Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Good Of The Father (The Problem With Seeing Jesus)


In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I discovered some time ago that the man I see in the mirror each day is not the man I remember.  For the man I remember was a mistake ridden sinner saved by grace.  At least that's what the church has taught me.  This presents the issue of knowing Jesus, which is also one of the main edicts of the mainstream church.  If I were indeed still a sinner, how is it that a holy Jesus could even be in my presence?  How is it that I could come before the throne of the Father if my sins were still before me?  Yet scripture, and the church, tell us that we can indeed do all of these things.  Somehow, the message has been lost that Christ Jesus gave Himself willingly for our sakes {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Not only that, but Jesus has also proclaimed that we live in union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  So, the truth which will be revealed in us reveals that He has died to sin "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Not only for those who believe, but for all of God's children.  This week I found myself in an interesting discussion with a friend on the subject of Christ in all things.  While he agreed that Jesus could be and is present in all things, he scoffed at the truth that Christ is in all of us.  Despite scriptural references, he could not get past the sin issue which continues to grip those in the mainstream church.  The idea that, despite the work of Christ Jesus on the cross, that our sin is still before us.  How is it, my friend asked, that Jesus could reside in evil such as Adolf Hitler or violent criminals?  Believe me, as I first struggled with my own revelation of Christ in me, I wondered the same thing.  How is it that Jesus, being holy and perfect, can live in a sinner saved by grace?  The answer is simple, it is Jesus Himself who has defeated sin at the cross.  So, being without sin, Jesus is now free to live in union with the Lords children.  Again, for someone who is stuck in the rut of mainstream church theology, this might be a tough pill to swallow.  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin might be nullified, for us by no means to still be slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we should be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, having been roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.  Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament 

So, when someone who we have deemed unworthy looks into the mirror, what do they see?  A sinner?  One beyond the touch of the Lord?  I suggest that, knowing the truth of Christ, will see Him in that reflection.  But here's the issue with that, does he even know Jesus?  Does he realize the truth that has been revealed unto me?  I would say no.  For is he were aware of the saving truth of the Lord Jesus, he would see himself for who he really is.  That is, in union with Jesus and the Father.  So it is that I can proclaim that even the most vile of people indeed have the spirit of Christ within them, they simply fail to recognize who He is.  I see this issue, to some extent, in my friend.  Having spent many years in the mainstream church theology, he does not know who he truly is in Christ.  For him, his sin is keeping him from that relationship with Jesus.  Again, this is the same issue I struggled with when I received my own revelation of Christ in me.  I had yet to see that sin was no longer an issue.  Jesus had seen to that.  Living in the truth of Jesus which will be revealed unto us is a wonderful thing.  Not only are we free from the bondages of sin, but free to live a life in Him.  This is something the church refers to as "Freedom in Christ" but has no clue what that entails.  This is why those in the mainstream church have a problem with seeing Jesus as He truly them.  


Friday, February 28, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Better Than DEI)

 In Whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus

Paul to the Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Recently, all of the mainstream media has been abuzz about how Donald J Trump has been dismantling many of the government funded programs designed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion to all.  Ask anyone about DEI and you will surely get some mixed reactions.  On the one hand, many will praise the benefit of everyone being included, with no exceptions for race, color or creed.  However, the down side to this is that there will be those who are passed over in the hiring process who might be extremely well qualified for a job yet lose that opportunity simply so someone of a lesser stature or status can be "Included."  This isn't right and equals the equivalent of modern day discrimination.  Ironically, the very same political party which prides itself on fighting discrimination has championed this DEI idea.  The democratic party, the party of American slavery, insists that all should be included.  But there is another Who has proclaimed that all are included, and that is Christ Jesus.  The apostle Paul speaks to this in Galatians, that we are all one in Christ {Paul to the Galatians 3:28}.  Traditionally, Christian groups have said that all are welcome, but have fallen into the same prejudices as any DEI program.  Those who follow Jesus are, after all, human, and we humans are often inclined to be prejudiced against others for one reason or another.  I recall the morning a pastor at my old church informed me that I probably would not be welcome in a men's fellowship golfing group because I had yet to learn the game.  To hear this coming from a pastor was devastating for me.  Was this what Christian fellowship amounted to?  A fellowship intended for those deemed worthy by those involved?  I'll go out on a limb and say that this is not what the Father intended for His children.  For even Jesus has proclaimed that we are to love one another {Johns Account 13:34}.  Now, I'll be the first one to admit that I have failed in that commandment.  There are those who I have shunned for one reason or another in the past.  As I said, we're human, it's what we do.  

If anyone should be saying that "I am loving God," and should be hating his brother, he is a liar; for he who is not loving his brother whom he has seen can not be loving God Whom he has not seen

First Epistle of John 4: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I titled this post "Better than DEI" because I believe that I have stumbled upon something.  Some time ago, I began focusing more on my fitness goals by going to the local gym more often.  Well, this presented a new problem, because traditionally I was a rather shy person often embarrassed by my physical condition.  Now, surrounded by so many others in the gym environment, I had a choice to make.  I could do what I usually did and keep to myself, or I could open up and become one of the crowd.  I chose the latter.  What has followed has been one of the best times of my life so far.  For what started with introducing myself to one person has mushroomed into a rather large group I affectionately call the "Gym Rats."  The people I have come to know are bartenders, construction workers, retail clerks, men and women.  So, if you ask me, these Gym Rats are much better than any DEI program ever developed.  There are no prerequisites or entrance exams.  There is no discrimination if someone is coming to the gym for that first time.  It may yet to be revealed in these Gym Rats, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.  The same Jesus I have come to know in me is also the same Christ who resides in them as well.  For all are in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Too many in the mainstream church have taken to having requirements of those who choose to be a member of the church.  I can remember being required to attend membership classes before I could be considered a "Member" of the church I was attending.  How inclusive is that?  To be clear, the mainstream church IS NOT the church of which Christ is the head {Paul to the Colossians 1:18}.  This church is the Ecclesia, the body of believers in Christ.  This is the distinction I make when I speak of the church of Jesus.  Inclusion isn't simply a buzzword to be tossed around.  For our Gym Rats, all are welcome.  All are one in Christ Jesus.  


Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Broken Chains)


Who Himself carries up our sins in His body on the pole, that, coming away from sins, we should be living for righteousness; by Whose welt you were healed 

Peter to the Dispersion 2: 24, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I watched a confessional video interview of rocker Alice Cooper who declared that it was God who had healed him of his addiction to drugs and alchohol.  While I do not doubt that the Lord healed the old rocker, I see something else in play here.  After watching the interview, I immediately thought to myself, so this is what happens when God becomes more important in our lives than the addictions we're enslaved in.  I can say that I am speaking from personal experience.  I recall the night standing outside a local strip club in Portland and wondering why I couldn't just walk in like I had so many times before.  Yet this time was different. This time the appeal just wasn't there anymore.  So it is that I can relate to the words and experience of one Alice Cooper.  Now, he might believe in his heart that the Lord delivered him from the throes of his addiction, and he would be right in thinking that.  But, wasn't it God who allowed him to be addicted in the first place?  Well, the apostle Peter speaks to just that in First Peter.  Peter speaks to the Father briefly allowing our sufferings in order that we might  benefit from them {Peter to the Dispersion (1) 5:10}.  Peter also speaks that we should not find it strange when we encounter various trials in life, but that we should rejoice in the unveiling of Christ in us {Peter to the Dispersion 4:12-13}.   Wasn't it the Father who allowed me to be addicted to pornography for as long as I was?  Indeed, this is also true.  The apostle Paul proclaims in Galatians that Christ Jesus has set us free from the yoke of slavery {Paul to the Galatians 5:1}.  Jesus has broken those chains!  I submit that when Christ is revealed in us, those chains of our sin will indeed be broken.  Paul also has declared that we are indeed dead to sin {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  Since I was dead to sin while in the midst of my own addiction, why was it that I continued to engage in it?  Well, it was at that point in my life that I did not know just who I was in Christ.  In essence, I didn't know who I truly was inside.  It had been preached to me that I was simply a sinner who had been saved by the grace of God.  So, in my mind I was doing what sinners do.  The knowing of Christ Jesus had yet to be revealed in me.  Standing outside that building that night, God showed me not only who He is, but who I am as well.  

