Saturday, October 3, 2020

Who Will You Vote For?


Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10: 31 NKJV 

I realized this past week, after watching the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, that we are indeed in the midst of one of the most contentious election seasons in our nations history.  Indeed, there are different platforms and ideas for our nation which each man represents going forward.  Will we choose the economic growth which has been displayed under president Trump?  Or, will we revert to the tried and true democrat principles of tax and spend economics?  Personally, for me, the choice is quite clear.  However, we still have a good portion of our population for whom the choice is not so evident.  One thing that this election brings is abundantly clear...choices.  In fact, it is in elections where we see not only the positive results of our choices, but the negative as well.  In recent years, a phrase that has so often been tossed around the political arena is that elections have consequences.  I agree.  I also agree that the choices we make have consequences as well.  I have talked to far too many Christians who agonize every day over the choices they have made in life.  There are choices I myself have made that I'm definitely not proud of.  This, I believe, goes hand in hand with being human.  As Gods creation, we are unique in that we were created with that ability to choose for ourselves.  Why is that?  Well, I believe that the Lord desired free will for us.  I don't believe that it was Gods desire that we would blindly follow Him without question.  No, I believe that it is Gods intent that we ourselves desire to be with Him.  Yes, there will be those of His children who will never allow their free will to choose life with Him, but whose fault is that?  As they say, God does not want robots who will follow Him without question.  I believe that a key part of realizing that we have the freedom to choose is how we received that freedom.  Our freedom of choice was not granted to us in some dusty hall of congress.  No, for as our constitution states, we were "endowed by our creator."  The founding Fathers got it.  They knew that God needed to be a part of the union they were forming.  After all, it is God who we are born of {Genesis 2:7}.  

We do not have government of the majority.  We have government of the the majority who participate.

~Thomas Jefferson~

Before I started writing this I looked at those areas of our lives where the choices we make directly impact out daily life.  Strangely enough, politics is a wonderful example of such things.  You can complain all day long about the decisions made by one politician or another.  However, our complaints are balanced by one key factor...did you vote?  Did you exercise your free will to choose?  Is there any doubt that our founding fathers, having been created with the ability to choose, would create something where the choices of the people would ultimately affect who will lead them?  Make no mistake, we did not come across our ability to choose through maturity or chance.  It is by the grace of God that we are created in His very image {Genesis 1:27}.  Indeed, all which we are is a result of what God desires for us.  I asked a friend this week his opinion of the Lord "molding" us into vessels He can use for the greater good.  His answer?  We're already there!  Why would we waste time with thoughts of are we good enough when God has ensured that we indeed are?  In spite of the choices we make, God has ensured that through Christ Jesus we remain in Him.  How good is that?  Right now, I am created by the Lord as His vessel.  Think about that for a minute...Gods vessel.  What is a vessel?  Yes, a vessel is a contains something.  What do our vessels contain?  Jesus.  The apostle Paul speaks to this in Galatians.  For it is Jesus who lives through us {Galatians 2:20}.  But wait, is it Jesus who at times makes the wrong choices?  Absolutely!  Is it Jesus who makes wrong decisions?  Yes!  This is neither heresy nor blasphemy, but the realization that if indeed we live as Christ Jesus, that Jesus shares in all we do...good and bad.  No matter the mistakes we make, Jesus will always be there.  So, who will you vote for?

"That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.

John 17: 21 NKJV 


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