Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Guilty By Interpretation


And not to be configured to this eon, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for you to be testing what is the will of God, good and well pleasing and perfect.  

Paul to the Romans 12: 2, Concordant New Testament 

I believe that Larry King said it best in an interview with pastor Joel Osteen.  King claimed that "Any pastor who walks around in public in an expensive suit, while others around him are going without, is a copout."  Osteen's response?  "I'm sorry, Larry, but I just don't see it that way."  So is the elite class of religious system pastors who today count their fortunes as they lead congregations of followers who either live paycheck to paycheck or go without.  I see this as the very definition of hypocrisy.  I would challenge any pastor who agrees with Osteen to point to the scripture which proclaims they have the God given right to these fortunes garnered in His name.  After all, they're Christian pastors are they not?  Have they not used the Lords name to gather unto themselves their fortunes?  Again, hypocrisy at its finest.  For some time, I have been against the lavish furnishings of our houses of worship.  Is this how God desires to present Himself to His children?  As a God of riches and splendor?  Take a look at how the Father chose to exemplify Himself to the world.  Not as a king or great military leader, but as common man from Nazareth.  Was Jesus ever clothed in wonderful, colorful linens?  Did He wear a crown on his head proclaiming His status?  No!  Yet many believers continue to follow the ministries of these sharply dressed men.  Thankfully, some have taken to referring to these wolves in sheep's clothing as simple motivational speakers and not as traditional pastors.  I believe that this is a far better description of them.  Of course, I'm hardly motivated by a rich guy saying he needs more of my money.  What has always amazed me is the influence that these men, and women, have over their flocks.  Of course, the blame here lies not with the congregations but with the men leading them.  

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  for you are resembling the whitewashed sepulchers which outside, indeed, are appearing beautiful, yet inside they are crammed with the bones of the dead and all uncleanness." 

Matthews Account 23: 27, Concordant New Testament 

Want to put these pastors like Joel Osteen and Keneth Copland to the test?  Ask yourself, how is it that Jesus Himself would view their behaviors?  I believe that we already know that answer.  In Matthew, we see Jesus confronting the elite scribes and Pharisees of His day.  These authorities ruled over the Jewish temples, instructed the people on how to uphold the law of God and walked about in well adorned robes.  These scribes and Pharisees were often the elite of society, demanding the best seats in the synagogues and public places.  Sound familiar?  Of course, in Jesus these men had met their match.  Jesus called out these Pharisees and scribes for exactly who they were, hypocrites.  Demanding righteous behaviors from the people while they themselves were anything but.  Again, sound familiar?  The apostle John proclaims that we should be "Testing the spirits to see if they are of God" {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  Where is scripture does it proclaim that our church leaders are to be exalted financially?  The author of Acts proclaims that leaders of the church are to "Take heed to yourselves and to the entire flocklet" {Acts of the Apostles 20:28}.  That the leaders of the family of the followers of Christ are to place emphasis on the well being of their flock.  Would Jesus be proclaiming the woes of Joel Osteen?  Knowing what I do, I believe that he most definitely would.  Freedom in Christ Jesus does not involve supporting the financial well being of those who seek to use the name of the Lord to enrich themselves.  

"Take heed to yourselves and the entire flocklet, among which the holy spirit appointed you to be supervisors, to be shepherding the ecclesia of God, which He procures through the blood of His own"

Acts of the Apostles 20: 28, Concordant New Testament 


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