Sunday, August 18, 2024

In Plain Sight

 Now at their becoming affrighted and inclining their faces to the earth, they say to them, "Why are you seeking the living with the dead?"

Lukes Account 24: 5, Concordant New Testament 

The other night I saw an old film clip of the English preacher Leonard Ravenhill.  At first I would have dismissed this as just another mainstream church production.  That is, until Mr. Ravenhill started talking about how Christ came to dwell in us.  In all honesty, I have not heard very many institutional church pastors speak to this truth of the Lord Jesus.  I did not come to my own revelation of Christ in me within the walls of the modern church, but through the words spoken by a dear friend and by the revelation of the Father.  As it was with the apostle Paul, when it delighted the Lord He revealed His Son in me {Paul to the Galatians 1:15}.  This is the indwelling Christ which the English preacher spoke of.  What I find confusing, and contrary to the mainstream church, is that this teaching is widely ignored within the church.  Despite being proclaimed by Paul in plain sight within the scriptures, too many church leaders ignore the prospect that Christ Jesus lives within us.  Instead, they speak of a Jesus who is removed from our presence.  A Jesus who is not seated with the Father in heaven and watching over us from there.  This is contrary to what Paul proclaims about the truth of Christ.  That He gave Himself "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Paul proclaims in multiple scriptures of the presence of Christ Jesus within us {Paul to the Galatians 2:20, Paul to the Romans 8:11, Paul to the Romans 6:8}.  In my mind, there can be no doubt that I am in Christ.  Jesus isn't simply One who I stive "To be like."  For to be "Like" Jesus is to not have Jesus in me.  This, I believe, is contrary to what the Father desires for His children.  The false narrative of Jesus proclaims that we remain separated from He and the Father.  This is the lie spoken by the deceiver to Adam and Eve in the garden {Genesis 3:1-6}.  Adam and Eve were unaware that, having been created in the Fathers likeness, that they already WERE like God {Genesis 1:27}.  It is Christ who came to reclaim the Fathers rightful place within us {Paul to the Colossians 3:3}.  

For you died, and your life is hid together with Christ in God

Paul to the Colossians 3: 3, Concordant New Testament 

I shared a comment with a dear friend recently as we were talking about the group of friends I share at my local gym.  These people know beyond a doubt what it is that I believe, and I have been approached on many occasions with conversations on matters of religion.  Yet, I decided some time ago that I would no longer speak to others in the context of religion, but of the truth of Christ Jesus.  Religion is man made.  Religion bases its beliefs and decisions upon the minds and emotions of men.  Being of Jewish heritage, Jesus removed the strict guidelines of the Jewish faith from His message of the gospel.  One need only refer to Jesus' woes to the Pharisees in order to see just how Jesus felt about the policies of those who lorded over the Jewish temples of His day.  I have often wondered how Jesus would respond to church leaders of today.  Would we hear Him proclaim, "Woe to you, pastors?"  I have often spoken to others who have no idea of the truth of Christ Jesus.  It's something which they have never heard mentioned in a church sermon.  When I mention that I am alive and living in Christ, I get many confused looks.  Again, Paul speaks to this in Colossians {Paul to the Colossians 3:3}.  Also within plain sight of the scriptures is the truth spoken of our union in the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  To me, its obvious that the truth of my life in Christ is one unburdened by man made religion.  However, to others I might simply be another heretic.  


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