Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Fathers Leading

 Yet hallow the Lord Christ in your hearts, ever ready with a defense for everyone who is demanding from you an account concerning the expectation in you, but with meekness and fear. 

Peter to the Dispersion (1) 3: 15, Concordant New Testament 

I listen to a lot of Christian radio in my spare time.  As a result, I hear a lot of the fundraising efforts of said ministries.  Of course, I realize that there are costs involved in the upkeep of the programs believers enjoy listening to.  But I also realize that compelling someone to support a certain ministry usually doesn't work out too well.  I admit that I have given in support of a few certain ministries when I felt led to do so, which is all that anyone should be expected to do.  For it is not the elaborate advertising or slick ads that will spur people to give in support of a certain ministry, but through the leading of the Father upon their hearts.  This is also how ministries grow and flourish, through the leading of the Father.  I can recall being in church and listening to one pastor after another speak to the need of this or that ministry.  This was usually a hard sell, telling those assembled that unless they gave that the ministry would cease to exist.  More often than not, this leads to many a guilty conscience come offering time.  Giving through compulsion.  Granted, not all churches adhere to these methods, but the fact remains that every brick and mortar church needs money to survive.  It is also through the Father that many are led to support their church financially.  I get it.  I have known a few of my close friends who took up the reigns and began to develop a following while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.  Although many church leaders may not consider it a ministry, I myself have become engaged in speaking the truth of Christ to those I know at the local gym I frequent.  The thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion to bring this group under the umbrella of a formal ministry.  I have not yet began to do this as I have not felt the Fathers leading to do so.  Therefore, I will continue to develop relationships and to speak to the truth of Christ Jesus to those I come across.  

In whom the God of this eon blinds the apprehensions of the unbelieving so that the illumination of the evangel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of the invisible God, does not irradiate them. 

Paul to the Corinthians (2) 4: 4, Concordant New Testament 

When you break it down, what is ministry but the declaring of the truth of the Lord Jesus.  I am a big fan of The Chosen series which depicts the life of Christ during His own ministry years.  The funny thing is, in this series, we never saw Jesus request donations from anyone.  We see Simon (Peter) selling some of his fishing nets to provide money for his household while he is off ministering with Jesus.  Of course, we also see Jesus Himself providing for He and His followers through more than a few miracles of provision.  But we never see Jesus Himself asking for donations from others.  Why is that?  The short answer is, and I believe that this is one thing He was attempting to teach His disciples, that He was allowing the Father to lead others to help support He and His disciples.  It seemed to work out pretty well.  I believe that the true essence of any ministry is that we allow God to lead unto us those who need to hear the truth of His Son.  I have not actively recruited anyone in my time at the local gym, yet the Father has brought many people to me whom I have shared the truth of Jesus with.  This is true ministry.  Jesus has proclaimed that His followers "Disciple all the nations" {Matthews Account 28:19}.  Indeed, the world will only come to know the truth of Jesus through those who know Him.  And none will come to Jesus unless the Father draws them to Him {Johns Account 6:44}.  True ministry resides in the Fathers leading.  

No one can come to Me if ever the Father Who sends Me should  not be drawing him.  And I shall be raising him up on the last day. 

Johns Account 6: 44, Concordant New Testament 


Friday, August 30, 2024

A Perfect Union


In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I speak to a lot of people about my beliefs in Christ.  However, I'm never too surprised when I began to speak to someone about the union which I share with Jesus and the Father and I see the look of confusion in their eyes.  Indeed, many mainstream believers have never been introduced to the concept of their union in Christ Jesus or our heavenly Father.  This, of course, relates to the message which the mainstream church has spoken over the years.  I grew up in the church teachings that I was separated from God due to my being born a sinner {Paul to the Romans 3:23}.  Because of this, my only access to the Father was through Christ Jesus my Lord and savior {Johns Account 14:6}.  While it is true that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, He was meant to so much more than simply a gateway to God.  I believe that there remain two important issues which get in the way of the believer recognizing their own union in the Father.  The first is that they continue to live the lie of the deceiver which claims that they live in separation from God.  This was the lie spoken by Satan to Adam and Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:1-7}.  Satan deceived the Lords creation into believing that if they ate of the fruit which God had forbidden them that they would "Be like God, knowing good and evil" {Genesis 3:5}.  Of course, the first couple could not have known that, having been created in Gods image {Genesis 1:27}, that they were already "Like God."  And so mans sin of disobedience was complete.  The next obstacle believers face is the elephant in the room, the issue of sin.  Or, as many I have spoken to say, unforgiven sin.  Yet, the reality is that Christ Jesus gave Himself upon the cross for the forgiveness of sin {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Jesus became our sin offering.  And not just for our the sins of the past, but also for our sin of the present and our future as well {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  It is through Christ through which our sins have been nullified.  It is through our death with Him upon the cross that we now share union with He and the Father {Paul to the Galatians 2:20, Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  

For in Him we are living and moving and are, as some poets of yours have also declared, 'For of that race also are we.' 

