Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Goodbye Old Man)


Greater love than this has no one, that anyone may be laying down his soul for his friends 

Johns Account 15: 13, Concordant New Testament 

The comment was made this past week among a few friends of the makeup of the so called "Old Man" which Christ Jesus put to death on that cross.  Now, the apostle Paul tells us that it is Jesus who willingly became sin that we would be spared its penalty {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  We also know that it is Christ Jesus Who has been from the beginning {Johns Account 1:1-3}.  So it is that before the creation of man and definitely before sin entered into the world, Jesus has been.  In fact, there is nothing that has not been created apart from Him {Johns Account 1:3}.  We also know that the fullness of the Father is within Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  In fact, Jesus has proclaimed that "I and the Father, We are one" {Johns Account 10:30}.  So, is it then fair to say that our old man who died with Christ on the cross was also in the image of Christ?  Are the words "Old man" simply a reference to the sin which Jesus gave Himself to conquer?  Paul refers to our "Old humanity" which was crucified on the cross with Jesus {Paul to the Romans 6:6}.  So, did Jesus die to Himself?  Was that humanity which Jesus gave Himself up for already in His image?  Well, I can say that we certainly has His fingerprints all over our creation.  For we were created in His own likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  It is the Father who also breathed into us the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  Since it has been proclaimed by Jesus that "I and the Father, we are one," we can assume that it is indeed Christ Jesus who has been in us from the beginning.  So, it seems that my friend may have been correct, although for different reasons.  For there is a reason for which Jesus gave Himself for the death of our old humanity.  That being, that His new creation would be revealed.  Paul refers to this "New creation" in second Corinthians {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  As a result of the death of Christ on the cross, "The primitive passed by.  Lo! There has come new!"  So it is that we no longer walk in that old humanity which Jesus has vanquished through the shedding of His own blood.  We no longer identify with that old man who once was.  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to still be slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, being roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.  Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament 

If there is one thing that I can say about my friend is the same thing I'd say about so many others who have made the mistake of continuing to believe that the old man was still around.  He continues to carry in the belief that his old humanity remains relevant.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  For Jesus did not give Himself in vain.  He did not die upon that cross that the old man would still rise from the ashes in triumph.  No, when He breathed His last and declared "It is finished," He proclaimed the end of the old man through His sacrifice {Johns Account 19:30}.  Yet many people still live within the lie that they are that vile sinner still needing to be saved.  My friend is one of them.  I admit, there was a time when I also believed in the mainstream church fed theology which advocates for the resurgence of the old man.  I lived a life searching for sins to be forgiven for instead of embracing the new creation I had become in Christ.  THAT was an issue with my own understanding, not an issue with the unforgiveness of Jesus.  So it is with my friend.  When it is revealed to us that we no longer identify as that which has died, but as new creations in Christ Jesus, we can truly start to enjoy a life in the Father.  


Monday, January 20, 2025

The Good Of The Father (In Him)

 In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you 

Johns Account 14: 20, Concordant New Testament 

Christian theology is a funny thing.  They'll speak to one part of their narrative while simply ignoring other parts of the scriptures.  My latest reminder of this was in a discussion with my friends over the religious film The Forge.  Now, I admit that I have yet to lay eyes upon this movie, but I plan to soon.  From what I could tell from the discussion amongst my comrades, it's yet another in a long line of Christian feel good movies.  But one part of our discussion struck home with me, and that was the part of the movie where the main character suddenly came face to face with the father he had barely known years after he had left his family.  Obviously, he was angry with this man who had abandoned him so many years ago.  The reason that this scene struck home with me is because I was one of those guys.  I was one of those kids whose dad suddenly decided that life without a family was better that the life which he had created with his family.  I was one of those kids who grew up never knowing if my own earthly father cared in the least for me.  Was I angry?  Absolutely.  But my own fathers absence in my life caused me to make a very important decision in my own life.  From a young age I vowed that I would NEVER  be the man that my own father had been.  Now, this might just be expressing anger in a different way, but it was also an anger which drove me to be better in my own life.  I consider myself to be very fortunate as my mother was a very religious person and she never let an opportunity pass by to show her son the kindness and the forgiveness of the Father.  This proved invaluable growing up without a father in my life.  But I don't consider myself a survivor at all.  No, I consider myself to have been chosen by the Lord for something better than the life that my own father offered.  It's not uncommon for children to follow in the footsteps of their parents in life, but for me that was never an option.  I had seen the grass on the other side of that fence, and it wasn't greener by any means.  So it is that when others start talking about the epidemic of children growing up without fathers in their lives that it becomes a personal issue for me.  

Yet we are aware that the Son of God is arriving, and has given us a comprehension, that we know the True One, in His Son, Jesus Christ.  This One is the true God and life eonian

First Epistle of John 5: 20, Concordant New Testament 

I remember one of the first times that I heard a friend in church refer to God as "Daddy."  This was a tough pill for me to swallow.  For to refer to God as daddy somehow in my mind associated God with my own dad and all of the things he had done.  It associated God with someone who had given up on me.  But I would learn that referring to God as Daddy is simply a way of showing our own affection for Him.  I may have had an earthly father in my life who failed, but I have a Father in heaven who will never leave me.  I have spoken this truth to more than a few people who have grown up without a father with mixed results.  Some accept it and see the truth that is in the Father while others continue to dwell on the issues of the past.  I chose not to do that.  The life which I chose is one in the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  I recently received some pushback from a few Christian friends over the habit of referring to God as Daddy.  Now, contrary to my earlier aversion to this, I have come to see that referring to God in such a way is simply a term of affection.  But, as I once did, not all believers see it this way.  I have no experience with a loving father to compare to the love which God has for me.  In my mind, I have never needed it.  For I know in my heart the love which the Father has for me {First Epistle of John 3:1}.  My life is the life I have in Him. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Good Of The Father (What We Hold Dear)

