Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Light Within


In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word.  This was in the beginning toward God.  All came into being through it, and apart from it not even one thing came into being which has come into being.  In it was life, and the light was the life of men.

Johns Account 1: 1-4, Concordant New Testament 

My friend made a comment during our recent podcast conversation that struck a chord with me.  As we discussed the current state of ministry and of how we both have participated in this changing environment, he mentioned the "Light" which those around us are attracted to.  Now, I am familiar with what his intent was, but others might not be.  The disciple John mentions this in the first part of his gospel.  John writes that this light was the "Life of men" {Johns Account 1:4}.  Who is this that gives us life eternal?  None other than Christ Jesus.  In the first part of Johns gospel we find important truths about Jesus.  That He was in the beginning with God {Johns Account 1:2}.  The "Word" which John refers to in this passage is actually Jesus Himself.  For all came into being through Jesus {Johns Account 1:3}.  What makes this truth so important is that we have this light within our flesh bodies.  This is the light to which those around us are drawn to.  The apostle Paul speaks in Galatians of the indwelling spirit of Christ in him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  Yet this is but part of the truth of who we really are in Christ.  For Jesus speaks to our union in He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  The truth of Christ Jesus is that WE abide in HIM, and apart from Him we can do nothing {Johns Account 15:5}.  So what does this have to do with sharing Christ with those around us?  Well, it goes back to the comment which my friend made, that many are attracted to the "Light" which we have in us.  The light of Christ, the life of men.  Jesus proclaims that we are the "Light of the world" {Matthews Account 5:14}.  That we should let the light "Shine in front of men" {Matthews Account 5:15}.  I interpret this to mean that we should allow those around us to see the light of Christ Jesus in us.  In my personal ministry of knowing people at the local gym I frequent I have been witness to more than a few people approaching me and telling me that they noticed something different about me.  This is coming from someone I have not had the pleasure of meeting!  So, I am well aware that the light of Christ burns brightly within me.  I do not cover it, it's there for all the world to see.  

"I am the grapevine.  You are the branches.  He who is remaining in Me, and I in him, this one is bringing forth much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.  

Johns Account 15: 5, Concordant New Testament 

In our recent podcast, my friend recalled his experiences within the mainstream church system while doing ministry under the "Cover" of the church.  How the church would control how and when you should minister to others.  I said it to him and I will proclaim it here, THAT is not authentic ministry.  Authentic ministry is allowing those around us to be witness to the light of Christ within us.  True ministry for Jesus is not forcing the conversation, but allowing those around us to inquire what it is about us that they have noticed.  Jesus has proclaimed, when speaking of false prophets, that "From their fruits you shall be recognizing them" {Matthews Account 7:16}.  I believe that this applies to those around us as well in that they will be knowing us by our fruits as well.  As we allow the light of Jesus to shine before men, they will see our ideal acts and should glorify the Father in heaven {Matthews Account 5:16}.  There is a reason that others have noticed that light which shines from me.  It is not hidden.  I also know that it is the Father Himself who draws those unto me who need to hear of His Son {Johns Account 6:44}.  In a world filled with all sorts of turmoil, the Father continues to draw His children to hear the truth of His Son.  His Son who did not come to judge the world, but that through Him all would be saved {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  


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