Acts of the Apostles 17: 28, Concordant New Testament 

I cannot give all of the credit of believers not knowing of their union in the Father to the mainstream church.  For the scriptures attest to this truth as well.  It is through the scriptures which Jesus proclaims our union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Paul also speaks to our union as well {Paul to the Corinthians (1) 6:17}.  It has never been the fault of the church that I did not know of this truth.  The words were spoken in scripture for all to read.  The fact that the church does not speak to our union with the Father speaks volumes.  For many have been misled into a false belief of God.  One of the best characterizations I have seen of the view many share of the mainstream church didn't come from a pastor, but from a comedian.  Comedian George Carlin once characterized Christianity as the belief in a "Man in the sky" who had ten rules of things you shouldn't do.  If you were to do one of these things, the man would send you to a place of fire, smoke and torment forever.  But...he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money, he always needs money.  This, in a nutshell, describes the Christian religion.  Notice I didn't say God, for God and Christianity are two separate things.  Christianity is a religious system.  God has never required we join a religious system to be in union with Him.  We simply need recognize the truth of who it is that we are.  Created in His image, alive in Him.  

"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money" 

~George Carlin~ 


Thursday, August 29, 2024

George On Religion


"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money."  

~George Carlin~ 

I shared a video the other day of a monologue done by comedian George Carlin on religion.  While many Christians might find his words a tab bit offensive, I actually saw and found the humor in it.  See, George Carlin came from a catholic family, yet young George chose a different path.  Raised in an Irish catholic family, he briefly attended a catholic school as well.  Early on, it seems like he seemed to separate himself from the religion.  He described religion as an invisible man living in the sky who had ten rules he expected you to follow.  If one were to break these rules, the man would send you to a place of fire, smoke and torture forever.  But he loves you, he loves you and he always needs money.  Sound familiar?  Like I said, having been involved in the mainstream church system for quite a few years, I can see the relevant humor in Carlins words.  The truth is, Christianity has reduced God to exactly the way which George Carlin describes Him.  I believe that he was not poking fun at God Himself, but at the religious system which man has created.  I have poked around the scriptures a bit and I couldn't come up with anything which Jesus proclaimed which resembles the monologue of George Carlin.  Again, this is simply the creation of mankind.  Anyone who has read the gospels knows all too well of Jesus' feelings about the Scribes and Pharisees whom he criticized.  These men were the agents of the religious system of Jesus' time.  In His woes to the Pharisees, Jesus lays out His criticisms of these men {Mathews Account 23:13-33}.  I find it strange that many Christians would look upon Jesus' words against the Pharisees and see them as righteous while criticizing George Carlin for doing the same thing.  I did not see Carlin criticize God, but the man-made system in which we encapsule Him.  Let me be the first to tell you, that God has never been burdened by man-made religion.  Confining God to a box has never worked out too well.  

The God who makes the world and all that is in it, He, the Lord inherent of heaven and earth, is not dwelling in temples made with hands, neither is He attended by human hands, as if requiring anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all. 

Acts of the Apostles 23: 24-25, Concordant New Testament 

One of the reasons that George Carlins resonated with me is that more and more I have noticed that many in the world share his view of the Christian faith.  Can you blame them?  The church has spent generations proclaiming its theology of a creation separated from the Father, the "Man in the sky."  Yet nothing could be further from the truth.  The idea that we have ever been separated from our Lord who created us is the lie spoken to Adam and Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:1-7}.  In reality, God has always been an intimate part of who we are {Genesis 1:27}.  It is He who breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  How is it that we could ever be separated from He who created us?  Yet this is the conversation which the mainstream church has pushed for generations.  The truth is, God has never been simply a "Man in the sky" who watches over us and punishes us for doing wrong.  The apostle Paul speaks to the indwelling Christ within us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Does that sound like Jesus is separated from us?  Jesus also speaks to the truth of our union in He and the Father through His disciple John {Johns Account 14:20}.  I am thoroughly convinced that if Jesus were to confront those of the mainstream church today that we might very well see His "Woes to the church leaders."  For it is their teachings which have spoken a false narrative of the Father.  Instead, it was George Carlin who called them out.  


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Modern Ministry


For everyone, whoever should be invoking the name of the Lord, shall be saved.  How, then, should they be invoking One in Whom they do not believe?  Yet how should they be believing One of Whom they do not hear?  Yet how should they be hearing apart from heralding?  Yet how should they be heralding if ever they should not be commissioned?  According as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those bringing an evangel of good!  

