Saturday, March 19, 2016

Oh Man!

"We've begun to raise daughter more like sons...but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters"
~Gloria Steinem~

Recently I was directed to a article by Blaze commentator Tomi Lahren where she rants against the fact that men in this day and age have become "Really soft."  Now, miss Lahren is no stranger to her rants about different subjects in our society today.  However, this one struck a bitter cord with me.  Yes, I agree that men today have become extremely feminized, but it's not totally by our own doing.  While I applaud miss Lahren for bringing this situation to the attention of the public, I am also angered that people have not noticed this sooner.  For there were warnings of this situation like storm clouds on the horizon for years.  The past few generations of American men have been purposefully brainwashed into the liberal idea of what men should be.  One of the archetecs of  this societal brainwashing is none other than Gloria Steinem, one of the founders of the womens liberation movement.  Ok, I'll put it out there.  While some claim miss Steinem was a liberating voice for womens rights, it is my belief that she was just a unattractive hippie girl who was tired of not having men be interested in her.  There, I said it!  While I believe that women have the exact same social, economic and unalienable rights which are guaranteed to us all, I also believe that there is a segment of our population who would wish to deny them of this.

"As long as working women also have to do the work of child and family care at home, they will have two jobs instead of one.  Perhaps more important, children will grow up thinking that only women can be loving and nurturing, and men cannot"
~Gloria Steinem~

While I agree that in the dynamic of childbirth and parenting that both parents are badly needed, I will also point out the sorry fact that in todays America, single parent households are more common.  Having been raised in a single parent home, I know the struggle that this entails.  For not only did my mother struggle in raising my brother and myself, but I struggled without my father in my life.  To her credit, I can never recall my mother mentioning Gloria Steinem nor womens liberation while I was growing up.  Yes, she struggled with income disparity, but sniveling over it wasn't going to provide for her family!  No, my mom did what she had to do to raise her sons.  I wonder just what Gloria Steinem would have done in such a situation?
I've noticed a boatload of books in the past few years on what it takes to be a man.  Granted, I tend to gravitate to faith based publications in this case.  Even then, most of these publications miss the mark.  Yes, there has been a increase in single parent families in this generation, GET OVER IT!  What are we doing about the cause?  Single parent homes are not the cause of what Tomi Lahren bemoans as men getting "soft."  No, for even a single parent can teach a child in the way they should go.  Miss Lahren claims that there are "slim pickings" these days for single women.  REALLY?  When did she wake up and get a clue?  This has been an issue ever since the womens liberation movement hijacked the way we raise our children!  Suddenly it was more important for a young boy to be ""nurturing" and not be a young man.  No, for boys eventually grew into young men who started wars and kept women down!  There's no way we could tolerate that!  I am not afraid to call what we've been doing to generations of boys and our young men as social engineering, for that is exactly what it is.  To call it anything else is to ignore the truth.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV

Tomi Lahren bemoans the fact that there are men today who lack traditional "manly" skills such as changing a tire.  I tend to agree with her, social engineering has brought us to this point.  I feel it's wrong to place blame on the man of today for being weak or soft, for that's whats been drilled into our heads for the past few decades.  Traditional guy behaviors such as hunting, fishing and even working on cars have been attcked by feminists as being "militaristic" and discriminatory towards women.  We've been told time and again just how we are to raise this new generation of kinder, gentler more empathetic men.  Then, when we look  for that traditional man of the past, we cannot find him!  The male in our modern society is now caught in a catch 22 situation.  While we may yearn to engage in the traditional behaviors that boys and men have done for generations, we are often chastised for this behavior.  However, when a man is needed, we wonder where they all have gone!  I would point out that the traditional roles and behaviors of men have done nothing to damage our society.  For we often celebrate other nations and societies where these traditional behaviors have been deeply rooted for generations.  It's my humble opinion that Gloria Steinem and her womens liberation crowd should stick to being  unattractive hippie women because they really suck at social engineering!

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition; and gentleman in England now a-bed shall think themselves accurs'd that they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispins day
~Willam Shakespeare Henry V~


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