Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Good Of The Father (Oh Man!)


And Yahweh Elohim said: It is not good for the human to be alone by himself.  I shall make for him a helper as his compliment. 

Genesis 2: 18, Concordant Old Testament 

A good friend of mine shared an article the other day which bemoaned the decline of the "Man" in our nation.  Of course, I was not a bit surprised about this revelation.  In fact, I don't believe that anyone who has paid any attention to the cultural changes within our country over the past fifty years would have been surprised at all by the decline of the male figure in our nation.  This is what we wanted, and this is exactly what we've received.  Some years ago, the feminist movement in America sought to wipe out all semblance of the traditional male roles in this country.  Women were downtrodden and were tired of being seen as lower class.  Well, in some instances, that might have been true.  But I will never believe that the male figure in this nation is as evil and as wicked as the feminists have led us to believe.  Now, we live in a country where the traditional male is all too often looked down upon and scrutinized.  Words such as sexist and misogynist have entered our vocabulary.  Being a traditional man has now become a bad thing.  Again, this is what we ourselves have wrought.  But what is it that God Himself sees in this situation?  How is it that God sees the role of the man and woman in society.  Well, all we need to do is to look upon the scriptures to see the Fathers original intent for His creation.  God has proclaimed that "I shall make for him a helper as his compliment" {Genesis 2:18}.  And it has been written, that the woman will be a compliment to the man.  This has been the Fathers intent for us from the beginning.  God never said that the man was too power hungry, sexist or masculine.  In fact, it is that masculinity which is part of the original blueprint of the Lords creation.  Men are strong, men engage in that which is more physical than women.  On the other hand, men are all too often criticized for not being emotional or showing their inner feelings very well.  That is for good reason, this is the womans arena.  Just as God created men to be strong and physical, He also created the woman to be his compliment in life.  It is the woman who, knowing that he does not show his feelings well, helps him through this.  Only those who have been in a traditional marriage relationship may understand this dynamic between a man and a woman.  I have been blessed in my life to be witness to more than a few marriage relationships between Godly people.  In each of them, the man is not domineering and it is the woman who is the compliment to that relationship.  

Then Yahweh Elohim caused a stupor to fall on the human.  while he was sleeping, He took one of his angular organs and closed up the flesh over its place.  Yahweh Elohim built the angular organ that He had taken from the human into a woman and brought her to the human.  The human said: This time it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.  This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man. 

Genesis 2: 21-23, Concordant Old Testament 

Upon His creation, God granted to Adam (The human) the task of naming the creatures which the Lord had created {Genesis 2:19-20}.  It is interesting, then, that when the Father brings His creation unto Adam for the first time that he decides what to call her.  Adam proclaims "This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man" {Genesis 2:23}.  Despite being in a deep sleep brought on by the Lord, Adam seems to be aware of the events which have brought this comparable helper unto him.  She is now woman, as she was taken from man.  Like it or not, this is the truth of the creation of the female.  Perhaps that is what pissed off those feminists, that God would create the woman to be a compliment to man.  They feel that the deck was stacked against them from the beginning.  However, I've learned to never question that which the Lord has brought forth.  The Lords intent in creating the woman was never to cause discord in His creation.  Yet this is what we have brought upon ourselves.  Keep in mind that this was never His intention.  We see the Fathers true desire through His creation.  Yes, He has allowed events to unfold which seem to undermine that which He has created, but His original intent for His creation remains clear.  His intention for the woman of His creation is to be a helper comparable to her mate.  The feminists might try to rewrite history, but they will never undue that which God has created.  


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