Paul to the Romans 10: 13-15, Concordant New Testament 

When it comes to the traditional church, I've been out of the loop for more than a few years.  In all honesty, the only thing I miss about my days in the mainstream church is the people I've met.  The rest of it I can do without.  The reason I mention this is because of something I've noticed over the past few years.  This involves the ministry of the gospel of Christ and how it is that we reach out to those around us.  It used to be that the mainstream church would "Prepare" those who were interested in speaking Jesus to others.  Often, this involved more than a few training classes and/or seminars.  I have been a part of more than a few of these in my time.  I always wondered why it was that we needed classes to talk about Jesus.  Yet this is the way of the institutional church.  I can honestly say that I can speak of Christ with or without the training of the church.  Now, my own beliefs in Jesus might not mesh with someone who has been taught in the church, but the concept is the same more or less.  The history of the life of Jesus, documented in scripture, is there for all to see.  Indeed, even the truth of Christ which I believe is there in the pages of the bible for everyone to see.  Yet it is this truth which is rarely spoken of within the mainstream church.  This is the truth of our life IN Christ Jesus.  Perhaps the most prominent speaker to this belief is the apostle Paul.  It is Paul who speaks to the presence of the indwelling Christ within us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Yes, it is Jesus who is alive in us.  But how can Jesus be in the presence of sinners?  Well, Paul speaks to that as well.  For it is Christ who has given Himself once for all {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  It is Paul who speaks to our being "Dead to sin" {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  This is the truth of Christ which I speak unto others.  This is the basis of my ministry of the gospel of Jesus. 

In Whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Paul to the Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament 

In Paul's letter to the church at Galatia he spells out the divisions which too many people place upon the world around us.  Jews and Greeks, males and females.  While the Lord obviously created man in His image, we are also created by Him male or female {Genesis 1:27}.  I realize that this might anger the gender neutral crowd, but the Lords word is true.  The point is, these divisions which man uses to separate the world around him have nothing to do with the truth of the gospel of Christ.  As Paul tells us, "You are all one on Christ Jesus" {Paul to the Galatians 3:28}.  The traditional mainstream church theology is one of our separation from God.  This was the lie spoken to Adam and Eve in the garden by the deceiver {Genesis 3:4-7}.  As His creation, God has always been a part of us.  Yet the basis of the gospel of Christ that I now share is that of our life in Him.  The apostle John speaks to this union as well {Johns Account 14:20}.  Contrary to the teachings of the church, which stress our own efforts to gain the acceptance of the Lord, I speak to the truth that we have always been loved and accepted by our heavenly Father {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  There are many people who have been surprised by the truth of Christ when I have spoken it to them.  But it is my prayer that this planted seed would grow and flourish in Him.  I might not stand on a street corner and proclaim the sacrifice of the Savior, but in my own way I speak to Him who will save the world. 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Walk In The Valley


For I am reckoning that the sufferings of the current era do not deserve the glory about to be revealed for us.

Paul to the Romans 8: 18, Concordant New Testament 

I'm normally someone who is big on consistency.  I like having things follow a certain pattern without much deviation.  Unfortunately, in this period known as life, things usually don 't follow that pattern.  I found myself this week in prayer to the Lord that He would somehow allow my week to remain somewhat consistent.  That He would save me from the constant buffeting of this world and its experiences.  Not surprisingly, as I prayed, one word was spoken unto my heart.  That word was growth.  Suddenly it all made sense.  I might not enjoy the process, but it makes sense when seen from the Fathers perspective.  For how is it that we can grow and mature apart from these experiences we encounter?  In frustration, the apostle Paul requested that the Lord remove such experiences from his own life {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 12:6-10}.  Paul did the right thing, when he was feeling beaten he immediately prayed unto the Father.  The Lords response?  "Sufficient for you is My grace."  Don't worry about all of this other stuff, Paul, I've got you.  It is through this that Paul proclaims that he would "Glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ should be tabernacling over me" {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 12:9}.  So it is that whenever we are faced with the trials of life, we should not look at it as being defeated or beaten down.  No, we should view such seasons as opportunities to grow and mature in the Lord.  Yet, if you are like me, you may at times forget this wisdom when the troubles of life come knocking on your door.  I would suggest that a consistent believer is a believer who is not maturing in their faith.  For a life lived without challenges does little to grow our faith and maturity.  There is a saying that we learn more from walking in the mountains than we do from the valleys of life.  Amen!  The valleys are easy and consistent.  The mountains of our lives are hard and difficult to climb.  Yet we can be assured that throughout all which we do, that the grace of our Father is sufficient for us.  

