Friday, June 14, 2024

Churches Without Walls


Now all those who believe were also in the same place and had all things in common.  And they disposed of the acquisitions and the properties, and divided them to all, forasmuch as some would have had need.  Besides persevering day by day with one accord in the sanctuary, besides breaking bread home by home, they partook of nourishment with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor for the whole people.  Now the Lord added to those being saved day by day in the same place. 

Acts of the Apostles 2: 44-47, Concordant New Testament 

I would usually get a strange reaction from people who will ask me where it is that I go to church.  Being Christian, it's almost assumed that attending a local church is the thing to do.  I get it.  If I'm a believer, I need to be led.  If I'm a Christian, I need to be "Under the cover" of good Christian leadership.  Like a lost lamb, I need to be led from going astray into the world.  These days, whenever someone asks me where I go to church, I have a simple answer for them.  I am the church.  The apostle Paul spoke to this in His letter to the church in Corinth {Paul to the Corinthians (1) 12:12}.  That's right, the true church of Christ Jesus belongs to those who are in Him, not to the brick and mortar sanctuaries built up by man.  Granted, I used to be among those who filled the pews of the local church, but no longer.  These days I commune with fellow believers in our own church service.  We meet via Zoom call, but we enjoy this time as much if not more than we used to enjoy our time in the mainstream church.  It is indeed our church without walls.  The late singer Tom T Hall once sang a song titled "Me and Jesus."  Ironically, the lyrics of his song are a indication of someone shedding the borders of the traditional church and following their hearts.  I'm all for that.

We can't afford any fancy preaching

We can't afford any fancy church

We can't afford any fancy singing

You know Jesus got a lot of poor people out doing His work

Me and Jesus ~ Tom T Hall 

Those within the walls of the mainstream church will often point to a single verse to illustrate the need for believers to go to church.  The writer of Hebrews proclaims that we should not "Forsake the assembling of ourselves."  Yet, the writer also adds the caveat, "As is the custom of some" to this scripture.  As I look at the description of the early church of the followers of Jesus found in the Acts of the Apostles, I do not see an obligation to assemble in the temple.  What I do see is a group of believers choosing to celebrate Jesus anywhere they were comfortable in meeting.  Again, this is church without walls.  When Jesus called on His followers to worship in "Spirit and truth," He wasn't referring to the local church {Johns Account 4:23-24}.  That is, worship which is coming from the heart and not out of obligation to a religious system.  True worship of Jesus does not need to be choreographed, rehearsed and planned.  True worship of the Lord can be as simple as spending time with Jesus each day.  We're told that we are now in union with the Father and Son {Johns Account 14:20}.  We do not need to be in the local church in order to be in the presence of the Lord.  God is within us wherever it is that we go. The church without walls.  


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