Saturday, September 5, 2015


"RELIGIOSITY, in its broadest sense, is a comprehensive sociological term used to refer to the numerous aspects of religious activity, dedication, and belief (religious doctrine).  Another term that would work equally well, though less often used, is religiousness.

Religiosity, quite honestly, is a term that I've heard thrown about but never really knew the definition to.  Thankfully Wikipedia, the online know it all dictionary saved me from having to fork out $8 for a Kindle edition of Websters dictionary, I'll send a thank you card later.  Now, I've been unfortunate enough to hear Television icons John Stewart and Bill Maher bad mouth christianity from time to time, as well as other political and entertainment figures. 

"Religion is dangerous because it allows human being being who don't have all the answers to think that they do."
Bill Maher

Obviously, this guy has a grudge against religion, or he's just trying to sell whatever show he is currently hosting.  But, wait, what if there was something to his rants?  I mean, I've heard other people comment negatively about religion in the past as well.  Not all were aetheists, some were christians and catholics that I knew were faithfull.  What is it that would lead a lifelong faithfull christian to suddenly give up the trappings of the religion they follow?  Well, there lies the point.  Enter the term "Religiosity" and one may begin to understand some of the frustration people feel towards religion, not just christianity.  I've long dissaproved the Catholic religion due to the ceremony and false worship (The Virgin Mary...Really?)  However, I think I was blindsided by this issue.  While I was villifying the Catholic folks, I didnt realize that maybe christians had their faults as well.  See, the "christian" churches that I attended had just as many ceremonies as the catholics did.  Yet, alot of us considered ourselves to be better than most catholics, myself included.  I'm thinking this was not part of Jesus' "Love your neighbor as yourself" teaching.  
So, is the God of the bible a God of ceremony?  

"For I desire mercy and not sacrafice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings."
Hosea 6:6

Clearly, here God was not seeking some religious ceremony, but mercy towards others.  This begs the question, where did the religious ceremonies come from?  Well, in conversations with my friend Dennis, I'm thinking they are a mixture of biblical and man made ceremonies.  Sure, people in Old Testament times were called to offer sacrafices for the sins of the people, but that was before Jesus' death on the cross.  So, like most things man gets his hands on, we've kind of put our own spin on things.  Are people really disapointed with religion, or are we just tired of the rules and regulations brought forth by following rituals?  Well, since there is no shortage of people coming back to a church they've left in hopes that things have changed, I'd say there is still a desire out there to seek out God.


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