For freedom Christ frees us!  Stand firm, then, and be not again enthralled with the yoke of slavery 

Paul to the Galatians 5: 1, Concordant New Testament 

The revelation of Christ that I have received from the Father is the knowledge that it is Christ who I now live in {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  We do well to understand that this revelation, which was also revealed in the apostle Paul, has no set time schedule.  For Paul spent more than a few years steeped in the Jewish faith and persecuting the followers of Jesus until Christ was revealed in him {Paul to the Galatians 1:15-16}.  This revelation only comes "When it delights God."  I believe that this is exactly what Alice Cooper experienced as he was in that hospital so many years ago.  For he went in an addict but came out with the realization that he wasn't the same man he thought he was.  The chains had been broken!  I enjoy hearing the confessions of those who have come to their own "Jesus realization" moments in their lives.  Let me be clear, Jesus has always been with us from the beginning {Johns Account 1:1-3}.  For all was created by Him and for Him.  We also understand that we are created in the Fathers likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  Having been created in His likeness, how can we not have the Father in us?  Yet all too often we forget that truth, or the truth has yet to be revealed in us.  The mainstream church, for their part, do not speak to this truth of Christ in us.  Jesus and the Father live separate from us in heaven.  This is the lie of the deceiver spoken in the garden which continues to be spoken from church pulpits today {Genesis 3:1-6}.  The truth is that God has never been apart from His creation.  It is in our minds that we accept this as truth until such time that the Father reveals Himself in us.  


Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Good Of The Father {Jesus In A Skirt}


In whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus

Paul to the Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Not so long ago, President Donald J Trump was criticized for seemingly degrading comments which he made against women which were caught on tape.  Democrats, of course, did everything they could to damage him over these comments.  For his part, Trump dismissed his comments as "Locker room talk."  In my own experience, I have been around many men/boys who have shared the same degrading comments about women as Trump has, even worse.  More than a few of my co-workers have taken to referring to women in derogatory ways as well.  Now, I believe that this not only relegates a woman to being inferior to a man, but that her only purpose in life is to give pleasure and obedience to men.  Furthermore, the disciple Peter proclaims that women should be honored as "The weaker vessel" {Peter to the Dispersion (1) 3:7}.  The apostle Paul takes this a bit deeper as he proclaims that there is no male nor female, but that all are one in Christ {Paul to the Galatians 3:28}.  Now, I'm not saying that man has not been created with certain, shall we say, urges which we are constantly bombarded with throughout our lives.  However, we should realize that all which we have been created with is from the Father Himself {Genesis 1:27}.  It is obvious that God knew beforehand just what we were getting into.  If we are all one in Christ, as Paul proclaims, then when should know that when we look upon a woman we are looking upon Jesus Himself.  Would we ever even think of disparaging Jesus with a vulgar name?  Yet, this is the behavior which far too many men continue to engage in.  Be it locker room talk or simply speaking how we feel about women in general, speaking this way of the Fathers creation presents to us a problem.  Now, I have not been innocent in this arena by any means.  While I may not have verbally degraded women, my own thoughts over them did just as much harm as if I were saying it out loud.  I've made my peace with the Father for my actions.  So, the question remains, how are we as believers to view e female?  The weaker of the sexes?  Trust me, in my own time in the gym I have seen more than a few women who could kick my butt given the chance.  But I tend to fall in line with the words of Paul, that there is no longer any male or female, but that we are all one in Christ Jesus. 

So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them 

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament 

Through the years I have been told that when I look in the mirror the image that I see is not my own, but that of Christ Jesus.  Knowing this, is it any different for a woman?  I would suggest that when a woman gazes into the mirror, she does not hear that she is the fairest of them all, but that she is a daughter of the Father.  Indeed, we have all been declared children of God {First Epistle of John 3:1}.  How, then, knowing that we have not only been divinely created, but live within the Father, can we possibly degrade His creation?  Obviously, this is not from the Father but from our own human desires.  As I've said, I've been there.  I'm not proud of those things I've done, but I've come away with the revealing which the Father has given unto me that not only am I in His image, but all have been created in it as well.  So how is it that we respond to someone who is continuing to disparage the Lords creation?  Well, I believe that our calling is to remind them that the very one whom they are degrading carries the same identity as they do.  That man I know who has taken to referring to women in a not so flattering way is one in Christ just as she is.  This is the truth given unto us by the Father.  Nobody will convince me, as some have tried, that their opinions of women are the Fathers desire for them seeing as God is in them.  That's crap!  The desire of the Father is that His children would recognize their union life in He and Christ {Johns Account 14:20}.  Jesus isn't simply a man, He wears a skirt as well.  


Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Never Close Enough)


With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; no longer I, but living in me is Christ.  Now that which I am now living in the flesh, I am living in faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives Himself up for me 

Paul to the Galatians 2: 20, Concordant New Testament 

The other day at the gym I was listening to a country music version of the old hymn "A closer walk with thee."  One verse in particular got me to thinking, "I'll be satisfied as long as I walk, Dear Lord, closer to thee."  Closer to God?  Anyone who has ever attended one of our mainstream churches for any length of time will recognize these words.  Growing up in the church, I learned to walk closer to God.  To do this, however, meant that I needed to live my life in a way that He approved of.  Of course, anyone who has ever attempted to live a life totally pleasing to the Lord knows that there will be obstacles along the way.  We're only human, and all too often that freedom of choice God has created us with can get in the way of living a God favored life.  Again, if you've ever spent time in the church, you know and have heard these words in one sermon or another.  I know that I have.  What got me thinking about the words of the hymn was not the fact that I could walk closer to God, but in the knowing that today I walk IN HIM.  The apostle Paul speaks to this truth in Galatians {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  In his heart, Paul knew that it was no longer he who was alive and thriving, but Christ Jesus who lived through him.  If I were still in the church, this verse might have sounded a bit far fetched.  Jesus in me?  Christ alive in a sinner?  How is this even possible?  Well, it's not possible, if not for Jesus.  For it is Jesus who took our sin upon Himself at the cross {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Were it not for the work of Christ on the cross, my sin would forever be before me.  But this has never been Gods plan for me, nor for His children.  This is why a hymn such as A closer walk with Thee sends the wrong message about the truth of the Father.  We do not simply walk closer with Him.  We walk IN HIM.  Jesus has declared our union life with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Of course, this is not the message which we will receive from the pulpits of the mainstream church.  

