Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Freedom Of Living

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Romans 8: 2 NKJV

Freedom is a funny thing, because it has different meanings to different people.  This past week our nation witnessed freedom on display as thousands took to the streets and marched that their voices might be heard.  I have no problem with this expression of freedom.  The issue I have is when those intent on destruction and chaos ransack a city with looting and vandalism.  Again, some would call that freedom, I call it a crime.  In Seattle, a group of armed protestors has taken over a six block area of the downtown area and declared it by a new name.  This area is no longer referred to as a section of Seattle, but as the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone,  Depending upon which side of the political aisle you sit on, this is either a expression of freedom, or an act of insurrection.  The apostle Paul tells us of another form of freedom in the book of Romans.  Paul tells us that, through Christ, we are no longer "Slaves of sin"{Romans 6:6}.  Now, I did not really see the significance of Paul's words until I came to the realization of the man I am in Christ.  Many of us know the hamster wheel effects of sin because we've all been there.  We sin, we feel bad, we seek the Lord to express our guilt, we sin again.  It seems that the cycle is never ending.  Well, for those who know their true identity in Christ, the cycle of sin has been broken.  Paul tells us that we should "Reckon ourselves to be dead indeed to sin"{Romans 6:11}.  Why?  Because it is Jesus who became sin so that our freedom would be secured {2 Corinthians 5:21}.  I no longer need to worry about the cyclical cycle of sin in my life because it no longer exists.  Yes, there are times when my behaviors may cry out sin, but is that really sin?  There may be some who would scoff at my claim that I am now living free of sin, but in my heart I am assured that Christ has set me free.  I no longer see my bad behaviors as sin, but a reminder to myself of the man I no longer am.  That's right, I don't see them as sin, but as me forgetting who I am in Jesus.  I'm telling you, that as a Christian there is no satisfying form of freedom than the freedom of living in Christ.  Again, it is Paul who reminds us of this most important realization.  When bad behavior overtakes me from time to time, I am not reminded of the man that I once was, the man that has been put to death on the cross.  No, I now see myself as one with Christ who is in me {Galatians 2:20}.  THAT, is freedom in Christ.

"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8: 36 NKJV

I cannot explain what the freedom I've found in a life with Christ feels like.  However, what I can do is tell you what it is that I no longer partake in.  Gone are the days where I felt the guilt of missing a church service or small group meeting.  For it is not the church or those who attend it who have made me free.  Gone also are the days where I would waste my time in worry over what someone thought or said about me.  Say what you want, for I know the man that I am in Jesus.  I can only describe the feeling I have as a feeling one would get after being held captive for so long and was suddenly set free.  For in essence, this is what Christ Jesus has given me.  Now, I know that Jesus bestowed this gift upon me years earlier, but I simply did not realize the gift I had.  Likewise, there are believers out there among us who share in the very same freedom in Christ yet simply have not realized the gift they possess.  Like me, there is no way to gauge when our own realization of our life in Christ Jesus  will arrive.  In order for that realization to take hold, however, we must first come to the knowledge that, as Paul tells us in Galatians, it is Jesus who lives and not ourselves.  For as Paul claims, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."  I believe that this is what Jesus was referring to when He called on us to shoulder His burden, for "You will find rest for your souls"{Matthew 11:29}.  It is the desire of Jesus that we come to the realization that we are indeed one with He and the Father {John 17:21}.  His desire is not that we should live a life of sin and torment, but one the freedom of knowing we are in Him.  And, if Jesus has set us free, we are free indeed.

"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Matthew 11: 29 - 30 NKJV


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