Saturday, June 15, 2024

Gods Free Gift


For the ration of sin is death, yet the gracious gift of God is life eonian, through Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Paul to the Romans 6: 23, Concordant New Testament 

Everyone who has read scripture will see that the disciples of Jesus struggled in their understanding of the message of Jesus at times.  We see in the new testament times where Jesus Himself became frustrated with their lack of understanding.  Yet His love and devotion for them never wavered.  The streaming series The Chosen has done an excellent job of depicting the lives of Jesus and His followers.  This week I was drawn to a particular episode in which Simon Peter struggled with the his forgiveness of Matthew the former tax collector.  From the series, one would see that Simon was not a fan of Matthew from the beginning.  When Jesus first called out to Matthew, Simon cautions his teacher by saying, "Do you know what this man has done?"  I can imagine that many Jews were aware of the acts of this tax collector Matthew.  But Jesus had other plans for him.  When Jesus asks Simon if he has forgiven his brother, Simon shares his struggles in doing so {Matthews Account 18:21-22}.  It's here that Jesus shares a secret with His disciple, that one does not apologize to be forgiven, but to repent.  Amen!  I read and hear a lot of the "Free gift" of the Lord in our lives.  Yet I am of the opinion that we all too often don't realize the impact of this statement.  When we ask for forgiveness from God, are we repenting?  Are we turning away from that which we are seeking His forgiveness?  The Greek meaning of the word repent is to turn around, to turn away from something.  Is this what we're doing when we ask the Lords forgiveness?  I know I wasn't.  I would pray to God for His forgiveness whenever I felt that tug of guilt on my heart.  Yet I didn't realize that with repentance comes a new direction in life.  To ask for forgiveness is only part of the equation.  

For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is Gods approach present, not of works, lest anyone should be boasting. 

Paul to the Ephesians 2: 8-9, Concordant New Testament 

Can you imagine where we would be in life if God were to require us to repent and change our lives before offering His forgiveness?  How many would have the fortitude to do that?  Repentance for forgiveness.  Thankfully, God has already taken care of that through the work of Christ Jesus on the cross.  It is Jesus who gave Himself as the free gift of God that our sins would be no more {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  God not required that we repent in exchange for His forgiveness.  His forgiveness is His free gift to His children.  Yet how many of us fully realize the importance of this gift?  Judging from how many Christians continue to struggle with the issue of sin in their lives, not too many.  The apostle Paul has proclaimed that Jesus died to sin ONCE for all time {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Jesus has brought the free gift of God to life with His sacrifice.  The death of sin in our lives is the free gift of God {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  We do well to remember this when we struggle, as Simon has, with the forgiveness of others.  If God has seen to forgive us, should we not do the same?  


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