In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

My mother was a huge fan of the old hymns when I was growing up.  I can still see her singing to herself as she worked around the house.  So it is that I was exposed to these hymns from an early age.  The message was clear.  God is with us.  We can walk with Him.  Come unto us Lord.  Of course, I never in my life heard one of these old hymns that proclaimed our life in Him.  So it is that the authors of these hymns followed the path of centuries old church theology.  That all have sinned and that God could never be within reach of sin.  Of course, I now know that there are indeed scriptures that speak to our life in the Father.  These are indeed the same scriptures which have been around for thousands of years.  So the question remains, did the church get it wrong or did they simply choose to ignore that which was in front of their noses?  One thing is for certain, God has never changed {To The Hebrews 13:8}.  This leads me to believe that those in the church simply chose to ignore that which was in front of them in favor of the centuries old church narrative.  This is also the reason that I struggled to accept the truth of the Father as it was revealed to me through a dear friend of mine.  I had never before heard of the concept of living within God.  Was it even possible?  Well, I have come to know that not only is it possible, but that it is how I now live each and every day.  In fact, if I could I would rework that old hymn from A closer walk with Thee to...As I walk in Thee.  But, that wouldn't fit the narrative.  


Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Good Of The Father (A Love Like No Other)


And we know and believe the love which God has in us.  God is love, and he who is remaining in love is remaining in God, and God is remaining in him

First Epistle of John 4: 16, Concordant New Testament 

For some reason, I found myself watching a match making reality program the other day.  As far as I could tell, the purpose of this charade was to bring together single people with the intent of matching them with someone compatible with them.  This would have been the usual boring fare except for one young lady who claimed that her motivation for appearing on the show was to "Find someone to love me for who I am."  Now, this struck a chord with me because I myself have felt this way at times in my own life.  I mean, who doesn't want to be loved, right?  Too many people spend a lifetime in their search for this love relationship.  Far too many fail in their quest to find it.  More still find a feeling disguised as love, but in the end is nothing like love at all.  I can recall speaking to more than a few people involved in abusive relationships who only remained in them because they hoped that they would eventually lead to the love which they desired for themselves.  My own parents lived such a relationship.  Thankfully, my mother had the intuition to see that my dad would not change his ways.  This is a story repeated too many times for too many people.  Again, it is natural that we would desire someone to love and to love.  But what if these people found that love which accepted them no matter what they had done?  A love that, through the good and the bad, continued in its affection for them.  Well, this love can be found in the love which God has for us.  Growing up in the church theology, my image of God was one of a distant Father.  A Father who would love me one minute, but then withdraw His love the moment that I misbehaved or did something to displease Him.  The truth is, this is NOT the love of God.  For the love which God has for His children transcends any love which our human hearts can imagine.  The love of God is not abusive.  Furthermore, the love of God is never based on what we may or may not have done.  It is God who has loved us even before our first breath {First Epistle of John 4:19}.  It is God who will love us at our best and our worst.  This is the love of God, a love like no other.  

Perceive what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God!  And we are!  Therefore the world does not know us, for it did not know Him

First Epistle of John 3: 1, Concordant New Testament 

How many times have you felt this way in your life?  That feeling that God could never love you because of what you had done in your life.  Well, I've spent a good portion of my life fighting off these feelings.  There are times that I've been my own worst enemy when it comes to my own relationship with God.  I'm well aware of those things that I've done in my life which the Father does not approve of.  There were days when the guilt and shame of my actions clouded my own view of Gods perfect love for me.  How could God love someone like me?  Simple, I am His creation {Genesis 1:27}.  In love I was created, and it is in love that I remain in Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  Too many people look upon God as being judgmental, but this isn't who He truly is at all.  For we're told that the one true nature of love {First Epistle of John 4:8}.  For their part, the mainstream church has failed when it comes to speaking to the love nature of the Father.  They would rather speak of a God who holds the threat of an eternity in hell over our heads if we fail to live as He desires.  Again, this is not who He is at all.  It is because of Gods love for us that He dispatched His Son to be that sacrifice for our sins {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  It is because of the love of Jesus that He became sin and gave Himself willingly for us {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  He did all of this for us, out of His love for us.  Does that sound judgmental to you?  What love is there that, upon being found guilty, would do away with our transgressions and declare us clean in His sight?  Only the love of the Father.  A love like no other.  


Friday, February 14, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Saving Grace)


Not for the works which are wrought in righteousness which we do, but according to His mercy, He saves us, through the bath of renascence and renewal of the holy spirit

Paul to Titus 3: 5, Concordant New Testament 

It's something which every believer strives for.  We struggle, hope and pray that we will one day be among the elect.  It is one of the key beliefs of our faith.  That when we believe in Jesus and follow a life of the Lord, that we will be saved.  Not only that, but spend our eternity in the presence of the Father.  For too many believers, this is the end game.  This is our reward for living a life in the Lord.  To be "Saved" is Gods reward for accepting His Son.  Or is it?  Growing up in the mainstream church, my salvation was a promise given to me if I flew right in the eyes of the Lord.  However, that same salvation could also be revoked should the Lord deem me unacceptable.  This was my struggle with knowing my own salvation.  A few years ago a good friend posed a question to me, did I consider God to be a Indian giver?  Did I consider God to be One who would promise me one thing and then take it away if He felt I didn't deserve it?  Of course, this made me question a few things about God as well.  Would God promise me something just to yank it away from me?  What kind of loving Father would do that?  We're told in scripture that God never changes {To the Hebrews 13:8}.  Therefore, if the Father makes me a promise, He intends to keep that promise {Paul to Titus 1:2}.  Yet the message of the mainstream church continues to be that of salvation in limbo.  Yes, Jesus shed His blood on that cross for you, but if you don't live your life the right way, you might just find yourself in hell someday.  This is the  mixed message that I grew up receiving from the church.  But it IS NOT the message which God has declared to His children.  For time and time again in the scriptures, we are told of the salvation of the Father {Paul to the Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul to the Romans 10:9, Johns Account 5:24}.  So who is it that we are to place our confidence in, God the Father or in man?  The words of man will tell us that our salvation is an object to be traded.  But the word of the Father proclaims that salvation is the gift freely given unto His children {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  

That, if ever you should be avowing with your mouth the declaration that Jesus is Lord, and should be believing in your heart that God rouses Him from among the dead, you shall be saved.  For with the heart it is believed for righteousness, yet with the mouth it is avowed for salvation

Paul to the Romans 10: 9-10, Concordant New Testament 

I see the topic of salvation to be the prickly pear of Christian theology.  For those in the mainstream church will hear that salvation is indeed conditional.  However, the apostle Paul, who undoubtedly knew of his own salvation, proclaimed this was not the case at all.  It is Paul who preaches that salvation is not a reward of our own works {Paul to the Ephesians 2:8-9}.  Want to know the key to your salvation?  You will find it in Christ Jesus.  Jesus has proclaimed that nobody comes to the Father but through Him {Johns Account 14:6}.  But what is salvation?  That is key to our understanding of it.  A simple Google definition describes salvation as a "Preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin or loss."  Knowing this, is our salvation simply a eternity in the Lord?  That ship might already have sailed.  For Jesus has proclaimed our union life in He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  So, how is it that salvation is our eternity in God if we already are there in Him?  My own belief on salvation is that it is that which is given freely of the Father unto His children.  Salvation is not simply a reward for good works, nor is it a destination of heaven.  I have been saved because of the love of the Father through the works of Christ Jesus.  I have been saved from what I once was, and redeemed unto who I am now {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Those in the church will hang onto the words of Paul that all have sinned {Paul to the Romans 3:23}.  But Jesus has died to that sin, thus saving me from being enslaved to it {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  THAT is my salvation.  Given freely out of Gods love for me.  


Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Good Of The Father (How Deep Are You?)

Religion has actually convinced people that there is a invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money. 

George Carlin 

I heard a radio pastor the other day speaking with approval of those who find themselves "Deeply Religious."  In his words, these deeply religious believers are the ones who keep the faith of those around them alive.  As I listened, I thought that a better title for these mainstream church goers might be "Deeply in the weeds."  For those who might think differently, consider this prospect.  Who has ever been saved by religion?  Now, I agree that many have come to acquaint themselves with knowing the Lord and Jesus through immersing themselves in religion, but how many have been saved by religion itself?  Having grown up in the mainstream church, I'm well aware that having faith and believing are key points to the religious lifestyle.  I remember rising from the pool the morning of my baptism with the thought that I was now saved.  Was it this tradition that saved me?  Did John the baptizer save those he baptized?  Or, as John declared, did he simply pave the way for One greater than himself {Johns Account 26-30}?  As the baptizer declared, "He must be growing, yet mine is to be inferior."  Knowing this, we can say that it is definitely not the tradition of baptism by which one is saved.  For Jesus has proclaimed, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one is coming to the Father except through me" {Johns Account 14:6}.  So, it is not by being religious that we are saved.  We are saved when we trust in the work of Christ Jesus {Paul to the Ephesians 1:7}.  Religion has led us to believe that it is due to our own efforts that we have achieved salvation.  We believe.  We profess Jesus.  We accept Him into our hearts.  But the apostle Paul proclaims that it is not by our own efforts, but due to the love and grace of the Father {Paul to the Ephesians 2:8-9}.  If you continue in this religious belief, then you might just be deep in the weeds.  

For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present, not of works, lest anyone should be boasting. 

Paul to the Ephesians 2: 8-9, Concordant New Testament 

I personally would hate to see the after affects of those who, through their own efforts, achieved their own salvation.  Can you imagine the arrogance?  Knowing that they were saved, and rubbing this knowing in the faces of those who weren't.  Of course, this has nothing to do with the love and grace of the Father, but of the arrogance of man.  It is for this reason that God loved us enough to save us {First Epistle of John 4:10}.  To be in the weeds is to hold onto the belief that my own efforts are leading to my salvation.  The mainstream church is known for telling us that we can "Punch our ticket" for salvation if we only believe and live the right life.  But this goes against the declaration of Jesus Who has proclaimed that it is He who is the way to the Father.  It is Christ Jesus who has paved the way for the love of God to be manifested.  It is through the love and grace of the Father that we are saved {First Epistle of John 4:16}.  God saved you, not the church.  Sure, the church can TELL us of how it is that the Lord has loved and saved us.  I am thankful that I grew up in this knowledge.  I am thankful that I was raised knowing of Gods love for me.  I believe that this knowing kept me from getting too deep into the weeds of mainstream church theology.  I knew that I wanted to live my life in the Father and not simply punch my ticket for heaven.  The truth of the Lord that is so often overlooked is that WE DO live our lives in union with Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  Yet sometimes we need to dig ourselves through the weeds in order to see it. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Free In Jesus)


Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin might be nullified, for us by no means to be still slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, having been roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.  Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament 

A friend asked me the other day, upon reading my previous post, of what advice I would give someone who had left the church as I have.  Now, this might be difficult to handle for some people, but I say it after more than a few years of living in the knowledge that I am indeed in Christ.  So, be prepared to be shocked.  That life I once lived in the church, went against what I now know the Lord Jesus to be.  To say that I had been misled is definitely an understatement.  For in my time in the halls of the mainstream church, I was no closer to knowing Jesus than when I began.  Sure, I had gained much knowledge about Him, but I still did not know Jesus as I do now.  Part of this is due to the theology of the mainstream church while the rest is due to my not knowing that there was more to Jesus than what I was being taught.  That in itself is a lethal combination.  Yet I believe that I had a advantage over others who had for one reason or another left the church behind and never looked back.  That is, I wanted to know more about this Jesus I had grown up learning about.  I wanted more than to just know about what He had done.  I wanted something which the mainstream church could never provide for me, a relationship with Christ Jesus.  The mainstream church has been very good at what they do best, which is telling people about Jesus.  For that, I am grateful, for they introduced Christ into my life.  But as I said, knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Him are two different animals.  For to know Jesus is to live in the knowledge that we live in union with Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  The closest which I had come to knowing Jesus through church theology was the belief of being "Like" Jesus if I behaved well enough to earn Gods approval.  I wanted for than that.  

As, then, you accepted Christ Jesus, the Lord, be walking in Him 

Paul to the Colossians 2: 6, Concordant New Testament 

I really did not see the difference between a life of knowing Jesus and a life knowing Him through church theology until I had walked away from the church.  What I noticed is that I had grown up being taught of the life of Jesus in the past.  Of what Jesus HAD done for me.  I was keenly aware through the teachings of the church that death could never hold Jesus.  That He in fact overcame the death of the cross and was raised again days later.  This is a core part of mainstream church theology.  So, why not speak to Jesus being alive and well?  Why not speak to Jesus being in the Fathers creation?  This is declared through the scriptures {Paul to the Galatians 2:20, Paul to the Colossians 2:6, Paul to the Ephesians 2:10}.  I see this as the mainstream church cherry picking scriptures to suit their own narrative.  Again, some people will disagree with my observations, and I'm ok with that.  I'm also ok with knowing the living Christ as I now do.  I have also learned that our own definition of "church" has been misconstrued over the years.  What is important for every believer to know is that the church is not the fancy building.  The church is not the Sunday sermon.  THE CHURCH, for all intents and purposes, consists of those who follow Jesus {Paul to the Corinthians(1) 12:27}.  It is we who are the individual members of Christ, with Jesus at the head of the church {Paul to the Colossians 1:18}.  Therefore, my advice to someone who has walked away from the church and desires to once again sit in that pew come Sunday morning is this, be sure that you are aware of the true meaning of the church.  That WE, in Christ Jesus, are all members of His church.  


Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Religions Grip)


Religion has actually convinced people that there is a invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money.  

George Carlin 

I have a good friend who is a retired pastor who has often regaled me with the struggles he often faced in his time in the church.  Of the conflict in himself as he began to understand the truth of Christ Jesus in him.  I get it.  For this is the very same conflict that I faced myself as I began to walk away from the church I had known for so many years.  All too often we see the news stories of just how many people are becoming disillusioned with the mainstream church.  Again, I get it.  My own discomfort with the church began a few years before I walked away from it.  I started to witness things which I had not witnessed as I was growing up.  From the change from traditional church hymns to more modern rock and roll worship music.  It's obvious to me that were I to walk into a church these days that I more than likely would not recognize it.  What happened?  I believe that this is the question that many believers have been wondering.  What happened to my church?  What happened to the strength in the congregations?  Well, I believe that there has been an increase in those who are seeking to know Jesus.  Now, the church that I recall has always been good at telling people "about" Jesus, but they always dropped the ball when it came to telling us who Jesus truly is.  Before I walked away from the church, I could tell you all about what I knew about Jesus from the scriptures.  Yet I really didn't know Him.  I was caught in the grip of man made religion.  I believe that this is the issue which we face today, the issue of religion versus the reality of Christ Jesus.  One teaches while the other reveals.  

