Saturday, February 29, 2020


And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority."
Acts 1: 7 NKJV

Some of us can time the seasons pretty well.  We know from the chill in the air that fall is upon us, or from buds on the trees that spring has come once again.  If I were a farmer, I'd need to pay more attention to such things.  However, a friend who continues to remain nameless, definitely has learned a thing or two from his years on the farm.  However, one thing I do know about seasons is that they come and go in their appointed times.  I've never been witness to a season which stayed longer than normal.  As with all of Gods creation, there is a purpose to this timing of the seasons.  It's funny, but in scripture we seem to have gotten a different understanding of the word season.  For throughout scripture we are told of events which are but for a season.  What does this mean?  Exactly what it says.  Although we may experience a life situation for awhile, as with the seasons, it will not be a permanent fixture of our lives.  I have a dear friend who has been dealing with a family health issue for awhile now.  Although at first he was concerned of the longevity of this season, I believe that he understands that, as in the passing of the seasons, that these times shall also pass.  I believe that the scripture is correct in referring to these times as seasons, as I believe that it helps us in better understanding them.  We might agonize over situations we face, but if we understand that it is only for a season we began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I've been through many a season where I've felt as if I was in for a long haul, but in the end I came through stronger.  That's the way God works.  Job, Abraham and Joseph, there are plenty of biblical elders who for a season endured.  What of the season the Israelites endured in the wilderness?  We know from scripture that there were those among them who were not convinced of the seasons of life.  I get it.  I've faced too many of my own seasons where I've doubted I would endure to the end.   We're told that the Fathers ways are not our own {Isaiah 55:8}.  Therefore, there's a good chance that we may never know the reason for the seasons we encounter.  All we need understand is that everything is in our Fathers loving hands.  He is all in all.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6: 9 NKJV

One of the definitions of the Greek word Kairos is occasion.  Other definitions include a "era" and a "period of time."  Again, as in the changing seasons, the Greeks understood that such things were temporary.  There is a reason that the apostle Paul wrote of once again seeing his friends while he was in prison.  I believe that he understood the Kairos nature of his situation.  I believe that were we to instantly think of each situation as a permanent fixture that we would have little faith in He who lives through each and every season with us {Galatians 2:20}.  Yes, if anyone understands  the difficulty of life's seasons it is Christ Jesus.  As Jesus endured until the end His own season, so He today shares in our own life seasons.  It is Jesus who can and does sympathize with our seasons {Hebrews 4:15}.  There is nothing we might encounter that Jesus Himself has not encountered first.  We can also trust that He knows the outcome as well.  Although I might desire to know the reason for the seasons of my life, I trust that it is never the Fathers desire to bring harm to His children {1 John 4:8}.  It can be a difficult undertaking, but we do well to see each and every season as just occasion.  As the farmer adjusts to the changing of the seasons, so we adjust to the seasons of our own lives.  We may never plow nor plant, but in time we will become familiar with the changing seasons.  One thing I have come to realize is that seasons of life are inevitable.  We may never learn to fully prepare for them, but we will know in our hearts that never walk alone.  In time, we will become as the farmer, looking out upon his fields waiting the changing seasons.


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