Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Fathers Leading

 Yet hallow the Lord Christ in your hearts, ever ready with a defense for everyone who is demanding from you an account concerning the expectation in you, but with meekness and fear. 

Peter to the Dispersion (1) 3: 15, Concordant New Testament 

I listen to a lot of Christian radio in my spare time.  As a result, I hear a lot of the fundraising efforts of said ministries.  Of course, I realize that there are costs involved in the upkeep of the programs believers enjoy listening to.  But I also realize that compelling someone to support a certain ministry usually doesn't work out too well.  I admit that I have given in support of a few certain ministries when I felt led to do so, which is all that anyone should be expected to do.  For it is not the elaborate advertising or slick ads that will spur people to give in support of a certain ministry, but through the leading of the Father upon their hearts.  This is also how ministries grow and flourish, through the leading of the Father.  I can recall being in church and listening to one pastor after another speak to the need of this or that ministry.  This was usually a hard sell, telling those assembled that unless they gave that the ministry would cease to exist.  More often than not, this leads to many a guilty conscience come offering time.  Giving through compulsion.  Granted, not all churches adhere to these methods, but the fact remains that every brick and mortar church needs money to survive.  It is also through the Father that many are led to support their church financially.  I get it.  I have known a few of my close friends who took up the reigns and began to develop a following while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.  Although many church leaders may not consider it a ministry, I myself have become engaged in speaking the truth of Christ to those I know at the local gym I frequent.  The thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion to bring this group under the umbrella of a formal ministry.  I have not yet began to do this as I have not felt the Fathers leading to do so.  Therefore, I will continue to develop relationships and to speak to the truth of Christ Jesus to those I come across.  

In whom the God of this eon blinds the apprehensions of the unbelieving so that the illumination of the evangel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of the invisible God, does not irradiate them. 

Paul to the Corinthians (2) 4: 4, Concordant New Testament 

When you break it down, what is ministry but the declaring of the truth of the Lord Jesus.  I am a big fan of The Chosen series which depicts the life of Christ during His own ministry years.  The funny thing is, in this series, we never saw Jesus request donations from anyone.  We see Simon (Peter) selling some of his fishing nets to provide money for his household while he is off ministering with Jesus.  Of course, we also see Jesus Himself providing for He and His followers through more than a few miracles of provision.  But we never see Jesus Himself asking for donations from others.  Why is that?  The short answer is, and I believe that this is one thing He was attempting to teach His disciples, that He was allowing the Father to lead others to help support He and His disciples.  It seemed to work out pretty well.  I believe that the true essence of any ministry is that we allow God to lead unto us those who need to hear the truth of His Son.  I have not actively recruited anyone in my time at the local gym, yet the Father has brought many people to me whom I have shared the truth of Jesus with.  This is true ministry.  Jesus has proclaimed that His followers "Disciple all the nations" {Matthews Account 28:19}.  Indeed, the world will only come to know the truth of Jesus through those who know Him.  And none will come to Jesus unless the Father draws them to Him {Johns Account 6:44}.  True ministry resides in the Fathers leading.  

No one can come to Me if ever the Father Who sends Me should  not be drawing him.  And I shall be raising him up on the last day. 

Johns Account 6: 44, Concordant New Testament 


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