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For you are taking tithes from the mint and the dill and the cumin, and leave the weightier matters of the law, judging and mercy and faith.  Now these it was binding you to do, and not leave those.  Blind guides!  Straining out a gnat, yet swallowing a camel!  Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For you are cleansing the outside of the cup and the plate, yet inside they are brimming with rapacity and incontinence.  

Matthews Account 24: 23-25, Concordant New Testament 

I have often wondered what Jesus would proclaim were He to confront the pastoral church leadership of today.  The way I see it, the same words He proclaimed against the Pharisees of His day still ring true for us today in regards to our mainstream church leadership.  It is more about the organization that the individual.  It has become more about the traditional theology than actually proclaiming Christ Jesus as He is.  Never in my time in the church was it revealed to me my union life within the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Never in my time in the church was I told that the sin I was taught to fear had been put to death by Christ Jesus on the cross {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  This is the truth of Christ Jesus!  Yet the mainstream institutional church seemingly chooses to not proclaim this truth for all to hear.  To be fair, my own knowing of Christ in me came not from a church sermon, but from the revelation of the Father.  So it is that when I hear of someone else who has become disillusioned with the church, I remember my own struggle with leaving the church I had come to know so well.  In the end, it wasn't about abandoning my faith, but about coming to know Jesus.  My desire was to know Him, not just know about Him.  


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Bold Confidence)


Now, at His entering Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, entreating Him and saying, "Lord, my boy is prostate in the house, a paralytic, dreadfully tormented."  And He is saying to him, "I, coming, will cure him,"  And answering, the centurion averred, "Lord, I am not competent that Thou mayest enter under my roof, but only say the word and my boy will be healed!  For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me, and I am saying to this one, 'Go,' and he is going, and to another, 'Come,' and he is coming, and to my slave, 'Do this,' and he is doing it."  Now, hearing it, Jesus marvels.  And He said to those following, "Verily, I am saying to you, With no one in Israel so much faith did I find." 

Matthews Account 8: 5-10, Concordant New Testament 

I've enjoyed watching The Chosen series on the life and ministry of Jesus simply for the fact that it presents the life of Jesus in a way which most people can relate.  This was the case in a scene which depicts Jesus' interaction with a Roman centurion soldier.  Many have referred to this interaction in the scriptures as "The faith of the centurion." or "The centurions faith."  Either reference would be a good indication of the nature of this mans interaction with Jesus.  This centurion has come to Jesus seeking Him to heal his "boy" who is sick at home.  Obviously, to confront Jesus in such a way we can assume that he knew something about what Jesus could do.  Either from conversations with the locals or simply from hearing of the reputation of Jesus, this man knew that Jesus would be able to heal his boy.  What impressed me about this scene in The Chosen is Jesus' reaction to the request of the centurion.  Amazed, Jesus turns to His followers and proclaims that He had not witnessed one in all of Israel with such "Bold confidence" in what He could do.  Obviously, these words of Jesus were similar to those we find in scripture, and the producers took a few liberties with that, but I believe that they do justice to what the scriptures proclaim that Jesus said.  To have "Bold confidence" in Jesus is to believe that He will do what He has proclaimed, no matter what.  To have bold confidence in Jesus is to know that we live in union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  To truly know Jesus is to be confident in what He has done and what He will do. 

That, if ever you should be avowing with your mouth the declaration that Jesus is Lord, and should be believing in your heart that God rouses Him from among the dead, you shall be saved

Paul to the Romans 10: 9, Concordant New Testament 

I was thinking the other day of those words as I prayed, bold confidence.  What was interesting wasn't the results of my prayer, as that has not yet been revealed.  What I noticed was that instead of waiting anxiously for the Lord to answer my requests, as I have done so many times before, I now found myself anticipating where it was that the Father was leading me.  Not fearful, but confident.  Obviously, I have grown a bit in my faith and trust in the Lord, which is evidenced by this situation.  But how is it that I came to such a bold confidence about who Jesus is and what He can do?  Part of this is trust in who He is and part is believing in what has been revealed unto me by the Father.  For my own knowledge of my life in Christ didn't come from countless hours of studying scripture.  It didn't come from the words of a Sunday sermon.  No, my knowing of who Jesus is, and who it is that I am in Him, has been revealed to me by the Father Himself {Paul to the Galatians 1:15-16}.  It is God, who in His timing, has revealed Himself in me.  I look upon the moment the man Saul was introduced to Jesus, the One he had been persecuting.  Think of how many times God could have introduced Himself to Saul, yet He chose that moment to reveal Himself unto Him.  This is exactly how God works.  Not by human predictions, but by His will and grace for His children.  To know and understand this is to have that bold confidence in our own life in Him.  


Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Good Of The Father (A Life Without Fear)

 Fear is not in love, but perfect love is casting out fear, for fear has chastening.  Now he who is fearing is not perfected in love 

First Epistle of John 4: 18, Concordant New Testament 

How many of us can honestly say that they live a life free of fear?  We are often so enamored by fear that we admire those who we see as "Fearless."  But there is indeed much to fear in this life of ours.  We fear the unknown.  We fear that which we cannot control.  Sometimes we even fear ourselves.  I was once gain reminded of the fears we often inspire in our minds this past few weeks.  having come down with a persistent virus, I feared that it would not heal fast enough.  Not only that, there were people who feared being near me for fear of catching that virus.  It seems that at times the grip of our fears can spread quicker than a California wildfire.  So much so, that at times it sems that our fears control our lives.  We live each moment in fear of what might happen.  But I've recently asked myself this question, is this how God really wants us to live?  In fear?  Is it the Lords purpose that we live in fear of what lies before us?  Or is it His desire that we live each day in the bold confidence that whatever happens, it is through His desire to work all for the good {Paul to the Romans 8:28}.  As believers, we have a choice to make.  We can live in the grip of fear, or we can trust in the Lord that He is working all for His good.  We might not realize that good in the moment, but rest assured that the Father is working things out specifically for that reason.  Are our fears of getting sick by being around those who are justified?  Maybe, but who's to say that we won't get ill from something else?  I've endured my illness, and it's slowly getting better.  There will be other trials, but I cannot live in fear of that.  Living a life of union in the Father means trusting that He is working all out for the good.  

Now we are aware that God is working all together for the good of those who are loving God, who are called according to the purpose.  

Paul to the Romans 8: 28, Concordant New Testament 

Do you love the Lord?  Good, then stop being afraid of every little thing!  Instead, trust in the Father that He will work all for the good.  This world around us isn't our show, so then why do we waste so much time worrying over circumstances?  There is a good reason why Jesus proclaimed in His sermon on the Mount not to worry {Matthews Account 5:25-32}.  Why?  Because the Father is aware of all that we may need {Matthews Account 5:32}.  If God has indeed promised to provide for us, what good are our own fears that He won't do what He says He will do?  By giving in to fear, aren't we giving up our own trust in Him?  What is it that you have ever been afraid of that God cannot handle?  In recent days here in Oregon, local weather predictions have been painting a gloomy picture of "possible" snowfall in our area.  Now, some people might like snow, I really don't.  My job requires me to work outdoors in all types of weather, so I usually am not looking forward to slogging through snow.  So, I became anxious and fearful with each gloomy forcast.  Of course, I also prayed that the good of the Father would be done through all of this.  Well, guess what, I woke up this Saturday to the news that the local weather gurus were lamenting the fact that the expected cold front did not materialize as bad as they had been predicting.  Had I been afraid over nothing?  Maybe, but I also know that what I have seen over the past few days is indeed the Father working things for the good.  We often lose sight of just how little control we have over the world around us.  This is Gods domain!  God does not deal in fear, but in love.  His desire is that we do not live a life of fear, but one of trust in His love that He will work all for the good despite what we might see and hear.  This is a life free of fear.  


Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Good Of The Father (The Union Life)

 In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

For many years in the church I was bombarded with the teaching of how I could "Be like" Jesus.  Of course, this took effort on my part.  If I was good enough.  If I believed and IF I followed the rules of the church theology.  Then, I could "Be like" Jesus.  And who wouldn't want to be like Jesus?  Jesus is recognized by both believers and non believers alike as one of the most merciful and kind men ever to walk the earth.  To be like Jesus is an honorable accomplishment.  But what there's more?  What if I am now living not like Jesus, but AS Jesus?  Now, this belief has been passed over and ignored by too many in the mainstream church.  But the truth is there in the scriptures.  The truth that to those to whom it has been revealed that they now live as Jesus.  This line of thinking also might get you chastised in the halls of the traditional church.  For it goes against the image of Jesus which the church has been upholding for thousands of years.  So what is it like to live as Jesus?  I have thought a lot about this question during the past few weeks.  Jesus has proclaimed that we shall see and know the union life which we share with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Jesus has declared that He and the Father are one in the same {Johns Account 10:30}.  It was for this that the Pharisees of His day sought to stone Him.  But He wasn't lying.  For as we live in union with Jesus, we also live in union with the Father through Him.  Our lives are divinely connected to God and His Son.  Again, what exactly does that mean?  Well, I can remain confident that there is nothing which I will ever face which Jesus has not already experienced Himself {To the Hebrews 2:14}.  Have you ever read of how Jesus was embarrassed or intimidated?  Well, I can rest assured that if I've experienced these things, then Jesus has experienced them through my union life with Him.  This is life in Christ. 

For let this disposition be in you, which is in Christ Jesus also, Who, being inherently in the form of God, deems it not pillaging to be equal with God, nevertheless empties Himself, taking the form of a slave, coming to be in the likeness of humanity

Paul to the Philippians 2: 5-7, Concordant New Testament 

After a recent prolonged struggle with a virus I began to look upon my experience through the lens of my union life in Jesus.  Yes, I was sick and not feeling my best, but I also trusted that it was Christ Who was sharing in my afflictions as I endured them.  I cannot speak to living a union life in Jesus and the Father without knowing this truth.  Whatever it is that I endure, Jesus is there with me.  This is the union life.  This is exactly why Paul spoke to living  a life that is pleasing to the Lord {Paul to the Thessalonians 4:1}.  Of course, we all know that this isn't always the case, right?  We all have those times where we slip up and do the wrong thing.  Think of these times in this way, how is it that you suppose Jesus feels when we engage in these behaviors?  Is He angry with our backsliding?  Or, does it grieve Him that you, knowing the truth in you, would choose to act this way?  I prefer to think of it in the latter.  That Jesus is so fully connected with who we are that He grieves in those times of our struggles.  He grieves when we grieve.  He laughs when we laugh.  Whatever it is we are doing in that moment, you can be assured that through our union in Him, that Jesus is experiencing the same thing.  We have never been like Jesus, we ARE Jesus.  


Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Goodbye Old Man)


Greater love than this has no one, that anyone may be laying down his soul for his friends 

Johns Account 15: 13, Concordant New Testament 

The comment was made this past week among a few friends of the makeup of the so called "Old Man" which Christ Jesus put to death on that cross.  Now, the apostle Paul tells us that it is Jesus who willingly became sin that we would be spared its penalty {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  We also know that it is Christ Jesus Who has been from the beginning {Johns Account 1:1-3}.  So it is that before the creation of man and definitely before sin entered into the world, Jesus has been.  In fact, there is nothing that has not been created apart from Him {Johns Account 1:3}.  We also know that the fullness of the Father is within Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  In fact, Jesus has proclaimed that "I and the Father, We are one" {Johns Account 10:30}.  So, is it then fair to say that our old man who died with Christ on the cross was also in the image of Christ?  Are the words "Old man" simply a reference to the sin which Jesus gave Himself to conquer?  Paul refers to our "Old humanity" which was crucified on the cross with Jesus {Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  So, did Jesus die to Himself?  Was that humanity which Jesus gave Himself up for already in His image?  Well, I can say that we certainly has His fingerprints all over our creation.  For we were created in His own likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  It is the Father who also breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  Since it has been proclaimed by Jesus that "I and the Father, we are one," we can assume that it is indeed Christ Jesus who has been in us from the beginning.  So, it seems that my friend may have been correct, although for different reasons.  For there is a reason for which Jesus gave Himself for the death of our old humanity.  That being, that His new creation would be revealed.  Paul refers to this "New creation" in second Corinthians {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  As a result of the death of Christ on the cross, "The primitive passed by.  Lo! There has come new!"  So it is that we no longer walk in that old humanity which Jesus has vanquished through the shedding of His own blood.  We no longer identify with that old man who once was.  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to still be slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, being roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.  Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament 

If there is one thing that I can say about my friend is the same thing I'd say about so many others who have made the mistake of continuing to believe that the old man was still around.  He continues to carry in the belief that his old humanity remains relevant.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  For Jesus did not give Himself in vain.  He did not die upon that cross that the old man would still rise from the ashes in triumph.  No, when He breathed His last and declared "It is finished," He proclaimed the end of the old man through His sacrifice {Johns Account 19:30}.  Yet many people still live within the lie that they are that vile sinner still needing to be saved.  My friend is one of them.  I admit, there was a time when I also believed in the mainstream church fed theology which advocates for the resurgence of the old man.  I lived a life searching for sins to be forgiven for instead of embracing the new creation I had become in Christ.  THAT was an issue with my own understanding, not an issue with the unforgiveness of Jesus.  So it is with my friend.  When it is revealed to us that we no longer identify as that which has died, but as new creations in Christ Jesus, we can truly start to enjoy a life in the Father.  


Monday, January 20, 2025

The Good Of The Father (In Him)

 In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

Christian theology is a funny thing.  They'll speak to one part of their narrative while simply ignoring other parts of the scriptures.  My latest reminder of this was in a discussion with my friends over the religious film The Forge.  Now, I admit that I have yet to lay eyes upon this movie, but I plan to soon.  From what I could tell from the discussion amongst my comrades, it's yet another in a long line of Christian feel good movies.  But one part of our discussion struck home with me, and that was the part of the movie where the main character suddenly came face to face with the father he had barely known years after he had left his family.  Obviously, he was angry with this man who had abandoned him so many years ago.  The reason that this scene struck home with me is because I was one of those guys.  I was one of those kids whose dad suddenly decided that life without a family was better that the life which he had created with his family.  I was one of those kids who grew up never knowing if my own earthly father cared in the least for me.  Was I angry?  Absolutely.  But my own fathers absence in my life caused me to make a very important decision in my own life.  From a young age I vowed that I would NEVER  be the man that my own father had been.  Now, this might just be expressing anger in a different way, but it was also an anger which drove me to be better in my own life.  I consider myself to be very fortunate as my mother was a very religious person and she never let an opportunity pass by to show her son the kindness and the forgiveness of the Father.  This proved invaluable growing up without a father in my life.  But I don't consider myself a survivor at all.  No, I consider myself to have been chosen by the Lord for something better than the life that my own father offered.  It's not uncommon for children to follow in the footsteps of their parents in life, but for me that was never an option.  I had seen the grass on the other side of that fence, and it wasn't greener by any means.  So it is that when others start talking about the epidemic of children growing up without fathers in their lives that it becomes a personal issue for me.  

