Greater love than this has no one, that anyone may be laying down his soul for his friends
Johns Account 15: 13, Concordant New Testament
The comment was made this past week among a few friends of the makeup of the so called "Old Man" which Christ Jesus put to death on that cross. Now, the apostle Paul tells us that it is Jesus who willingly became sin that we would be spared its penalty {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}. We also know that it is Christ Jesus Who has been from the beginning {Johns Account 1:1-3}. So it is that before the creation of man and definitely before sin entered into the world, Jesus has been. In fact, there is nothing that has not been created apart from Him {Johns Account 1:3}. We also know that the fullness of the Father is within Him {Johns Account 14:20}. In fact, Jesus has proclaimed that "I and the Father, We are one" {Johns Account 10:30}. So, is it then fair to say that our old man who died with Christ on the cross was also in the image of Christ? Are the words "Old man" simply a reference to the sin which Jesus gave Himself to conquer? Paul refers to our "Old humanity" which was crucified on the cross with Jesus {Paul to the Romans 6:6}. So, did Jesus die to Himself? Was that humanity which Jesus gave Himself up for already in His image? Well, I can say that we certainly has His fingerprints all over our creation. For we were created in His own likeness {Genesis 1:27}. It is the Father who also breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}. Since it has been proclaimed by Jesus that "I and the Father, we are one," we can assume that it is indeed Christ Jesus who has been in us from the beginning. So, it seems that my friend may have been correct, although for different reasons. For there is a reason for which Jesus gave Himself for the death of our old humanity. That being, that His new creation would be revealed. Paul refers to this "New creation" in second Corinthians {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}. As a result of the death of Christ on the cross, "The primitive passed by. Lo! There has come new!" So it is that we no longer walk in that old humanity which Jesus has vanquished through the shedding of His own blood. We no longer identify with that old man who once was.
Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to still be slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin. Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, being roused from among the dead, is no longer dying. Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God. Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament
If there is one thing that I can say about my friend is the same thing I'd say about so many others who have made the mistake of continuing to believe that the old man was still around. He continues to carry in the belief that his old humanity remains relevant. Nothing could be further from the truth. For Jesus did not give Himself in vain. He did not die upon that cross that the old man would still rise from the ashes in triumph. No, when He breathed His last and declared "It is finished," He proclaimed the end of the old man through His sacrifice {Johns Account 19:30}. Yet many people still live within the lie that they are that vile sinner still needing to be saved. My friend is one of them. I admit, there was a time when I also believed in the mainstream church fed theology which advocates for the resurgence of the old man. I lived a life searching for sins to be forgiven for instead of embracing the new creation I had become in Christ. THAT was an issue with my own understanding, not an issue with the unforgiveness of Jesus. So it is with my friend. When it is revealed to us that we no longer identify as that which has died, but as new creations in Christ Jesus, we can truly start to enjoy a life in the Father.