Saturday, October 17, 2020

All In All

 "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter, you must feel the force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes.  Even between the land and the ship."


Did you see God this morning?  I did.  One of the first things I did today was look in the mirror to see the Jesus who I am {Galatians 2:20}.  I know that it can be difficult to do at times, but a huge part of our Christian faith is our belief in that God is all in all {1 Corinthians 15:28}.  That is, no matter where we look, we will ultimately see evidence of our heavenly Father all around us.  This is the part of God that we seldom notice.  While on a hike with a good friend who still chooses to remain nameless a few years ago, we got into a discussion of where we could see God in our own surroundings.  Well, obviously I could see the Lord in myself and him...was there another way of seeing God?  It turns out there is, which was the lesson he was showing me that day.  My own eyes were not opened to seeing God in the trees, the river and even the air around us.  How can we walk through a day in our lives and not see the imprints of all which God has done?  Believe me, if we dwelled on such things, we would never feel distant from the Lord for very long.  Yet, there are times when that is the place we find ourselves for whatever reason.  More than a few times, while facing one crisis or another, I've wondered the same thing.  Where are you, God?  Well, He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us {Deuteronomy 3:16}.  In the New Testament, Jesus tells us that He will be with us until the end of the age {Matthew 28:20}.  So, how is it that we come up with the idea that God can be anything but with His children whom He created?  Well, a good part of it originated with the lie of Satan in the garden {Genesis 3:4-5}.  For when the deceiver told Eve that if she were to eat of the forbidden fruit that she would "be like God," he was lying.  It turns out that Adam and Eve were already like God.  It was God who had instilled Himself in them upon creation.  God breathed into Adam the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  From the very beginning, God has been a intimate part of our lives.  

Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.

1 Corinthians 15: 28 NKJV 

I've often wondered if Yoda was a Christian.  Many of his teachings seem to fall in line with that of traditional Christianity.  Perhaps George Lucas intended this as he created the series?  The lesson Yoda gives young Luke about the physical reality of the force could also be said of our heavenly Father. everywhere.  I would dare to say that if we are to look at our worst, fear filled moments that we would see Him there with us.  Nowhere, even in the midst of our darkest hour, is God apart from us.  For if we understand and believe that God is all in all, then we must understand that despite our situations He is as close as our next breath.  I don't mean to make light of this explanation, but isn't God in everything?  When we are crying, isn't the Lords imprints all over that tissue?  Oh, here's a good one.  When we're angry, isn't God also in the person we're angry with?  They might not realize it...but He's there.  Hate politics?  Isn't it God who has allowed for our leaders to be in positions of power?  See where I'm going here?  God is all in all.  Personally, I find quite a bit of comfort in knowing that nothing will ever happen that God is not in some way connected to.  There will never be anything that does not escape His notice.  This news should make each and every Christian happy.  Yet, there are still those believers who every day search for this God they've heard so much about.  If you're someone who's looking for God, stop and take a look around you.  Not only is He in you...but He surrounds you as well. 


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