Yet we are aware that the Son of God is arriving, and has given us a comprehension, that we know the True One, in His Son, Jesus Christ.  This One is the true God and life eonian

First Epistle of John 5: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I remember one of the first times that I heard a friend in church refer to God as "Daddy."  This was a tough pill for me to swallow.  For to refer to God as daddy somehow in my mind associated God with my own dad and all of the things he had done.  It associated God with someone who had given up on me.  But I would learn that referring to God as Daddy is simply a way of showing our own affection for Him.  I may have had an earthly father in my life who failed, but I have a Father in heaven who will never leave me.  I have spoken this truth to more than a few people who have grown up without a father with mixed results.  Some accept it and see the truth that is in the Father while others continue to dwell on the issues of the past.  I chose not to do that.  The life which I chose is one in the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  I recently received some pushback from a few Christian friends over the habit of referring to God as Daddy.  Now, contrary to my earlier aversion to this, I have come to see that referring to God in such a way is simply a term of affection.  But, as I once did, not all believers see it this way.  I have no experience with a loving father to compare to the love which God has for me.  In my mind, I have never needed it.  For I know in my heart the love which the Father has for me {First Epistle of John 3:1}.  My life is the life I have in Him. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Good Of The Father (What We Hold Dear)

 Yet He, answering, said to them, "A generation, wicked and adulteress, for a sign is seeking, and a sign will not be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 

Matthews Account 11: 39, Concordant New Testament 

I watched a video recently in which the actor Mel Gibson spoke of the importance of the shroud of Turin, which many have proclaimed contains the image of the crucified Christ.  Now, I can recall being interested in this myself back when I was searching for proof in what I claimed to believe.  That physical proof that God does exist.  Proof that Jesus was who He claimed to be.  Never mind that we have the writings of the prophets and the disciples of Jesus which proclaim His life and ministry.  It seems that there continues to be many believers who seek that proof of God and Christ Jesus.  We see this with each and every artifact we find that we can trace back to the times of Jesus.  The remnants of the ark of Noah also come to mind.  Resting on top of a mountain in Turkey, the wreck of the ark has supposedly been inspected by many a biblical scholar who have proclaimed its originality.  So, what is it about these symbols of our faith that we hold so dear to our hearts?  Why is it that we continue to waste our time and energy in the search for proof that God exists?  It's not just artifacts either, for many in the Catholic faith revere the image and life of Mary the mother of Jesus.  They continue to place such importance on Mary, that one might think that she is on the same level as God.  Of course, this has always been one of the major conflicts that I have had with the catholic faith.  For we're told that God alone is the sole self in the universe, there is none but Him {Issaiah 45:5}.  But the love affair which the Catholics have with the virgin Mary is but one of a multitude of symbols which believers cling to in Christianity.  All too often, we base our faith upon these symbols.  We glorify the artifacts which we discover from the land where Jesus walked.  Many Christians continue to walk the path of Via Dolorosa "The Sorrowful way," which is the path which Jesus supposedly walked to His crucifixion.  Trips to the holy land are celebrated by many believers who desire to "Walk where Jesus walked."  In the end, I believe that this is a false connection to Jesus.  

For His invisible attributes are descried from the creation of the world, being apprehended by His achievements, besides His imperceptible power and divinity, for them to be defenseless.  

Paul to the Romans 1: 20, Concordant New Testament 

After moving to Portland in 1994 I began to search for a "Suitable" church to attend.  I recall driving up and down the freeway and seeing that cross on the hill beside the road.  I instinctively knew that this symbol of the cross of Jesus represented a place of worship.  Again, the symbolism and optics of Christianity in full effect.  In fact, I cannot recall a church I have been in where the cross was not on full display in the forefront of the church.  Some are a simple wooden model while others have nails and/or linen draped over them for added effect.  Believe me, this is done for a purpose.  That is, to remind those who look upon that cross of the crucifixion of Jesus.  While I agree that this is indeed important, I also believe that the cross of Christ should not be our main focus.  I do not see the cross as the end of the road for Jesus, but the beginning.  For it is through His death on that cross that Jesus defeated sin once and for all {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  As He died upon that cross, His last words rang true for all mankind, "It is finished!" {Johns Account 19:30}.  From that point on, God's relationship with His creation, which was lost in the garden, was once again restored.  Through Jesus, we now enjoy our union life with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Through Jesus, the old has been cast away {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  Our focus should not be on those symbols which the elements and man can destroy, but on Christ who is forever. 


Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Good Of The Father (A Fathers Tears)

 Jesus, then, as He perceived her lamenting and the Jews coming with her lamenting, mutters in spirit, and disturbs Himself.  And He said, "Where have you placed Him?"  They are saying to Him, "Lord, come and see."  Jesus weeps. 

Johns Account 11: 33-35, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up, I was always told that to do something wrong or bad would immediately cause the Lord to be angry and/or upset with me.  So much so, that He may just choose to remove whatever blessings He had chosen to give to me.  Or, He may choose to bring forth some difficult circumstances in my life so that I would be assured of His anger towards me.  This is what I was taught to expect from wrong behaviors.  But in the past few years I have begun to understand a different view of the Father when it comes to His true feelings when I that I have fallen short.  I recall listening to a radio broadcast of the late fire brand preacher J Vernon McGee in which he spoke of God being deeply hurt by our sin (Yes, Vernon McGee still held fast to the church idea of sin).  As McGee explained, in those times where His children fall short, it hurts the Father deeply.  I would agree with this.  See, God knows all too well that we are so much better than those wrong behaviors which we sometimes engage in.  He knows that, in His love, we have a life free of the guilt and shame of sin or bad behavior.  So, in those times when we fall short, it is God who grieves for His children.  I would go so far as to say that we should look upon our own lives as to live that which would cause the Father enjoyment and not pain.  Does anyone look forward to causing God to be sad?  I know that I don't.  I want to live within His love and enjoyment all the days of my life on this earth.  I want to be assured that the Father is well pleased with all that I do.  That being said, I also know that there will be times of questionable behavior and bad decisions.  I also know in my heart that the Love the Father has for me will never fade away.  I am His child {First Epistle of John 3:1-2}.  

