Sunday, July 21, 2024

Just Like Me


In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament  

I've often been criticized by some for my opposition to the Catholic religion.  Let me be clear, my issue is with the Catholic religious system and not those who profess to be Catholics.  For some time, I've found that the Catholic religious systems bestowing of deity like adoration upon those such as the mother of Jesus as well as His disciples was misplaced.  Of course, we Christians have our own symbol in the image of the cross of Jesus.  In the end, I feel that this all leads to the reinforcement of the lie that mankind is somehow separated from God.  That the Father and Jesus are in a place which we can never hope to enter into.  Of course, this goes back to the lie which Satan the accuser spoke unto Adam and Eve in the garden.  The lie which convinced them that were they to eat of the fruit which God had forbidden them that they would "Be like God, knowing good and evil" {Genesis 3:3-5}.  This separation mentality has infected most all of our beliefs.  We pray to a far off God.  We sing of a distant God, inviting Him into our presence.  This is all wrong!  The first indication I received of this was through the words of the apostle Paul as he spoke of Christ Jesus in me {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Gradually, I began to see that I have  never been separated from the Father.  It is God who created me in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  It is He who breathed into my spirit the breath of life, creating a living soul {Genesis 2:7}.  How is it that I could ever be separated from my creator?  Yet this continues to be the teaching of our religious systems to crowded churches every week.  As I have read into the passages of Jesus and His woes to the Pharisees of His day I've discovered that He very well could have been speaking to our religious system leadership of today.  

Now when the full time came, God delegates His Son, come of a woman, come under law, that He should be reclaiming those under law, that we may be getting the place of a son. 

Paul to the Galatians 4: 4-5, Concordant New Testament 

Like many, I am a big fan of The Chosen series that depicts the life of Jesus during His ministry.  I have recommended this series to more than a few people as I think that it depicts Jesus as He is.  And who is Jesus?  I am Jesus.  Indeed, I live in union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Through The Chosen series, we see the human side of Jesus come through.  We see His joy and happiness as He heals those who have been afflicted.  We see His compassion on those who need Him.  Most importantly, we see the frustrations of Jesus when His followers fail to grasp the truth He is speaking to them.  In Jesus we see all of the emotions which we see in ourselves.  In Jesus we are witness to the same hopes and fears which we ourselves go through.  This isn't simply some slick Hollywood screenplay, but the truth of the living Christ.  Jesus is exactly like me.  Now, most people would find this image of Jesus as One that they could agree with.  A Jesus who has been where we've been.  We have One who has already been through the struggles which we face {To the Hebrews 4:15}.  No matter what we are facing, we can rest assured that Jesus has been there.  Not only that, but He is within us as we go through our trials as well.  Indeed, we walk through each and every day AS Christ who is in us.  We do not need to invite God into our presence, He's already there!  When I see Jesus, I see myself as well.  


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