 Yet He, answering, said to them, "A generation, wicked and adulteress, for a sign is seeking, and a sign will not be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 

Matthews Account 11: 39, Concordant New Testament 

I watched a video recently in which the actor Mel Gibson spoke of the importance of the shroud of Turin, which many have proclaimed contains the image of the crucified Christ.  Now, I can recall being interested in this myself back when I was searching for proof in what I claimed to believe.  That physical proof that God does exist.  Proof that Jesus was who He claimed to be.  Never mind that we have the writings of the prophets and the disciples of Jesus which proclaim His life and ministry.  It seems that there continues to be many believers who seek that proof of God and Christ Jesus.  We see this with each and every artifact we find that we can trace back to the times of Jesus.  The remnants of the ark of Noah also come to mind.  Resting on top of a mountain in Turkey, the wreck of the ark has supposedly been inspected by many a biblical scholar who have proclaimed its originality.  So, what is it about these symbols of our faith that we hold so dear to our hearts?  Why is it that we continue to waste our time and energy in the search for proof that God exists?  It's not just artifacts either, for many in the Catholic faith revere the image and life of Mary the mother of Jesus.  They continue to place such importance on Mary, that one might think that she is on the same level as God.  Of course, this has always been one of the major conflicts that I have had with the catholic faith.  For we're told that God alone is the sole self in the universe, there is none but Him {Issaiah 45:5}.  But the love affair which the Catholics have with the virgin Mary is but one of a multitude of symbols which believers cling to in Christianity.  All too often, we base our faith upon these symbols.  We glorify the artifacts which we discover from the land where Jesus walked.  Many Christians continue to walk the path of Via Dolorosa "The Sorrowful way," which is the path which Jesus supposedly walked to His crucifixion.  Trips to the holy land are celebrated by many believers who desire to "Walk where Jesus walked."  In the end, I believe that this is a false connection to Jesus.  

For His invisible attributes are descried from the creation of the world, being apprehended by His achievements, besides His imperceptible power and divinity, for them to be defenseless.  

Paul to the Romans 1: 20, Concordant New Testament 

After moving to Portland in 1994 I began to search for a "Suitable" church to attend.  I recall driving up and down the freeway and seeing that cross on the hill beside the road.  I instinctively knew that this symbol of the cross of Jesus represented a place of worship.  Again, the symbolism and optics of Christianity in full effect.  In fact, I cannot recall a church I have been in where the cross was not on full display in the forefront of the church.  Some are a simple wooden model while others have nails and/or linen draped over them for added effect.  Believe me, this is done for a purpose.  That is, to remind those who look upon that cross of the crucifixion of Jesus.  While I agree that this is indeed important, I also believe that the cross of Christ should not be our main focus.  I do not see the cross as the end of the road for Jesus, but the beginning.  For it is through His death on that cross that Jesus defeated sin once and for all {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  As He died upon that cross, His last words rang true for all mankind, "It is finished!" {Johns Account 19:30}.  From that point on, God's relationship with His creation, which was lost in the garden, was once again restored.  Through Jesus, we now enjoy our union life with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  Through Jesus, the old has been cast away {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  Our focus should not be on those symbols which the elements and man can destroy, but on Christ who is forever. 


Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Good Of The Father (A Fathers Tears)

 Jesus, then, as He perceived her lamenting and the Jews coming with her lamenting, mutters in spirit, and disturbs Himself.  And He said, "Where have you placed Him?"  They are saying to Him, "Lord, come and see."  Jesus weeps. 

Johns Account 11: 33-35, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up, I was always told that to do something wrong or bad would immediately cause the Lord to be angry and/or upset with me.  So much so, that He may just choose to remove whatever blessings He had chosen to give to me.  Or, He may choose to bring forth some difficult circumstances in my life so that I would be assured of His anger towards me.  This is what I was taught to expect from wrong behaviors.  But in the past few years I have begun to understand a different view of the Father when it comes to His true feelings when I that I have fallen short.  I recall listening to a radio broadcast of the late fire brand preacher J Vernon McGee in which he spoke of God being deeply hurt by our sin (Yes, Vernon McGee still held fast to the church idea of sin).  As McGee explained, in those times where His children fall short, it hurts the Father deeply.  I would agree with this.  See, God knows all too well that we are so much better than those wrong behaviors which we sometimes engage in.  He knows that, in His love, we have a life free of the guilt and shame of sin or bad behavior.  So, in those times when we fall short, it is God who grieves for His children.  I would go so far as to say that we should look upon our own lives as to live that which would cause the Father enjoyment and not pain.  Does anyone look forward to causing God to be sad?  I know that I don't.  I want to live within His love and enjoyment all the days of my life on this earth.  I want to be assured that the Father is well pleased with all that I do.  That being said, I also know that there will be times of questionable behavior and bad decisions.  I also know in my heart that the Love the Father has for me will never fade away.  I am His child {First Epistle of John 3:1-2}.  