He who is not loving knew not God, for God is love 

First Epistle of John 4: 8, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up in the church, I got used to the idea that God was mostly without emotions.  Sure, He had righteous anger, which He would bestow on man from time to time.  But to actually feel compassion for me?  That was foreign to me.  Then, as I began to look more and more into the scriptures of the New Testament, I came across a different side of the Lord I had never seen.  For through Christ Jesus, the emotions of the Lord were being displayed for all to see.  Nowhere is this more evident than when Jesus is informed of the death of His friend Lazarus.  We see Jesus in obvious grief as He arrives at the home of His dear friend {Johns Account 11:33-35}.  We're told that Jesus wept in the midst of His visit.  Those who had gathered there could see the love which Jesus had for Lazarus {Johns Account 11:36}.  From this passage I began to see Jesus in a different light.  Jesus, and the Father in Him, was not the cold, emotionless God I had been led to believe that He was.  It is through Jesus that we see the emotions of the Father.  It is through Jesus that are witness to His love {First Epistle of John 4:8}.  So, it is a certainty that the Father will indeed feel and express His emotions for us.  He laughs when we laugh and weeps when we cry.  It also grieves the Father when He knows that we are so much better than the behaviors we sometimes partake in.  It's not a far stretch to understand that God shares in our feelings and emotions.  For we have been created in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  We share in all that He is {Johns Account 14:20}.  The lie spoken by church theology tells us that we were somehow separated from God.  This has never been true!  It is simply the lie spoken by the deceiver in the garden {Genesis 3:1-7}.  The truth of our union in the Father is that we live each and every day in Him.  We share in all who He is.  This is our relationship in Him. 


Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Living A Lie)


Then the eyes of both of them were unclosed, and they realized that they were naked.  So they sewed fig leaves together and made girdle skirts for themselves.  Then they heard the sound of Yahweh Elohim walking about in the garden in the windy part of the day, and the human hid himself with his wife from the face of Yahweh Elohim among the trees of the garden

Genesis 3: 7-8, Concordant Old Testament 

I had a conversation with a church going friend of mine the other day.  It began totally innocent, as I overheard her talking with another about how much it was that they enjoyed the recent dog and pony show church service.  During the course of our conversation, I asked her if she believed that Jesus Christ died for the forgiveness of sin.  She agreed that He had, which is common church theology.  Then I asked THE question all too many believers shy away from answering.  Why, then, do we feel the need to continually  ask the Father for forgiveness of sin?  Well, as you can imagine, she changed the subject faster than Joe Biden forgets what day it is.  I let it go at that.  But I came away with another convincing example of just how the Lords children have been conditioned to live within the lie that the mainstream church continues to preach.  Now, I know that there will be many who will take one look at this post and brand me a blasphemer or even worse.  But how it is that I can be a blasphemer if I speak to scripture?  My friend kindly advised me that I was taking the scriptures out of context, another common defense of the rabid church defending apologists.  But the apostle Paul has made it clear in the book of Romans that we are now free from the shackles of sin {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  In fact, he goes as far as to proclaim that we should be "Reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin" {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  Yes, dead to sin.  So, if we are indeed dead to sin, why is i that so many believers continue to approach the throne of the Father seeking forgiveness for some misdeeds they feel that they have done?  Has not Jesus given Himself for the eradication of sin?  Do we truly believe that Christ was the "One and done" atonement for the sin of all mankind?  If you don't feel that this is true, then you might just be living a lie.  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to be still slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, having been roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin ONCE for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-10, Concordant New Testament 

I have recommended the words of Paul we find in Romans 6 to more than a few mainstream church apologists.  As I see it, sin remains the stumbling block which many believers continue to endure.  And why not, it is sin that continues to be preached as real by the mainstream church religious system of today.  I remember well the altar calls at the end of each Sunday sermon where those in the congregation who felt the need to confess any sins were encouraged to come forward for prayers for Gods forgiveness.  Prayers for Gods forgiveness?  Trust me, if you were to approach the Father seeking forgiveness for some perceived sin you might just be amazed by His response.  I believe that if I were to come to the Father seeking forgiveness that His response may just be "What sin, my child?"  And He would be right!  For it is Jesus who became sin that we would be spared the penalty {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  So the question we now face is, did Jesus really give Himself to die for us or didn't He?  Has the Father commissioned His one and only Son on our behalf, or hasn't he? {Johns  Account 3:16-17}.  The truth is there.  The Father has given us His word.  Do we trust Him, or do we trust in the words of man?  I believe that this is why the apostle John speaks to us of "Testing the spirits" {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  Man can twist his words any way to suit his own narrative, but the Fathers word is true.  If we're not living in the truth which the Father has revealed unto us, then we are surely living a lie.  


Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Better Than Porn)


Thus, husbands ought to be loving their own wives as their own bodies.  He who is loving his own wife is loving himself 

Paul to the Ephesians 5: 28, Concordant New Testament 

I've made no secret of the fact that in the past I have indulged in the temptations of the flesh.  I have spent many a night in the local strip clubs that adorn the city of Portland.  In fact, it is said that Portland has more strip clubs than any other city.  I don't know if this is true, but what I do know is that it presents many men with the wrong opportunities.  The other day a gym friend of mine asked me just what my favorite part of the female body was.  Of course, I was taken aback by his question.  Immediately, I began to recall all the nights that I spent gazing at women.  But that was then.  I'm guessing that my comrade expected me to regale him with a few examples of what I enjoyed about the female anatomy.  So, imagine his surprise when I didn't take the bait but declared that I had come to enjoy not only the female form, but her heart and mind as well.  See, my friend comes from the place where I used to be.  A place where a womans body is the main focal point of her attraction.  While you might agree with him, try mentioning that to any female that you know and see how that works out for you.  For in my experience, a woman may enjoy the attention given to her physical appearance, any man who focuses solely on that attribute will more than likely be in for an argument he isn't prepared for.  Again, I've been there.  When my friend asked me what I found so useful about a womans heart and mind (Being oh so careful not to offend any women who might be standing nearby), I explained to him that it is in her heart and mind that you will truly know her.  One of the most important passages on how it is that men should view a woman was spoken by the apostle Paul in Ephesians.  It is Paul who proclaims that husbands should love their wives as strongly as they love their own bodies {Paul to the Ephesians 5:28}.  I have been blessed to be witness to the marriage relationships of a few solid Christian men in my life.  I have been witness to what a Godly marriage relationship is.  A good friend of mine recently celebrated fifty years of marriage with his wife.  Fifty years!  I wonder if my gym friend could ever imagine spending so many years with one woman.  Up until some years ago, so did I.  But this is what pride and arrogance can do to people.  Seeing yourself as someone who takes what he wants regardless of the consequences.  My own father was like that.  My own father lost his family because he arrogantly did what he wanted to do regardless of others.  This is THE one reason that I swore that I would never be like him.  

And Yaweh Elohim said: It is not good for the human to be alone by himself.  I shall make for him a helper as his compliment. 

Genesis 2: 18, Concordant New Testament 

I can attest to the fact that when I indulged in the things of the flesh, that I rarely looked upon a woman as something more than she was there for my own enjoyment.  Sadly, this continues to be the thought process of so many men in our society.  The dramatic rise we've seen in divorce rates and domestic violence attest to this.  To believe in this lie of the deceiver is to believe that man is the prominent creation in the Fathers eyes.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We're told that God created woman as a "Compliment" to the man {Genesis 2:18}.  We're also told that the Father created this compliment from within the man himself {Genesis 2:21-24}.  Adam named his compliment woman "Because she was taken out of man" {Genesis 2:23}.  Does this sound like God gave second hand status to the woman He created?  Does this sound like the Father intended for the man to domineer over a woman?  No!  For when we look at what the Father truly intended the male and female relationship to be we see something wonderful.  It is for this reason that I could proclaim to my gym friend that I admire a woman for her heart and who it is that she is in the Father.  Yes, there are men who will idolize the physical attractiveness of a woman for their own enjoyment.  But to know her as the Father knows her, that's better than porn any day. 
