Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Vision Check

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55: 8-9 NKJV

How do we look at the world around us?  Do we see just what is in front of us, or do we realize that there may be something else to our life?  A good friend of mine recently introduced to me something I believe that he called "Kingdom vision."  Where we normaly would see a situation we are experiencing in the view of what we see in front of us, we often have that opportunity to view things from a heaven perspective as well.  I will use as a example the recent passing of my mother.  Now, even though I still miss her and the grieving process definately must run its course, I've recently come to realize something of this painful situation from a heaven persepctive.  For my mother is no longer experiencing the pain which afflicted her in her later years, she is free from that.  Also, she is no longer faced with the worries and distress of this world, she is free from that as well.  Yes, we who she left behind will miss her terribly, but we rejoice in the fact that Marie is no longer hurting AND that we shall meet her again soon!  THIS, dear reader, is seeing things from a heaven perspective.
In Isaiah 55:8, God explains to us something that should be all to painfully  obvious to anyone who have ever opened their hearts to the Lord.  His ways ARE NOT our ways and His thoughts ARE NOT our thoughts.  In other words, anyone who somehow thinks that they can manage a situation better than the creator of all that is seen will end up sadly mistaken.  When we set our eyes on seeing only what we see in front of us, without considering our Lords perspective of things, we're not seeing the entire picture.  Like walking into a theater halfway through a movie, we miss most of the story that is behind the scenes.  Had we taken the time to see our situation from the viewpoint of just what God might be trying to accomplish, we gain a better perspective of what it is we are facing.  What is our Lord trying to show us?  What is He attempting to do through us?  These are questions that we need to be asking ourselves.  For our Lord is very capable of using our circumstances not only to grow and mature his children, but to reach others as well.  Yes, Gods ways are not our ways.  Indeed, His thoughts are higher than our own.  However, we do well to realize that our Lord will always have a motive for what he does, and that is the love, nurturing and well being of his children.


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