He who is not loving knew not God, for God is love 

First Epistle of John 4: 8, Concordant New Testament 

Growing up in the church, I got used to the idea that God was mostly without emotions.  Sure, He had righteous anger, which He would bestow on man from time to time.  But to actually feel compassion for me?  That was foreign to me.  Then, as I began to look more and more into the scriptures of the New Testament, I came across a different side of the Lord I had never seen.  For through Christ Jesus, the emotions of the Lord were being displayed for all to see.  Nowhere is this more evident than when Jesus is informed of the death of His friend Lazarus.  We see Jesus in obvious grief as He arrives at the home of His dear friend {Johns Account 11:33-35}.  We're told that Jesus wept in the midst of His visit.  Those who had gathered there could see the love which Jesus had for Lazarus {Johns Account 11:36}.  From this passage I began to see Jesus in a different light.  Jesus, and the Father in Him, was not the cold, emotionless God I had been led to believe that He was.  It is through Jesus that we see the emotions of the Father.  It is through Jesus that are witness to His love {First Epistle of John 4:8}.  So, it is a certainty that the Father will indeed feel and express His emotions for us.  He laughs when we laugh and weeps when we cry.  It also grieves the Father when He knows that we are so much better than the behaviors we sometimes partake in.  It's not a far stretch to understand that God shares in our feelings and emotions.  For we have been created in His likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  We share in all that He is {Johns Account 14:20}.  The lie spoken by church theology tells us that we were somehow separated from God.  This has never been true!  It is simply the lie spoken by the deceiver in the garden {Genesis 3:1-7}.  The truth of our union in the Father is that we live each and every day in Him.  We share in all who He is.  This is our relationship in Him. 


Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Living A Lie)


Then the eyes of both of them were unclosed, and they realized that they were naked.  So they sewed fig leaves together and made girdle skirts for themselves.  Then they heard the sound of Yahweh Elohim walking about in the garden in the windy part of the day, and the human hid himself with his wife from the face of Yahweh Elohim among the trees of the garden

Genesis 3: 7-8, Concordant Old Testament 

I had a conversation with a church going friend of mine the other day.  It began totally innocent, as I overheard her talking with another about how much it was that they enjoyed the recent dog and pony show church service.  During the course of our conversation, I asked her if she believed that Jesus Christ died for the forgiveness of sin.  She agreed that He had, which is common church theology.  Then I asked THE question all too many believers shy away from answering.  Why, then, do we feel the need to continually  ask the Father for forgiveness of sin?  Well, as you can imagine, she changed the subject faster than Joe Biden forgets what day it is.  I let it go at that.  But I came away with another convincing example of just how the Lords children have been conditioned to live within the lie that the mainstream church continues to preach.  Now, I know that there will be many who will take one look at this post and brand me a blasphemer or even worse.  But how it is that I can be a blasphemer if I speak to scripture?  My friend kindly advised me that I was taking the scriptures out of context, another common defense of the rabid church defending apologists.  But the apostle Paul has made it clear in the book of Romans that we are now free from the shackles of sin {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  In fact, he goes as far as to proclaim that we should be "Reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin" {Paul to the Romans 6:11}.  Yes, dead to sin.  So, if we are indeed dead to sin, why is i that so many believers continue to approach the throne of the Father seeking forgiveness for some misdeeds they feel that they have done?  Has not Jesus given Himself for the eradication of sin?  Do we truly believe that Christ was the "One and done" atonement for the sin of all mankind?  If you don't feel that this is true, then you might just be living a lie.  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him, that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to be still slaving for sin, for one who dies has been justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, having been roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him no longer, for in that He died, He died to sin ONCE for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-10, Concordant New Testament 

I have recommended the words of Paul we find in Romans 6 to more than a few mainstream church apologists.  As I see it, sin remains the stumbling block which many believers continue to endure.  And why not, it is sin that continues to be preached as real by the mainstream church religious system of today.  I remember well the altar calls at the end of each Sunday sermon where those in the congregation who felt the need to confess any sins were encouraged to come forward for prayers for Gods forgiveness.  Prayers for Gods forgiveness?  Trust me, if you were to approach the Father seeking forgiveness for some perceived sin you might just be amazed by His response.  I believe that if I were to come to the Father seeking forgiveness that His response may just be "What sin, my child?"  And He would be right!  For it is Jesus who became sin that we would be spared the penalty {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  So the question we now face is, did Jesus really give Himself to die for us or didn't He?  Has the Father commissioned His one and only Son on our behalf, or hasn't he? {Johns  Account 3:16-17}.  The truth is there.  The Father has given us His word.  Do we trust Him, or do we trust in the words of man?  I believe that this is why the apostle John speaks to us of "Testing the spirits" {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  Man can twist his words any way to suit his own narrative, but the Fathers word is true.  If we're not living in the truth which the Father has revealed unto us, then we are surely living a lie.  


Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Better Than Porn)


Thus, husbands ought to be loving their own wives as their own bodies.  He who is loving his own wife is loving himself 

Paul to the Ephesians 5: 28, Concordant New Testament 

I've made no secret of the fact that in the past I have indulged in the temptations of the flesh.  I have spent many a night in the local strip clubs that adorn the city of Portland.  In fact, it is said that Portland has more strip clubs than any other city.  I don't know if this is true, but what I do know is that it presents many men with the wrong opportunities.  The other day a gym friend of mine asked me just what my favorite part of the female body was.  Of course, I was taken aback by his question.  Immediately, I began to recall all the nights that I spent gazing at women.  But that was then.  I'm guessing that my comrade expected me to regale him with a few examples of what I enjoyed about the female anatomy.  So, imagine his surprise when I didn't take the bait but declared that I had come to enjoy not only the female form, but her heart and mind as well.  See, my friend comes from the place where I used to be.  A place where a womans body is the main focal point of her attraction.  While you might agree with him, try mentioning that to any female that you know and see how that works out for you.  For in my experience, a woman may enjoy the attention given to her physical appearance, any man who focuses solely on that attribute will more than likely be in for an argument he isn't prepared for.  Again, I've been there.  When my friend asked me what I found so useful about a womans heart and mind (Being oh so careful not to offend any women who might be standing nearby), I explained to him that it is in her heart and mind that you will truly know her.  One of the most important passages on how it is that men should view a woman was spoken by the apostle Paul in Ephesians.  It is Paul who proclaims that husbands should love their wives as strongly as they love their own bodies {Paul to the Ephesians 5:28}.  I have been blessed to be witness to the marriage relationships of a few solid Christian men in my life.  I have been witness to what a Godly marriage relationship is.  A good friend of mine recently celebrated fifty years of marriage with his wife.  Fifty years!  I wonder if my gym friend could ever imagine spending so many years with one woman.  Up until some years ago, so did I.  But this is what pride and arrogance can do to people.  Seeing yourself as someone who takes what he wants regardless of the consequences.  My own father was like that.  My own father lost his family because he arrogantly did what he wanted to do regardless of others.  This is THE one reason that I swore that I would never be like him.  

And Yaweh Elohim said: It is not good for the human to be alone by himself.  I shall make for him a helper as his compliment. 

Genesis 2: 18, Concordant New Testament 

I can attest to the fact that when I indulged in the things of the flesh, that I rarely looked upon a woman as something more than she was there for my own enjoyment.  Sadly, this continues to be the thought process of so many men in our society.  The dramatic rise we've seen in divorce rates and domestic violence attest to this.  To believe in this lie of the deceiver is to believe that man is the prominent creation in the Fathers eyes.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We're told that God created woman as a "Compliment" to the man {Genesis 2:18}.  We're also told that the Father created this compliment from within the man himself {Genesis 2:21-24}.  Adam named his compliment woman "Because she was taken out of man" {Genesis 2:23}.  Does this sound like God gave second hand status to the woman He created?  Does this sound like the Father intended for the man to domineer over a woman?  No!  For when we look at what the Father truly intended the male and female relationship to be we see something wonderful.  It is for this reason that I could proclaim to my gym friend that I admire a woman for her heart and who it is that she is in the Father.  Yes, there are men who will idolize the physical attractiveness of a woman for their own enjoyment.  But to know her as the Father knows her, that's better than porn any day. 


Friday, January 10, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Catching Jesus)


In whom the god of this eon blinds the of the unbelieving so that the illumination of the evangel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of the invisible God, does not irradiate them. 

Paul to the Corinthians (2) 4: 4, Concordant New Testament 

Have you caught Jesus?  That was the comment a good friend made to me the other day after reading my last post of how the Father has been working through me.  His statement of, Jesus is caught and not taught got me thinking on just how the church conducts its various ministries.  Make no mistake, the mainstream church spends a good amount of money each and every year in their efforts to "Bring" Jesus to the masses.  They run the gambit from conferences to video presentations to feel good Sunday sermons.  All of this to bring Jesus to the people.  But there's a hitch.  In my experience, hearing about Jesus did not bring me any closer that I am to Him today.  It was not by the concerted efforts of the church that I came to know Christ as I now do.  The truth of Christ I now know in my heart was brought forth by the revelation of the Father unto me.  The seed had been planted some years ago by a good friend who had shared with me his own experience of knowing Christ Jesus in him.  This is the knowing which the apostle Paul speaks of in Galatians {Paul to the Galatians 2:20}.  This is why I now believe that the Jesus who is "Taught" through the mainstream church is not the One who we now live in union with today {Johns Account 14:20}.  To be fair, I learned about Jesus when I was still attending church.  I learned that He died for my many sins.  I learned that He came for the forgiveness of sins of all mankind {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  I learned a lot about what He said, but I came away never truly knowing Him.  I came away no closer to knowing the Jesus who lives in me today.  I would say that this is the result of the efforts of the church to introduce Jesus to the masses.  They speak and preach and tell us "About" Him, but they stop short of telling us of the truth which Jesus is today.  The truth that we are alive in Him {Johns Account 14:20}.  The truth that it is Jesus who died to sin on that cross {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Instead, the mainstream church speaks to sin standing in our way of knowing Christ Jesus.  This has been the theology spoken by the church for centuries.  That Jesus died upon the cross for the cleansing of sin, but that same sin now stands in our way of having a relationship with He and the Father.  Anyone else see the contradiction in this teaching?  This is why Jesus is not taught...but caught.  

