Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Faith Of A President


He must be growing, yet mine is to be inferior.

Johns Account 3: 30, Concordant New Testament 

There is no question that the political climate in our nation has reached a fevered pitch.  Friends have been gained and lost and families have been ripped apart all because of our political beliefs.  While we have always had different opinions over politics, in recent years these have turned deadly.  On June 4, 2017, Congressman Steve Scalise was among six people who were shot at during a annual congressional baseball game.  The assailant, James Hodgkinson, a left wing liberal activist, was engaged and killed by capital police.  Most recently, on June 13, 2024, former president and current presidential candidate Donald J Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on his life at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Three weeks after the shooting in Butler, much is still unknown about the shooter Matthew Crooks.  While political discord and violence has been with us for centuries (Remember the downfall of Julias Ceaser?), we somehow falsely believe that we as a nation are above such behaviors.  While that might be so, as humans we're not.  There have been millions of examples detailing mans own inhumanity towards their fellow man.  This is not something new.  After many of these events, a good portion of the nation comes together in sorrow to wonder why we could let such things happen.  Some turn to God for answers.  I used to wonder what the Lords response would be to that question, why would He allow such violence?  I believe that His response might contain the words "Where am I in your lives?"  Indeed I have a biased opinion as a believer, but I believe that a nation apart from God will fail.  A society apart from God will fail.  It is my belief that we are never apart from God, for He is an intimate part of us all {Johns Account 14:20}.  Sadly, there is a portion of our society who chooses not to recognize their own life in Jesus and the Father.  I feel that many people would agree that the faith of our leaders is of the utmost importance. 

If the world is hating you, know that it has hated Me first before you.

Johns Account 15: 15, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I watched a televised interview with Donald Trump.  While he discussed many topics, I was interested that he once again professed his own belief in the Lord.  That he went as far to proclaim his own belief in heaven.  While not specifically mentioning the existence of hell, he referred to those who do bad things as being sent "Somewhere else."  Now, many people will say that Trump is simply pandering for votes (Including a good friend who shall remain nameless).  But I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve and is not at all shy about saying what he feels.  There are definitely times where this has not endeared him to a portion of the political landscape, but that is what you get with him.  With Donald Trump, what you see is what you get.  Meanwhile, his current opponent liberal Democrat Kamala Harris has flip flopped her position on everything from gun control to oil drilling.  One thing I have noticed between these two is that Donald Trump will speak openly of his faith while Kamala Harris will not.  This is a big thing for me, but unfortunately many others do not share that opinion.  The faith of this current presidential candidate and former leader of our nation is an important issue in my book.  With a country of "One nation, under God," it helps to have leaders who know the Lord personally.  


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