Wherefore also, lest I should be lifted up by the transcendence of the revelations, there was given to me a splinter in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, that he may be buffeting me, lest I may be lifted up.  For this I entreat the Lord thrice, that it should withdraw from me.  And He has protested to me, "Sufficient for you is My grace, for My power in infirmity is being perfected."  With the greatest relish, then, will I rather be glorying in my infirmities, that the power of Christ should be tabernacling over me.  Wherefore I delight in infirmities, in outrages, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake, for, whenever I may be weak, then I am powerful. 

Paul to the Corinthians 12: 7-10, Concordant New Testament 

As we look at the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians, is there any of the issues which Paul describes that we will never encounter in our own lives?  Infirmities, outrages or persecutions?  We can easily point to the experiences of Paul and personalize them to our own life.  It's been said that whatever doesn't kill me can only make me stronger, how true that is.  Our typical reaction to hectic circumstances in our lives is to quickly find a way to overcome it, to once again return to a consistent pattern of living.  But what is it that we are supposed to be learning through all of this?  For myself, a hectic period served as a gentle reminder from the Lord that my focus should not be on my circumstances, but on Him.  I cannot grow in the Lord living my life the same way each and every day without seasons of turbulence.  Walking in the valleys is all good, but eventually we come across another mountain to climb.  Through it all, it is God who remains constant.  It is God who never changes {To the Hebrews 13:8}.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever no matter what it is we encounter.  Because He is the same, our life in Him will not change {Johns Account 14:20}.  So it is that even when we walk through life's difficult periods, we do so in Christ Jesus.  


Sunday, August 18, 2024

In Plain Sight

 Now at their becoming affrighted and inclining their faces to the earth, they say to them, "Why are you seeking the living with the dead?"

Lukes Account 24: 5, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I saw an old film clip of the English preacher Leonard Ravenhill.  At first I would have dismissed this as just another mainstream church production.  That is, until Mr. Ravenhill started talking about how Christ came to dwell in us.  In all honesty, I have not heard very many institutional church pastors speak to this truth of the Lord Jesus.  I did not come to my own revelation of Christ in me within the walls of the modern church, but through the words spoken by a dear friend and by the revelation of the Father.  As it was with the apostle Paul, when it delighted the Lord He revealed His Son in me {Paul to the Galatians 1:15}.  This is the indwelling Christ which the English preacher spoke of.  What I find confusing, and contrary to the mainstream church, is that this teaching is widely ignored within the church.  Despite being proclaimed by Paul in plain sight within the scriptures, too many church leaders ignore the prospect that Christ Jesus lives within us.  Instead, they speak of a Jesus who is removed from our presence.  A Jesus who is not seated with the Father in heaven and watching over us from there.  This is contrary to what Paul proclaims about the truth of Christ.  That He gave Himself "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Paul proclaims in multiple scriptures of the presence of Christ Jesus within us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20, Paul to the Romans 8:11, Paul to the Romans 6:8}.  In my mind, there can be no doubt that I am in Christ.  Jesus isn't simply One who I stive "To be like."  For to be "Like" Jesus is to not have Jesus in me.  This, I believe, is contrary to what the Father desires for His children.  The false narrative of Jesus proclaims that we remain separated from He and the Father.  This is the lie spoken by the deceiver to Adam and Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:1-6}.  Adam and Eve were unaware that, having been created in the Fathers likeness, that they already WERE like God {Genesis 1:27}.  It is Christ who came to reclaim the Fathers rightful place within us {Paul to the Colossians 3:3}.  

For you died, and your life is hid together with Christ in God

Paul to the Colossians 3: 3, Concordant New Testament 

I shared a comment with a dear friend recently as we were talking about the group of friends I share at my local gym.  These people know beyond a doubt what it is that I believe, and I have been approached on many occasions with conversations on matters of religion.  Yet, I decided some time ago that I would no longer speak to others in the context of religion, but of the truth of Christ Jesus.  Religion is man made.  Religion bases its beliefs and decisions upon the minds and emotions of men.  Being of Jewish heritage, Jesus removed the strict guidelines of the Jewish faith from His message of the gospel.  One need only refer to Jesus' woes to the Pharisees in order to see just how Jesus felt about the policies of those who lorded over the Jewish temples of His day.  I have often wondered how Jesus would respond to church leaders of today.  Would we hear Him proclaim, "Woe to you, pastors?"  I have often spoken to others who have no idea of the truth of Christ Jesus.  It's something which they have never heard mentioned in a church sermon.  When I mention that I am alive and living in Christ, I get many confused looks.  Again, Paul speaks to this in Colossians {Paul to the Colossians 3:3}.  Also within plain sight of the scriptures is the truth spoken of our union in the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  To me, its obvious that the truth of my life in Christ is one unburdened by man made religion.  However, to others I might simply be another heretic.  