Religion has actually convinced people that there is a invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money

~George Carlin~ 

There is a saying out there about those who have been through the ranks of the college system.  Some see these graduates as being "Book smart."  They know plenty about the materials they studied in school, but know precious little about the world they are now entering into.  I suggest that these are the same followers of Jesus that our mainstream church ministries produce.  They know plenty about the various sermons and seminars talking about Jesus which they were fed while in church.  However, when it comes to knowing the truth of the living Christ today they are often clueless.  I know this by the blank stares I get from so called Christians when I attempt to relate to them what it is I believe in.  Their understanding cannot comprehend that Jesus could be united with sinners.  I don't blame them, for they were simply fed the lies.  The fault for this falls on the religious system that is the mainstream church.  Anyone who has read my posts knows all too well that I don't pull any punches in my critique of the church.  For good reason.  The church often celebrates Jesus' "Woes to the Pharisees," where Jesus calls out the misdeeds of the religious leaders of His day.  I wonder what His reaction would be to the religious system of todays church.  Would we see Jesus speaking out against the "Woes of the church?"  Well, the answer to that can be found in the book of "The unveiling of Jesus Christ" (Revelation).  It is here where God speaks against the evils of the church (More on that later).  If you've never known a relationship with Christ Jesus, there's still a chance for you to "catch" Him.  Understand that Jesus gave Himself for the death of all sin {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Know that sin is no longer a barrier between you and He, as He has given Himself as a sacrifice "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Above all, know that being "Book smart" in Jesus has never produced a relationship in Him.  


Thursday, January 9, 2025

From The Inside


Now it is eonian life that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou dost commission, Jesus Christ 

Johns Account 17: 3, Concordant New Testament 

A good friend made the comment the other day that I had been witness to the Lord working through me.  I had to agree.  In fact, I was the one who originally wrote to him with my experiences within a group of men at my local gym.  These guys are a mixed bag, some are believers while others still have not been introduced to the Father.  The amazing thing is that I have never made it a secret about what my religious beliefs are.  What you see is what you get with me.  I don't arrive at the gym with a bible in hand ready to steadfastly argue my faith like some rabid apologist.  No, I enter into this arena like any other person, simply to do my work.  Whatever happens after that is simply the Father working through me.  I have seen God doing some pretty amazing things in my time there.  But, that's what He does right?  I've referred to this as my ministry, and I have no doubt that it has become just that.  Traditional ministry has always been looked upon as mainstream church endorsed door knocking.  Members of a church congregation going out into a community and speaking the word of the Lord to the supposedly "unsaved."  The issue with this approach is that most people can see them coming a mile away.  For instead of engaging with people from equal ground, many involved in the church ministry present themselves as somehow "Holier than thou" in their approach to those they perceive as unchurched.  Their mission is clear, to speak the salvation of the Lord Jesus before these heathens end up in hell.  I always cringed at this approach.  Because if Christ Jesus has indeed bled and died on that cross for the forgiveness of sins, why do these church based ministries look upon those outside the church as sinners?  Is the intent really to bring others into the salvation of Jesus, or to add to the fiscal coffers of the church?  In most churches I've been involved with, part of the original intent of the outreach ministry was to draw people into the church on Sunday.  Eventually, this would hopefully equate into increased revenues when that plate was passed around once again.  So, the real question is, is God working through you or are you working your own ministry?  

"You are the light of the world.  A city located on top of a mountain can not be hid.  Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house.  Thus let your light shine in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father who is in the heavens" 

Matthews Account 5: 14-16, Concordant New Testament 

Whenever I think of ministry, I immediately think of the life and ministry of Christ Jesus.  Being a Jew by birth, did Jesus focus His ministry on those of the Jewish faith?  No!  In fact, His detractors criticized Him for spending His time with "Tribute collectors and sinners" {Matthews Account 9:11}.  What was Jesus' response to this criticism?  "No need have the strong of a physician, but those having an illness" {Matthews Account 9:12}.  Jesus knew the nature of true ministry, He lived it each day.  I often wonder what people think of my time that I spend in the confines of the gym.  A professed Christian mingling amongst so many people who are obviously NOT religious.  A professed believer laughing and joking with those who seemingly do not know God.  Well, what is happening here is that the Father is interacting with His children through me.  This is God once again rekindling that relationship which He once had in the garden.  Honestly, this is His show all the way.  All I am doing is what I normally do each and every day.  Yet, through me the Father is reaching out to those who are sick at heart.  To those who need to feel His presence.  Jesus has proclaimed that WE are the light of the world {Matthews Account 5:14}.  I would argue that many more will be led to Christ through those who know Him than through any mainstream church door knocking ministry.  Many more will come to know the Father through those who know Him already.  I am among that crowd.  For it was through conversations with a good friend that I came to know a relationship with the Father.  It is also through me that others will come to see Him.  


Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Good Of The Father (The Man That I Am)

 You will be protesting to me, then, "Why, then is He still blaming?  For who has withstood His intention?"  O man!  Who are you, to be sure, who are answering again to God?  That which is molded will not protest to the molder, "Why do you make me thus?"  Or has not the potter the right over the clay?  Out of the same kneading to make one vessel, indeed, for honor, yet one for dishonor?  

