Sunday, October 2, 2022

Gods Not So Toxic Creation


So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them. 

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament 

I've gone through the creation scriptures many times and have yet to come across anything which tells us that God created the female better than the male of humanity.  That somehow man is violent, sadistic and the cause of many of the problems here on earth.  I have not seen that so far in the scriptures.  What I have read is that the Lord created humanity, His beloved children, to be a compliment to one another.  We all recognize that God first created Adam, the male.  However, God was also one to recognize that Adam could not do it all by himself {Genesis 2:18}.  It important to note that God did not form woman from the dust of the ground as He had Adam.  For this "Helper" comparable to Adam, the Lord created Eve from Adam.  That is, from a bone from within Adam as he slept.  We're also told that the word woman refers to her creation {Genesis 2:23}.  The creation history is one which is well known to most believers.  therefore, when someone comes along with a different narrative which goes contrary to the Lords intent, it's pretty easy to spot.  When I say that I have not come across scripture which tells us of the evils of the male of the species, I'm speaking honestly.  One place we will see such claptrap is in our modern culture.  It seems that modern culture has a hatred for most things male.  Hunting, military service and overall strength to name a few.  These days it seems that the narrative is that women can do anything a man can do, perhaps better.  Does this sound like the helper comparable to Adam which God intended?  Keep in mind that this has never been the Lords intent, but mans desire.  We should not get it confused that God somehow has disdain for the children He loves.  It is easy to see why some in society have taken aim at the men of our nation.  Adam was created first.  Men are generally stronger.  Men are generally seen as the leaders in our society.  It wasn't long before women wanted a piece of the action as well.  

In Whom there is no Jew nor Greek, there is no slave nor yet free, there is no male and female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus. 

Galatians 3: 28, Concordant New Testament

I could see more than a few well meaning believers asking the question.  How does God see the man versus woman issue?  Where does He stand?  Predictably, Gods desires are far off the beaten path of where most of humanity thinks they are.  God does not play favorites.  We are all His loved creation.  But I'll take this one step further.  The apostle Paul dealt with this issue as well.  Paul proclaims in Galatians that there is NO male and female.  What?  That's just it, whatever divisions man has created among the Lords creation, this is not how God sees it.  Man is big on racial injustices, but Paul proclaims that in Gods eyes there is no Jew nor Greek {Galatians 3:28}.  So, if there is no male nor female, where do we stand?  I'll tell you where, we are one in Christ Jesus.  All of the differences among us which man has chosen to exploit are not important.  What matters most, and what God sees, is that His children are united with Jesus.  God does not view humanity in racial or gender terms.  This is left for the CNN newsroom.  Our own view of ourselves places us within the confines of race and gender.  However, when our Father looks upon us, He sees only His beloved Son {Galatians 2:20}.  


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