Thursday, December 10, 2015

Follow The Leader

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
Matthew 28: 19-20 NKJV

Much has been said of Jesus' final instructions to his disciples.  Indeed,  Jesus asked these men to "Go and make disciples" of all the nations, teaching them in all that Jesus had commanded them.  We've put so much emphasis on these final instructions through the ages, that we've developed countless programs and teachings on just how to "Disciple" someone.  So, exactly what is discipleship?  And, is this, by definition, what Jesus calls us to go into the world and do?  For starters, we may want to start with a simple definition in the parlance of the times of jesus, as this is the time frame that we're concerned with here.

The Greek term "Mathetes" refers generally to any "student," "pupil," or "apprentice," or "adherent," as opposed to a "teacher."  In the ancient world, however, it was most often used to describe followers of a great religious leader or philosopher.

So, we know that in Jesus' day the term "disciple" was a term used to describe a student or follower of a great spiritual leader.  Granted, Jesus is recognized as one of the key religious leaders in history, even to those who don't particularly agree with him.  Could it be, then, that the command that Jesus gave to his own "disciples" that day was that they would make "followers" of the risen Christ throughout all the nations?  This seems appropriate given the definitition of the term in that day.  Did Jesus instruct his followers to go forth into all the nations and administer a discipleship program of some sort?  No, he simply invited these men to go and make disciples, make followers of all the nations.
Over time, Jesus' "Great commision" as it is called has inspired people in countless efforts to bring the world into "discipleship."  What program do we need to make disciples of the world?  In better terms, what program is best suited for making followers of our Lord Jesus in this world?  I'll tell you one approach that doesn't require a program, video series or even a lecture...that is engaging those around us about Jesus!  That's it, just telling others around us about Jesus and the difference he's made in our lives personally.  Our very testamony of the freedom we now have in Christ Jesus can work wonders in the life of another.  Not only that, but others will surely notice the love and grace of Jesus as he exhibits himself through us.  As a very dear friend and mentor of mine recently told me, our testimonies are not weighed by the clever words we write but by the qualities of Jesus that others see in us.


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