Saturday, September 30, 2023

Unsanctioned Community


Sects and denominations have absolutely nothing to do with the true church.  Denominations are ALL man-made systems, structured contrary to the ways of the spirit of God, and they are ALL the prison houses of Babylon.  The church is a people related to God by Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.  They are a people born from above, born free.  And yet, many of the Lord's precious people sit in Babylon.  Unto them our blessed Lord speaks today:  "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES" {Revelation 18:4}.  

J. Preston Eby 

We come from all walks of life.  Businessmen, contractors, students and factory workers.  Some have chosen the Lord in their life while others have not.  Still, we find common ground to come together more than a few times each week for fellowship and exercise.  Many a well intentioned believer might not see a gathering at a local gym as "community," but a community it is nonetheless.  These same believers will point to a gathering at a local coffee shop as community sanctioned by the church, yet a group of people gathered together in community at a local gym cannot possibly be that, could it?  To put a better light upon this question, we need to distinguish what it is we refer to as community.  While I was in the church, community to me always meant a gathering which was endorsed by the church leadership.  Small groups, home groups and men's groups all represented accepted examples of church community.  The first time I saw someone bend these rules was with a dear friend of mine who took to doing his private bible study time at a local coffee shop.  Well, eventually, he introduced himself to more and more people and his community grew.  Today, he still maintains close relationships with many of those he introduced himself to in that coffee shop ministry.  Now, I'm not at all sure if his coffee shop community was endorsed by the church leadership, but to me it doesn't matter anyway.  For through this community many people came to a deeper understanding of the Lord Jesus, myself included.  So it is that I don't worry too much if what I refer to as my gym community would itself be sanctioned by some pastor or otherwise ambitious pulpit pounder pushing some church agenda.  For there is a sense of freedom which comes with authentic community.  We're not beholden to church rules nor are we worried if we will be accepted by the remainder of the so called "congregation."  

Now all those who believe were also in the same place and had all things in common.  And they disposed of the acquisitions and the properties, and divided them to all, forasmuch as some would have need.  Besides persevering day by day with one accord in the sanctuary, besides breaking bread home by home, they partook of nourishment with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor for the whole people.  Now the Lord added to those being saved day by day in the same place. 

Acts 2: 44-47, Concordant New Testament 

One of my favorite passages when it comes to the community of Gods children is found in Acts 2.  Here, the physician Luke gives us an example of the workings of the early church of the believers in Christ Jesus.  Many who have read and enjoyed this passage may have yearned for a day when their church could function in such a way.  Well, we can, and we have!  My friend's coffee shop community is but one example of the Lord's people gathering in His name and not within the sanctioned rules of the church.  Luke tells us that these early believers had "favor for the whole people."  They were not only concerned with those who were believing, but those who were outside of their community as well.  Our gym community (commonly referred to as the gym rats) is a cross section of the community.  Not everyone is a believer.  However, the gym rats know where I stand in my faith and more than a few have begun asking questions of my faith.  This is authentic community!  This community might not be sanctioned by any church, but we are also free of the burdens of church acceptance and rules.  In my opinion, church rules and standards only serve to choke off the true meaning of community, which is people gathering together.  How many of us have been in those church gatherings where nothing ever happens until announcements are read leadership introduced?  This IS NOT community.  I believe that Luke would have felt the same way.  God does not desire for people to blindly follow the rules and regulations of man made religion.  What the heart of the Lord does delight in is His people gathering together in Him, whether that be in a coffee shop or a local gym.  

And we may be considering one another to incite to love and ideal acts, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, according as the custom of some is, but entreating, and so much rather as you are observing the day drawing near. 

Hebrews 10: 24-25, Concordant New Testament 


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