Saturday, October 23, 2021

Preaching To The Choir


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

2 Timothy 4: 3 - 4 NKJV 

Listening to a radio sermon this week I overheard the pulpit pounder proclaim that modern day pastors may need to ditch their traditional scripture sermons for some that might be more interesting to those who might be sleeping in the pews.  I almost spit out my coffee.  Here was a popular and well known pastor openly advocating sermons specifically designed to be trendy and popular.  Obviously, the goal would be to put people in the seats on Sunday and not to speak to the gospel of Jesus.  Does anyone else see a issue with this?  If  not I indeed wonder just how many Christians with itching ears we have out there.  Now, I've sat through many a boring sermon, but that doesn't mean that they were not worthwhile.  I would never discount a boring sermon that stayed true to the gospel.  Yet these days, with more and more people leaving our churches, it seems that the order of the day is not to speak the word but the most dynamic and interesting sermon possible.  I have seen this take hold in the church of pastor Rick Warren.  There, popular sermon topics and best seller books seem to be the goal of the ministry.  Don't get me wrong, if a book will lead one to Christ then I'm all for it.  Yet the one and only book in my experience which eventually leads people to Christ is the bible.  Is there something to be said for a ministry based upon popular topics of the day?  Perhaps, if we do not lose sight of Christ in the process.  Speaking the truth of Christ Jesus doesn't need to be tedious or boring, but hopeful.  I hope for the revelation of Jesus to the entire world.  I hope for the day when He will present Himself to all of Gods creation.  The apostle Paul referred to the reality of Christ Jesus in us as our "Hope of glory" {Colossians 1:27}.  Yet, ask most Christians their idea of Jesus and very few will tell you of the truth of Christ in you.  This is what preaching to the choir does to a believer.

And He said: "Take heed that you are not deceived.  For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am He,' and, 'The time has drawn near,'  Therefore do not go after them."

Luke 21: 8 - 9 NKJV 

I can speak honestly that I never heard a sermon on the indwelling Christ in all of my years in the pews.  This is why when this idea of Jesus was spoken to me by a good friend that it was indeed as the Paul referred to it...the mystery among the Gentiles {Colossians 1:27}.  Why would the church not embrace the truth of Christ in us?  Simply put, the church must feel that speaking this form of the gospel will not fill the pews on Sundays.  After all, that is the goal of the modern church, attendance, full pews and more tithes.  Is it any wonder, then, that churches around the country are bleeding members daily?  Preaching to the choir does not produce vibrant churches.  What it does produce is popular sermons loved by itching ears followed by trendy praise and worship rock bands.  Yet how many people sitting through these popular dog and pony shows each Sunday sit in their pew and wonder to themselves, "Where are you, Jesus?"  I don't blame Christians for thinking this way, because they're certainly not being shown the truth of Jesus in church.  Jesus isn't popular.  Jesus isn't trendy.  What Jesus you.  It is Jesus who lives in you {Galatians 2:20}.  Look into the mirror and you will see Jesus.  Does that seem popular or trendy to you?  Maybe not, but what it means to me is the assurance of who it is I really am.  All the feel good books written by Rick Warren cannot give me the assurance which I have found in Jesus.  To me, there's nothing more popular than that.  

Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.  So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.  And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. 

Acts 2: 44 - 47 NKJV 


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