In whom there is no Jew nor yet Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus
Paul to the Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament
Not so long ago, President Donald J Trump was criticized for seemingly degrading comments which he made against women which were caught on tape. Democrats, of course, did everything they could to damage him over these comments. For his part, Trump dismissed his comments as "Locker room talk." In my own experience, I have been around many men/boys who have shared the same degrading comments about women as Trump has, even worse. More than a few of my co-workers have taken to referring to women in derogatory ways as well. Now, I believe that this not only relegates a woman to being inferior to a man, but that her only purpose in life is to give pleasure and obedience to men. Furthermore, the disciple Peter proclaims that women should be honored as "The weaker vessel" {Peter to the Dispersion (1) 3:7}. The apostle Paul takes this a bit deeper as he proclaims that there is no male nor female, but that all are one in Christ {Paul to the Galatians 3:28}. Now, I'm not saying that man has not been created with certain, shall we say, urges which we are constantly bombarded with throughout our lives. However, we should realize that all which we have been created with is from the Father Himself {Genesis 1:27}. It is obvious that God knew beforehand just what we were getting into. If we are all one in Christ, as Paul proclaims, then when should know that when we look upon a woman we are looking upon Jesus Himself. Would we ever even think of disparaging Jesus with a vulgar name? Yet, this is the behavior which far too many men continue to engage in. Be it locker room talk or simply speaking how we feel about women in general, speaking this way of the Fathers creation presents to us a problem. Now, I have not been innocent in this arena by any means. While I may not have verbally degraded women, my own thoughts over them did just as much harm as if I were saying it out loud. I've made my peace with the Father for my actions. So, the question remains, how are we as believers to view e female? The weaker of the sexes? Trust me, in my own time in the gym I have seen more than a few women who could kick my butt given the chance. But I tend to fall in line with the words of Paul, that there is no longer any male or female, but that we are all one in Christ Jesus.
So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them
Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament
Through the years I have been told that when I look in the mirror the image that I see is not my own, but that of Christ Jesus. Knowing this, is it any different for a woman? I would suggest that when a woman gazes into the mirror, she does not hear that she is the fairest of them all, but that she is a daughter of the Father. Indeed, we have all been declared children of God {First Epistle of John 3:1}. How, then, knowing that we have not only been divinely created, but live within the Father, can we possibly degrade His creation? Obviously, this is not from the Father but from our own human desires. As I've said, I've been there. I'm not proud of those things I've done, but I've come away with the revealing which the Father has given unto me that not only am I in His image, but all have been created in it as well. So how is it that we respond to someone who is continuing to disparage the Lords creation? Well, I believe that our calling is to remind them that the very one whom they are degrading carries the same identity as they do. That man I know who has taken to referring to women in a not so flattering way is one in Christ just as she is. This is the truth given unto us by the Father. Nobody will convince me, as some have tried, that their opinions of women are the Fathers desire for them seeing as God is in them. That's crap! The desire of the Father is that His children would recognize their union life in He and Christ {Johns Account 14:20}. Jesus isn't simply a man, He wears a skirt as well.
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