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Faith And Traditions

 Who rouses Him from among the dead, you also being dead to the offenses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He vivifies us together jointly with Him, dealing graciously with all our offenses, erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst, nailing it to the cross.

In a rare moment, I watched a nightly network news program early this week.  I was encouraged when a guest began speaking to what she perceived as an increase in those seeking religion in this country.  However, my enthusiasm waned when she began to equate God...with traditions.  So it was that she viewed a possible religious revival as issues of faith and tradition.  Of course, I would tend to disagree with this assumption, and I'll explain why.  What is it that tradition has to do with the one true gospel of Christ Jesus?  Traditions speak to long held practices.  The mainstream church is filled with far too many of these traditions.  A tradition of holy communion.  A tradition of tithing.  Even something as simple as praising and worshipping God has been hijacked by our church traditions.  What does tradition have to do with salvation?  What does tradition have to do with speaking the gospel of Christ?  In my own mini ministry which I share amongst a few of my friends at a local gym, you would be hard pressed to find much mention of tradition.  However, what you WILL find is a conversation often centered on Jesus and His desire that all of the Lords children accept the salvation which He offers {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  We don't celebrate communion.  We don't have the need to tithe for anything.  What I've noticed that a few of these men are in need of is knowing more about Christ.  More about Jesus than the church is willing to reveal.  

We can't afford, any fancy preaching

We can't afford any fancy church

We can't afford any fancy singing

But you know Jesus has a lot of poor people out doing His work

Me And Jesus, Tom T Hall 

Having grown up in the church, I'm well aware of the idea of religious tradition.  It saddens me that the church I grew up in is more interested in following its own traditions than it is about speaking the truth of the gospel of Christ.  In His woes to the Pharisees, Jesus called out the religious leaders of His day for being more concerned about tradition than about helping the Lords children {Matthews Account 25:13-33}.  I wonder how it is that Jesus would speak to the church leaders of today.  I have a feeling that His "Woes to the Pharisees" would include many of our modern church leadership.  Our focus should not be on the upholding of man created traditions, but on knowing the truth of Jesus.  What is that truth?  I believe that the apostle Paul spoke it best when he proclaimed the presence of the indwelling Christ in Him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  THIS is the truth of Jesus which the church fails to speak to.  Therefore, far too many Christians are not aware that we are alive in Christ Jesus{Johns Account 14:20}.  This was not a result of tradition, but of the work of Christ on the cross.  It is Jesus who Himself became sin that we would be free from it {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Again, achieving this without tradition.  Our focus should be less on the traditions we've created and more on the truth our life in Christ.  


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Following The Fathers Lead


For not ashamed am I of the evangel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing - to the Jew first, and to the Grek as well. 

Paul to the Romans 1: 16, Concordant New Testament 

Ministry can be a hard thing.  Each year churches across the world spend a lot of money for that opportunity to speak the gospel of Christ Jesus to the world.  There are training seminars, video seminars and classes all designed with the goal of reaching as many people with the gospel as possible.  I myself have been involved in more than a few of these training sessions.  I know Godly men who have traveled far and wide to spread the word of Jesus to the world around us.  Indeed, ministry is a huge deal for the mainstream church.  People must be prepared for its rigors.  But in all honesty, one of the greatest ministries that I have ever witnessed was of one man and his bible sitting alone in a coffee shop.  This was the ministry opportunity which a dear friend of mine engaged himself in some years ago.  As he studied the scripture in that coffee shop, he engaged with many people who were curious.  To this day, he maintains close relationships with many of those he encountered.  One man in a coffee shop.  No football stadium rally.  No mainstream church sermon.  Just one man following the leading of the Father in his heart.  I will say that those in the mainstream church could learn plenty from my friend about what it truly means to speak the gospel of Jesus to others.  For too long Christians have been seen as holier than thou bible thumpers who speak the forgiveness of Christ Jesus in one breath and of the damnation of hell for unbelievers in the next.  The message?  Yes, Jesus died to save you from your sins, but now you better act right or that same sin will condemn you to hell.  This, of course, is a false interpretation of the gospel of Christ.  We're told that Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but that ALL the world should be saved THROUGH Him {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  Indeed, many within the church bristle at the mere mention of universal salvation, that God would desire that all of His children come to know Him and be saved.  In effect, we have passed the Lords judgement unto others by condemning them.  This is not of the Father.  

How, then, should they be invoking One in Whom they do not believe?  Yet how should they be believing One of Whom they do not hear?  Yet how should they be hearing apart from one heralding?  Yet how should they be heralding if ever they should not be commissioned?  According as it is written; How beautiful are the feet of those bringing an evangel of good! 