Paul to the Romans 9: 19-21, Concordant New Testament 

So, yesterday I opined about the downfall of the masculine man in our society.  I've noticed this for quite some time and wondered to myself why God would allow His creation to be dishonored so.  In response, a good friend asked me THE question of the day.  Have you ever been angry with God in how He created you?  Wow!  Now, that struck at the heart of what it was I was writing about.  For indeed, there have been those in our world who live each day with the anger of how the Father created them.  Why has He created me as a woman?  Why has He created me as a man?  Why has He not created me successful?  We could go on and on over the different things which we might think of how God COULD HAVE created us.  But think about this for one moment, He has already given unto us the greatest identity we could have asked for.  It is God who has created us in His own likeness {Genesis 1:27}.  How much more important can we be in the big scheme of things?  We not only carry the Fathers likeness, but all which he is!  As God is, so is the man that I am.  I personally do not understand how someone could complain over how it is that God created them.  Anyone who has worked on projects such as pottery could certainly understand that that which is being molded cannot protest to the potter "Why do you make me thus" {Paul to the Romans 9:20}?  When I was growing up one of my hobbies was building model airplanes.  Sometimes, those models didn't really turn out how they appeared on the box.  Could the finished model therefore blame me for creating it that way?  Has not God created the materials for the project?  Has He not given me the ability to construct the model?  See my point?  The apostle Paul speaks a wonderful passage concerning this in Romans.  As Paul writes, does not the Father have the right to make on vessel for honor and one therefore for dishonor?  If we are not involved in our own creation process, what right do we have to protest to God how it is that we have been created?  I admit that there are things about my own life that I sometimes wish were different, but what right do I have to complain to God over this?  He has already created me in the greatest image of all.  His own.  

Who is the image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature, for in Him all is created, that in the heavens and that on the earth, the invisible and the visible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Hom and for Him. 

Paul to the Colossians 1: 15-17, Concordant New Testament 

I understand why it is that there are those who would protest to God over how it is that they were created.  They DO NOT know Him.  They do not know nor understand the love through which the Father breathed life into them {Genesis 2:7}.  They have no idea of the glory which awaits us.  In their minds, they live separate from God.  If there were to be a hell on earth, this would be it!  To live each and every day knowing that you are separated from the Father who loves you.  I really don't blame people for thinking this way, because this is what they are being taught in our mainstream houses of worship.  In Christian theology, man toils here on earth while God watches over things from heaven.  So are we to look upon Him as an overseer and not a loving Father?  I will never believe in that bogus thinking.  Jesus Himself spoke to our union with He and the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  How can we be separate from Him and yet still be in union with Him?  I trust in the words of scripture, not in the sermons of man.  I believe in my heart that I live each and every day in the Father.  When you get down to brass tacks, those who protest to God over how they were created live in His presence as well.  This truth has just not been revealed to them yet.  So it is that they continue to live in the false narrative that they live apart from God.  I know better.  I know the man that I am in Him.  


Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Oh Man!)


And Yahweh Elohim said: It is not good for the human to be alone by himself.  I shall make for him a helper as his compliment. 

Genesis 2: 18, Concordant Old Testament 

A good friend of mine shared an article the other day which bemoaned the decline of the "Man" in our nation.  Of course, I was not a bit surprised about this revelation.  In fact, I don't believe that anyone who has paid any attention to the cultural changes within our country over the past fifty years would have been surprised at all by the decline of the male figure in our nation.  This is what we wanted, and this is exactly what we've received.  Some years ago, the feminist movement in America sought to wipe out all semblance of the traditional male roles in this country.  Women were downtrodden and were tired of being seen as lower class.  Well, in some instances, that might have been true.  But I will never believe that the male figure in this nation is as evil and as wicked as the feminists have led us to believe.  Now, we live in a country where the traditional male is all too often looked down upon and scrutinized.  Words such as sexist and misogynist have entered our vocabulary.  Being a traditional man has now become a bad thing.  Again, this is what we ourselves have wrought.  But what is it that God Himself sees in this situation?  How is it that God sees the role of the man and woman in society.  Well, all we need to do is to look upon the scriptures to see the Fathers original intent for His creation.  God has proclaimed that "I shall make for him a helper as his compliment" {Genesis 2:18}.  And it has been written, that the woman will be a compliment to the man.  This has been the Fathers intent for us from the beginning.  God never said that the man was too power hungry, sexist or masculine.  In fact, it is that masculinity which is part of the original blueprint of the Lords creation.  Men are strong, men engage in that which is more physical than women.  On the other hand, men are all too often criticized for not being emotional or showing their inner feelings very well.  That is for good reason, this is the womans arena.  Just as God created men to be strong and physical, He also created the woman to be his compliment in life.  It is the woman who, knowing that he does not show his feelings well, helps him through this.  Only those who have been in a traditional marriage relationship may understand this dynamic between a man and a woman.  I have been blessed in my life to be witness to more than a few marriage relationships between Godly people.  In each of them, the man is not domineering and it is the woman who is the compliment to that relationship.  

Then Yahweh Elohim caused a stupor to fall on the human.  while he was sleeping, He took one of his angular organs and closed up the flesh over its place.  Yahweh Elohim built the angular organ that He had taken from the human into a woman and brought her to the human.  The human said: This time it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.  This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man. 

Genesis 2: 21-23, Concordant Old Testament 

Upon His creation, God granted to Adam (The human) the task of naming the creatures which the Lord had created {Genesis 2:19-20}.  It is interesting, then, that when the Father brings His creation unto Adam for the first time that he decides what to call her.  Adam proclaims "This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man" {Genesis 2:23}.  Despite being in a deep sleep brought on by the Lord, Adam seems to be aware of the events which have brought this comparable helper unto him.  She is now woman, as she was taken from man.  Like it or not, this is the truth of the creation of the female.  Perhaps that is what pissed off those feminists, that God would create the woman to be a compliment to man.  They feel that the deck was stacked against them from the beginning.  However, I've learned to never question that which the Lord has brought forth.  The Lords intent in creating the woman was never to cause discord in His creation.  Yet this is what we have brought upon ourselves.  Keep in mind that this was never His intention.  We see the Fathers true desire through His creation.  Yes, He has allowed events to unfold which seem to undermine that which He has created, but His original intent for His creation remains clear.  His intention for the woman of His creation is to be a helper comparable to her mate.  The feminists might try to rewrite history, but they will never undue that which God has created.  


