Sunday, August 11, 2024

Following The Fathers Lead


For not ashamed am I of the evangel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing - to the Jew first, and to the Grek as well. 

Paul to the Romans 1: 16, Concordant New Testament 

Ministry can be a hard thing.  Each year churches across the world spend a lot of money for that opportunity to speak the gospel of Christ Jesus to the world.  There are training seminars, video seminars and classes all designed with the goal of reaching as many people with the gospel as possible.  I myself have been involved in more than a few of these training sessions.  I know Godly men who have traveled far and wide to spread the word of Jesus to the world around us.  Indeed, ministry is a huge deal for the mainstream church.  People must be prepared for its rigors.  But in all honesty, one of the greatest ministries that I have ever witnessed was of one man and his bible sitting alone in a coffee shop.  This was the ministry opportunity which a dear friend of mine engaged himself in some years ago.  As he studied the scripture in that coffee shop, he engaged with many people who were curious.  To this day, he maintains close relationships with many of those he encountered.  One man in a coffee shop.  No football stadium rally.  No mainstream church sermon.  Just one man following the leading of the Father in his heart.  I will say that those in the mainstream church could learn plenty from my friend about what it truly means to speak the gospel of Jesus to others.  For too long Christians have been seen as holier than thou bible thumpers who speak the forgiveness of Christ Jesus in one breath and of the damnation of hell for unbelievers in the next.  The message?  Yes, Jesus died to save you from your sins, but now you better act right or that same sin will condemn you to hell.  This, of course, is a false interpretation of the gospel of Christ.  We're told that Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but that ALL the world should be saved THROUGH Him {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  Indeed, many within the church bristle at the mere mention of universal salvation, that God would desire that all of His children come to know Him and be saved.  In effect, we have passed the Lords judgement unto others by condemning them.  This is not of the Father.  

How, then, should they be invoking One in Whom they do not believe?  Yet how should they be believing One of Whom they do not hear?  Yet how should they be hearing apart from one heralding?  Yet how should they be heralding if ever they should not be commissioned?  According as it is written; How beautiful are the feet of those bringing an evangel of good! 

Paul to the Romans 10: 14-15, Concordant New Testament 

I would say that many people shy away from the prospect of ministry because they somehow feel that they are not well spoken enough to proclaim the Lord Jesus.  To these I would present my own way of speaking Jesus unto those around me.  My own ministry centers around my daily visits to the gym.  What began as a personal fitness journey has become an opportunity to speak the Father into those around me.  Many of the friends which I have made in my time in the gym know where I stand as far as my faith goes, I don't need to advertise it.  A few of these men have at times approached me to ask for me to pray for them for various life events.  I always assure them that I will do just that.  Now, in my days in the church I was not often involved in the ministry training process.  I have not been "Ordained" or have the coverage of any local church.  All of these the church will tell us are essential for a successful ministry.  What I do have are the words of the Father spoken through my heart unto those around me.  I trust in the leading of the Father, and He provides each and every opportunity to speak the word of His Son to those who are hungry to hear it.  It is the Father who brings to me those He wants the word of Jesus spoken to.  That, in a nutshell, is the basis of all ministry.  Not only will the Father bring unto us those needing to hear, but He will give to us the words in that time as well {Lukes Account 12:12}.  Through the words of those who know Him, the world will come to know the gospel of Christ Jesus.  


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