Paul to the Romans 10: 14-15, Concordant New Testament 

I would say that many people shy away from the prospect of ministry because they somehow feel that they are not well spoken enough to proclaim the Lord Jesus.  To these I would present my own way of speaking Jesus unto those around me.  My own ministry centers around my daily visits to the gym.  What began as a personal fitness journey has become an opportunity to speak the Father into those around me.  Many of the friends which I have made in my time in the gym know where I stand as far as my faith goes, I don't need to advertise it.  A few of these men have at times approached me to ask for me to pray for them for various life events.  I always assure them that I will do just that.  Now, in my days in the church I was not often involved in the ministry training process.  I have not been "Ordained" or have the coverage of any local church.  All of these the church will tell us are essential for a successful ministry.  What I do have are the words of the Father spoken through my heart unto those around me.  I trust in the leading of the Father, and He provides each and every opportunity to speak the word of His Son to those who are hungry to hear it.  It is the Father who brings to me those He wants the word of Jesus spoken to.  That, in a nutshell, is the basis of all ministry.  Not only will the Father bring unto us those needing to hear, but He will give to us the words in that time as well {Lukes Account 12:12}.  Through the words of those who know Him, the world will come to know the gospel of Christ Jesus.  


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Jesus Without Boundaries


Erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst, nailing it to the cross. 

Paul to the Colossians 2: 14, Concordant New Testament  

One of the few simple rules which I try to abide by is to not find myself in discussions concerning religion or politics if I can help it at all.  Granted, among friends and those which I know well, I can bend these rules a bit without the threat of a heated discussion taking place.  However, in the presence of someone I don't know well, these topics tend to illicit strong reactions.  It's not that discussing religion and politics is a bad thing, but the reactions which they often entail should be avoided.  It's no secret that the current political climate in our nation has led to division which some have not seen since the 1960's.  While I was too young to remember these times, history has to us spoken the story of those troubled times.  But why would I include religion in my list of forbidden topics?  Why would I shy from talking about Jesus and church?  To be clear, I NEVER shy from speaking Jesus unto others.  However, whenever I do speak of Him to those around me, I remove religion from the conversation entirely.  For what has man made  religion to do with the truth of Christ Jesus?  That's right, what do the traditions and teachings of man have to do with Jesus?  Jesus never asked Gods children to follow a church.  No, He asked them to follow Him.  I would dare say that organized religion runs from the truth of Christ Jesus.  What is the truth?  Religion teaches us that Jesus died upon the cross and was raised up three days later.  I don't dispute this.  But religion also teaches us that Jesus ascended into heaven and is seated at the Fathers side {Lukes Account 24:51}.  Too many people see this as the end of Christs activity on earth.  That He now simply resides in heaven watching over Gods children.  A dear friend of mine recently pointed out that some see Jesus as the ultimate tattle tale, pointing out to the Father the bad things which we do.  For its part, Christian religion views the Father and Jesus as being somehow separated from our lives.  This, of course, is a false statement originated from the lie spoken by the deceiver in the garden {Genesis 3:4-6}.  Adam and Eve were deceived by the lie of Satan that they could "Be like God."  The truth is, as His creation, they already WERE like Him.  Created in the Father's exact image {Genesis 1:27}.  At least religion got that right. 

"So no, I'm not too big on religion...and not very fond of politics or economics either...and why should I be?  They are the man-created trinity of terrors that ravages the earth and deceives those I care about.  What mental turmoil and anxiety does any human face that is not related to one of those three?"

William P Young, The Shack 

I have a good friend who I refuse to discuss anything concerning religion with.  Being raised in the Eastern Orthodox religion, he often has been very strenuous over my beliefs of the truth of Christ Jesus.  His thoughts are carefully structured to fall in line with the teachings he's learned.  So, when I have broached the subject of the indwelling Christ, which the apostle Paul speaks to in Galatians {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}, my friend vehemently objects.  His position being that Jesus could never reside in sinful man.  Yet it is Christ who has given Himself to remove sin {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  It is Jesus who died once for all of mankind {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Despite the scriptures speaking otherwise, my friend holds to the belief that he still lives with sin.  Therefore, I avoid speaking to him concerning issues of religion.  My friendship with him means more to me than winning any argument.  A dear friend recently made the comment that we need only allow the Father to lead us into conversation with about Jesus with those around us.  I would agree.  My prayer is that the Father would open that door to speak Jesus to my friend without conflict.  Far too many people view Christians as bible thumping, hell speaking zealots who try to scare people into conversion.  This is what religion has given to us.  In my opinion, the love and mercy of Christ has no place in the guilt and condemnation of organized religion.  


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ministry Reimagined

 For not ashamed am I of the evangel, for it is Gods power for salvation to everyone who is believing - to the Jew first and to the Greek as well. 

