, this plays directly into the narrative that mankind is separated from God.  No matter, my sins have been cleansed, so that is my freedom in Jesus, or so I thought.  What I've learned since stepping out of the mainstream church is that the crucifixion of Christ Jesus was not the end of Him, but only the beginning.  Too many Christians look at the symbol of the cross and see it as something final.  The end of the road.  That's simply not the case at all.  Jesus isn't separated from the Fathers children as He sits in heaven watching over all mankind.  The first indication I received of this came from the words of the apostle Paul in Galatians.  Paul speaks to the spirit of Christ living in him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  I do not see this as something pertaining to Paul, but to all of Gods children.  Jesus is alive!  Paul speaks of being "Crucified with Christ" in his writings.  That if we have died with Him, that we should be living with Him as well {Paul to the Romans 6:8}.  But is it at all possible for Jesus to live in the iniquities of sinners?  Weren't we all told at one time or another that all have sinned?{Paul to the Romans 3:23}  Yes, that is a true statement, for all mankind through the actions of Adam and Eve in the garden lived under the sin of disobedience.  But Jesus turned all of that on its ear.  Through the sacrifice of Christ, the sin we have been born under has been wiped away.  We are, as Paul tells us, a new creation in Christ {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  

For freedom Christ frees us!  Stand firm, then, and be not again enthralled with the yoke of slavery. 

Paul to the Galatians 5: 1, Concordant New Testament 

As I said, I believe that I have come to see for myself the freedom which I have in Christ.  Notice that I said freedom IN Jesus and not the freedom OF Jesus.  For it is in Christ Jesus that we are truly free.  Contrary to church theology, Jesus is not separated from the Lords children.  The truth is that we live each and every day in Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  One of the key truths of this freedom is the work Jesus achieved on the cross.  We're told that Jesus became a sin offering for us {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  When Jesus died, we also perished to the sin we were born under {Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  When I speak to my being dead to sin, this is what I'm referring to {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  I therefore now enjoy freedom IN Christ Jesus.  The theology of the mainstream church continues to speak to the separation of God from His children.  Also, and perhaps most important, they speak of the continuing struggle with the sin issue.  This is why I did not realize my own freedom in Christ until I had stepped outside of the traditional church.  That isn't saying that one could not discover this revelation of the Father while attending the traditional church, it's just how it happened for me.  By this you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free {Johns Account 8:32}.  


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