Friday, January 3, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Taking Credence)


"And there is no salvation in any other one, for neither is there any other name, given under heaven among men, in which we must be saved"

Acts of the Apostles 4: 12, Concordant New Testament 

By definition, a creed is defined as a system of belief, principles or opinions.  But few Christians are aware that the very faith in which they believe has been structured from the earliest centuries.  Also known as the Creed of Constantinople, the Nicene creed is described as "Statement of belief" in Nicene Christianity.  The creed is part of a profession of faith required of those in important functions within the Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran churches.  But I believe that its influences have permeated most if not all of modern Christianity as we know it.  Before the creation of the Nicene Creed, various theological differences arose in those who professed to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus.  This was, in my mind, to be expected.  Even today, new churches spring up constantly due to someone's disagreement with how their own church operates.  I have a friend who proudly proclaims that he was kicked out of his church some years ago for challenging what was being taught there.  I believe that this was how it was in the days before the creation of the Nicene Creed.  The emperor Constantine is known as the one who assembled the council of Nicaea in order to resolve the disputes in the Christian belief which he, as emperor, believed in.  It was also feared that if allowed to continue, that these disputes would somehow destabilize the empire of emperor Constantine.  And that simply couldn't happen.  So it is that Constantine intervened and set forth a common system of beliefs which all believers would attest to.  This included the reference to "One God, the Almighty" and as Christ Jesus as the "Son of God."  In effect, this Nicene Creed set forth a statement of beliefs which all churches would adhere to.  So it is that the statement of beliefs which we continue to see in churches today is an adaptation of that council of Nicaea long ago.  

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are of God, for many false prophets have come out into the world 

First Epistle of John 4: 1, Concordant New Testament 

I remember seeing "Statements of Faith" in a few of the churches which I have been involved in.  Basically, they were testaments of what was believed and taught within the walls of that church.  I have even known many Christians who have based their choice of churches to attend solely upon a churches statement of faith.  But here's my take on this, these statements have not changed in thousands of years!  In other words, if you've seen one you've seen them all.  The purpose of the Council of Nicaea was to CONFORM the beliefs of the Christian religion into one set system of beliefs...or creed.  I would say, mission accomplished in that regard!  Yet then I look upon the words of the apostle John, who proclaims that we should "Test the spirits to see if they are of God" {First Epistle of John 4:1}.  Is this to include the spirits of those who adhere to the Nicene creed?  In my experience, the teachings of the mainstream church have fallen far short of the truth we find in the Father.  The fact that the church continues to speak to the existence of sin when the apostle Paul clearly proclaims that Christ has already paid that penalty for us {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  Are we to proclaim Paul a liar?  And, speaking of the sin issue, Paul has also written that Jesus indeed died to sin "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  You speak of sin, yet it is Christ Jesus who has given Himself on the cross that sin be abolished once and for all!  Believe me, this contradiction between the scriptures and church teachings caused me more than my share of confusion.  There are indeed many contradictions in the creed of Nicaea, but the sin issue is one that many believers continue to lose their way on.  The Nicene creed does not mention it, but the reality is that we live in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  For me, I will trust in the word of the Father over a dead emperor any day.  

Religion has actually convinced people that there is a invisible man living in the sky watching everything you do, every minute of every day.  And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.  And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!  But he loves you.  He loves you, and he needs money.  He always needs money.  He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow he just can't handle money. 

George Carlin 


Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Chasing The Dead)


With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; no longer I, but living in me is Christ.  Now that which I am now living in the flesh, I am living in the faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives Himself up for me.

Paul to the Galatians 2: 20, Concordant New Testament 

Most kids, when growing up, have a pretty good idea of what they want to be when they get older.  Be it a fireman or a pilot, many young people began thinking about future plans from an early age.  I was no different.  Yet for me, it was more about that which I DIDN'T want to be when I got older.  Growing up I had the belief that I would never be the man that my own father was.  I had seen that movie, and I wanted no part of it.  I had watched my own father disrespect my mother and act out according to what he wanted to be.  In the end, my mother ended up raising two kids on her own while my father tried his best to remove himself from his family.  No, I never wanted to be like Him.  As I got older and became more involved in the mainstream church (mom was pretty religious), I began to realize that the church itself had a habit of remembering that which was lost as well.  From a pretty early age, I began to hear sermons about how I used to be.  Now, even back then, I knew enough to know that my dad was indeed a sinner.  For adultery was one of the major crimes a person could commit in Gods eyes.  But each and every week I continued to hear of how bad I had been.  That I, too, was a sinner.  Was I indeed cursed to be like him after all?  This was my first experience of the church focusing more on who we WERE  than on who it is that we are in the Father.  The apostle Paul points out the fact that all indeed have sinned {Paul to the Romans 3:23}.  I have listened to many a pastor point out this passage as they continue to convince their congregations that our sins still lay before us.  Yet few of these so called church leaders stop and proclaim the truth which Paul speaks in the following verse.  That although we were ONCE sinners, it is by the grace of the Father through Christ Jesus that we no longer carry that sin with us {Paul to the Romans 3:24}.  Paul knew the truth about sin, obviously those in the mainstream church leadership missed that point altogether.  So it is that the church, despite knowing of the redemption we share in Christ Jesus, continue to preach the existence of sin in our lives.  They continue to chase the dead.  