Paul to the Romans 1: 16, Concordant New Testament 

In the film Woodlawn (2015), traveling chaplain Hank Erwin walks into a racial war in 1970's Birmingham, Alabama where he decides to speak to a team of local high school football players.  One of those players was one which I was already aware of.  Tony Nathan was a talented running back who played for the Minnesota Vikings some years ago.  Yet before he put on a Vikings uniform in the NFL, Nathan played high school football in Alabama.  Braving the racial hatred, the young chaplain Hank seeks to speak to this local team.  Anyone who expected a motivational speech that day from the young believer were surprised when he began to speak of the gospel of Christ Jesus.  Even more surprising was the fact that virtually the entire team converted to believing in Jesus simply from hearing this message.  I've always found Matthew 28:19 to be one of the most overused scriptures in the bible.  Through this passage, many believers took to street corners and many public places proclaiming the word of the Lord.  Growing up, I began to believe that this was indeed the model of "Leading" others unto Jesus.  Sort of like a modern day crusade.  The mainstream church model is that we go out and speak the word of the Lord whether anyone wants to hear it or not.  Is this effective?  Perhaps, but it has also shown that it will alienate more than a few on Christianity as well.  Christians have a long standing reputation as being self righteous and "Preachy" to those around us.  Well earned I might add.  This is why when I speak of the gospel of Christ Jesus to those I meet these days, I remove all mention of the Christian religion from our conversation.  To my understanding, Jesus never hid behind religion as He spoke His word to the world around Him.  On the contrary, those who were deeply steeped in the Jewish religion of His day were often critical of Him.  It was Jesus who spoke of the "Woes to the Pharisees" for their practices and traditions which did not seem to help the Lord's people.  What Jesus spoke was something new and unheard of.  The hope of salvation and forgiveness in the Lord.  This is ministry reimagined.  

Yet hallow the Lord Christ in your hearts, ever ready with a defense for everyone who is demanding from you an account concerning the expectation in you, but with meekness and fear.

Peter to the Disposition (1) 3: 15, Concordant New Testament 

It has become quite popular these days for athletes to profess their faith during interviews.  Many a player has deferred the glory of achievement to the Lord when asked.  While this is an encouraging sign, someone in that person's life had, at some point, introduced them to the word of God.  Whether it be from upbringing or a conversation with a believer, that message of the gospel stuck with them.  These are seeds which are planted on fertile ground {Matthews Account 13:8}.  Yet not all who hear the words of the gospel of Jesus spoken to them will immediately accept them into their life.  The gift unto all is that the gospel of Christ Jesus is spoken to all who will hear it.  My own experience with this reimagined ministry revolves around an ever growing group of gym goers.  When I first began my fitness journey years ago, I prayed that the Lord would give me the motivation I needed.  He provided that, and more.  What He also provided was for the gospel of Jesus to be spoken within the confines of this fitness center.  This is indeed one of the main reasons for my fitness journey.  I don't speak to those around me as a Christian, but as a believer.  Somehow, I've found that the gospel becomes more personal when it is removed from the constraints and traditions of the man-made Christian religion.  When I speak of the gospel of Jesus, I rarely toss around scripture verses.  What I do speak of is what it is that the love and mercy of a life in Jesus has meant to me personally {Johns Account 14:20}.  I doubt that I would find this approach to speaking the gospel in any mainstream church training program, but it works for me.  


Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Faith Of A President


He must be growing, yet mine is to be inferior.

Johns Account 3: 30, Concordant New Testament 

There is no question that the political climate in our nation has reached a fevered pitch.  Friends have been gained and lost and families have been ripped apart all because of our political beliefs.  While we have always had different opinions over politics, in recent years these have turned deadly.  On June 4, 2017, Congressman Steve Scalise was among six people who were shot at during a annual congressional baseball game.  The assailant, James Hodgkinson, a left wing liberal activist, was engaged and killed by capital police.  Most recently, on June 13, 2024, former president and current presidential candidate Donald J Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on his life at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Three weeks after the shooting in Butler, much is still unknown about the shooter Matthew Crooks.  While political discord and violence has been with us for centuries (Remember the downfall of Julias Ceaser?), we somehow falsely believe that we as a nation are above such behaviors.  While that might be so, as humans we're not.  There have been millions of examples detailing mans own inhumanity towards their fellow man.  This is not something new.  After many of these events, a good portion of the nation comes together in sorrow to wonder why we could let such things happen.  Some turn to God for answers.  I used to wonder what the Lords response would be to that question, why would He allow such violence?  I believe that His response might contain the words "Where am I in your lives?"  Indeed I have a biased opinion as a believer, but I believe that a nation apart from God will fail.  A society apart from God will fail.  It is my belief that we are never apart from God, for He is an intimate part of us all {Johns Account 14:20}.  Sadly, there is a portion of our society who chooses not to recognize their own life in Jesus and the Father.  I feel that many people would agree that the faith of our leaders is of the utmost importance. 

