Monday, September 2, 2024

Being Jesus


For you died, and your life is hid together with Christ in God. 

Paul to the Colossians 3: 3, Concordant New Testament 

More than a few people have asked me how it is that I can speak so freely about Jesus.  Well, in all honesty, I can't.  I guess I'm like that modern day Moses, in fear of how I'm going to describe the Savior to someone else.  Yet, like Moses, I have the power of the heavenly Father who will give me the words that those around me need to hear.  This comes not from my own abilities, but from Christ Jesus to Whom I have been joined in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  I was first introduced to this reality by the words of the apostle Paul in Galatians.  It is Paul who speaks to the spirit of Christ Jesus in him {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  A good friend made an interesting comment to me the other day regarding my speaking Jesus to those around me.  There are those in this world who have a candle in their life, which is their capacity for knowing the Father.  These candles remain unlit until the light of men (Jesus) is revealed to them.  It is the desire of those around me that this candle be ignited by knowing the gospel, even if they care not to admit it out loud.  This is where I and others who have known Jesus come in.  Jesus has proclaimed that we are the light of the world {Matthews Account 5:14}.  Having His light within us, we are called upon to "Let shine your light in front of men" {Matthews Account 5:16}.  This is what I do.  When I talk about Jesus to those around me, I reveal to them His light in me.  It is God who provides the words I will speak in that hour.  So, in effect, as I am speaking the words of His gospel, I am simply being myself, I am being Jesus.  

"You are the light of the world.  A city located upon a mountain cannot be hid.  Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house.  Thus let your light shine in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father who is in the heavens." 

Matthews Account 5: 14-16, Concordant New Testament 

One thing that people will notice when I speak to them about Jesus is that I remove any references of religion from the conversation.  Because Jesus is not bound by religion.  Religion is simply a man created system of beliefs, traditions and practices.  When I talk about Jesus, there aren't any worries of how our performance will affect our salvation.  There are no fears of lingering sin issues to trip me up and fill me with guilt and shame.  For the disciple John has declared that we were not created with a spirit of fear {1 John 4:18}.  For God is love, and there is no fear in Him {1 John 4:8}.  My conversations about Jesus focus on the truth of His gospel.  How He did not come to condemn the world, but that all would be saved through Him {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  My conversations remove the guilt and shame those around me may feel from the mainstream church system.  Instead of knowing "About" Jesus, the Father leads me into introducing others into a personal knowledge of His Son.  A knowing that recognizes that Jesus is not that entity who is separated from us in heaven, but is actually an intimate part of who we are.  This is the Jesus I know and share with others.  Perhaps this is why I can speak so freely of Him, as I have come to know Him so well.  


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