For you died, and your life is hid together with Christ in God

Paul to the Colossians 3: 3, Concordant New Testament 

Being a late bloomer in knowing Christ, I will admit that I never knew that I had died before.  That I am now living my new creation in Him {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  I've never heard any pastor whisper these words from the pulpit.  We died?  What blasphemy is this?  Well, it's the same blasphemy which has been spoken by the apostle Paul, whom the mainstream church celebrates as one of the greatest defenders of Jesus of all time.  I recall a friend, a former pastor, who recalled that his knowledge of the words spoken by Paul in Galatians 2:20 were but Paul's own words concerning himself.  That Christ Jesus could never dwell within sinners.  Once again, the church chasing the dead.  Are we to ignore these words of Paul simply because they seem outlandish to us?  I'd say no.  For we know the truth, we celebrate the fact that Christ Jesus came and died for the sins of man {Johns Account 3:16-17}.  Did Jesus miss a few of those sins when He died on that cross?  Again, the words spoken by Paul tell us otherwise.  For Paul has proclaimed that Jesus died to sin "Once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Paul knew in his heart that Christ gave Himself not only for his past sin, but for those of the present and future as well.  There is NO plan for Jesus to return again to give Himself over and over for sins which we continue to confess in error.  What's done is done, and Jesus has already paid the price for that.  What those in the mainstream church leadership continue to speak is based simply upon what they imagine the truth to be.  Even so, I've had a difficult time struggling with the possibility that those in our church leadership have been willfully engaging in the deception of Gods children for centuries.  But that is a topic for another day (But, google the Nicene creed if you're at all curious).  The truth which has been instilled in our hearts is that we are no longer sinners, but live a life in union with the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  But I guess that goes against the church narrative.  


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Good Of the Father (All Things New)


So that, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: the primitive passed by.  Lo!  There has come new!  

Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5: 17, Concordant New Testament  

Some time ago, I made a point that once the new year came that I wouldn't dwell on those things of the past year.  What's done is done, so they say.  Indeed, far too many people stayed awake last night to celebrate the passing of the new year.  Even though I was invited to some alchohol infused bash, I decided to pass and spend the evening at home in solace.  After all, to engage in the liquor fueled festivities would be to revert to what once was, not to acknowledge the man I am now.  As the apostle Paul has proclaimed, all has become new {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:17}.  But Paul wasn't referring to new year's eve celebrations, but something far more important.  To put this in perspective, how many times have you sat through a Sunday sermon where being "Saved by grace" is celebrated?  As Christians, we all too often take great pride in the false narrative that we are indeed saved by the grace of the Lord.  I have no argument with that, but when we attach the word "Sinners" in front of that phrase I instantly start to cringe.  For the record, I have had many discussions with believers who proudly describe themselves as "Sinners saved by grace."  These believers are quick to point out that it was indeed Christ Jesus who saved them from their former condition, yet they continue in their belief that sin is a major part of their lives.  Usually my response to such silliness is to simply ask them, "Did Jesus die for your sins or did He not?"  The usual response is, yes...but.  But?  But what?  Either Jesus died on that cross for the forgiveness of all sin or he didn't.  It's that simple.  If the forgiveness of sin requires a sacrifice, how many times are you willing to put Jesus to death in order to satisfy your false belief that sin still exists in your life?  Paul proclaims in Romans that Christ Jesus "Died to sin once for all time" {Paul to the Romans 6:10}.  Paul also has proclaimed that Christ took the sin of mankind upon Himself on that cross {Paul to the Corinthians (2) 5:21}.  So tell me again, what sin did Jesus forget to cover?  

Knowing this, that our old humanity was crucified together with Him that the body of sin may be nullified, for us by no means to be still slaving for sin.  For one who dies has justified from sin.  Now if we died together with Christ, we believe that we shall be living together with Him also, having perceived that Christ, having been roused from among the dead, is no longer dying.  Death is lording it over Him non longer.  For in that He died, He died to sin once for all time, yet in that He is living, He is living to God.  Thus you also, be reckoning yourselves to be dead, indeed, to sin, yet living to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Paul to the Romans 6: 6-11, Concordant New Testament 

I find it interesting that far too many believers know more about who they once were than who they are in Christ today.  Indeed, our former nature which Jesus died on the cross to remove from us is even today still acknowledged as real.  Not only that, many believers combine this false belief with the truth of Jesus dying for the forgiveness of sin.  This isn't even the best of both worlds, but the error in our  thinking that Jesus died for nothing.  We continue to live in the past.  Thankfully, our heavenly Father has removed our former sin condition that He would once again restore His relationship He once shared with His children.  Through Christ Jesus, all things have become new.  We no longer need to focus on the past.  We can now look towards our future in the Father {Johns Account 14:20}.  That's right, not only has Jesus given Himself for the forgiveness of sin, but that we would live in union with He and the Father.  Even so, many believers continue to cling to the lie spoken by the deceiver in the garden {Genesis 3:1-6}.  Their own imaginations ignoring the truth of who they are in the Father.  They BELIEVE that they are but sinners saved by grace.  But the truth proclaims something different.  Through Christ, all has become new.  As a good friend once told me, when Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!  We are new creations in Christ.  