If the world is hating you, know that it has hated Me first before you.

Johns Account 15: 15, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I watched a televised interview with Donald Trump.  While he discussed many topics, I was interested that he once again professed his own belief in the Lord.  That he went as far to proclaim his own belief in heaven.  While not specifically mentioning the existence of hell, he referred to those who do bad things as being sent "Somewhere else."  Now, many people will say that Trump is simply pandering for votes (Including a good friend who shall remain nameless).  But I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve and is not at all shy about saying what he feels.  There are definitely times where this has not endeared him to a portion of the political landscape, but that is what you get with him.  With Donald Trump, what you see is what you get.  Meanwhile, his current opponent liberal Democrat Kamala Harris has flip flopped her position on everything from gun control to oil drilling.  One thing I have noticed between these two is that Donald Trump will speak openly of his faith while Kamala Harris will not.  This is a big thing for me, but unfortunately many others do not share that opinion.  The faith of this current presidential candidate and former leader of our nation is an important issue in my book.  With a country of "One nation, under God," it helps to have leaders who know the Lord personally.  


Friday, August 2, 2024

Coming To Jesus?

 "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and losing one of them, is not leaving the ninety-nine in the wilderness and is going after the lost one, till he may be finding it?  And finding it, he is placing it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 

Lukes Account 15: 4-5, Concordant New Testament 

I heard a local radio pastor pose an interesting question this week.  His question involved our own seeking to know Christ Jesus.  Are we seeking Jesus, or is Jesus seeking us?  My first thought, based on years of church theology, was that we were the ones looking for Jesus.  We were the ones seeking the promise of His salvation.  While this all sounds good, there is also scripture which professes that Jesus is actively seeking the Lords children as well.  Jesus has proclaimed that He has come to call sinners to repentance {Lukes Account 5:32}.  Jesus also speaks the parable of the shepherd seeking the lost lamb {Lukes Account 15:4-5}.  Can we really credit ourselves with seeking and finding Christ?  The popular Christian teaching tells us that we are the ones who seek Him {Matthews Account 7:7-8}.  We're told to ask, seek and knock.  Growing up, I remember thinking of Jesus on the other side of that door as I stood outside and knocked.  The choice was mine alone.  Seeking Jesus was something we were tasked to do as believers.  While I understand that we ultimately make the decision to follow Christ, I believe that there is more to that decision than meets the eye.  Jesus proclaims that His sheep know His voice and follow Him {Johns Account 10:27}.  Yet, the common Christian understanding of our relationship with Jesus is based on the idea of separation from God.  We are separated from God, therefore we need to seek out Jesus.  But is this a true representation of our life in Christ?  The apostle Paul would disagree.  For Paul speaks to us of the indwelling spirit of Christ Jesus within us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Not only that, but it is Jesus who proclaims that we are in union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  So, how is it that we are actively seeking He who we are already a part of?  Like I said, this is the common belief of the separation between man and God.  This was the lie spoken by Satan the deceiver unto Adam and Eve in the garden, that they would "Be like God, knowing good and evil" {Genesis 3:4-5}.  

In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

You could say that I have done a one eighty in the past few years as my understanding of the truth of the Lord Jesus has increased.  When I hear of someone proclaiming to be "Seeking Jesus," I wonder to myself if they even know that it is Christ who dwells in them.  After all, who looks for something they already have?  Yet this is also the way I used to see my own relationship with Christ.  This is also why I had difficulty understanding the truth of Christ in me.  So, in answer to the pastors question, I believe that it is God who continually seeks to be known by His children.  It is Christ who actively seeks those who are lost.  Who are the lost?  It is my belief that these are those of the Lords children who do not know Him.  Therefore, I see Jesus as seeking the Fathers lost sheep.  Many in Christianity bristle at the idea of universal salvation, that God would save all of His children.  But the scriptural evidence of this is unmistakable.  Paul speaks to salvation for all men {Paul to the Romans 5:18}.  John also speaks to the truth of all being saved through Jesus {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  The physician Luke speaks to all seeing the salvation of the Lord {Lukes Account 3:6}.  The discontent with the idea that all will be saved comes from our perception that there must be consequences for those lost to sin.  That sinners be cast into hell.  Yet few people realize that it is Christ Jesus who has done away with sin in our lives at the cross.  That Jesus became a sin offering for our sakes {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  That Jesus died to sin once for all time {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  The idea that there must be consequences for sin is not wrong by any means.  It is Christ who has given Himself for us.  The debt has been paid. 
